A collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by MICROWAVE JOURNAL, - SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS, ARTICLES RELATED TO MICROWAVE CIRCUITS AND MICROWAVE COMPONENTS This is a collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by five major US journals HIGH FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS MICROWAVE JOURNAL MICROWAVE PRODUCT DIGEST MICROWAVES & RF RF DESIGN code domain analysis on w cdma user equipment transmitters code domain analysis on w cdma user equipment transmitters bluetooth enabled microwave ovens for emi compatibility asymmetric coplanar strip analysis including conductor backing history of ultra wideband communications and radar part i uwb communications ghz lna pa circularly polarized active microstrip antennas history of ultra wideband communications and radar part ii uwb radars and sensors gallium nitride based microwave and rf control devices m cmos technology and bsim rf modeling for bluetooth power applications carrier to interference ratio prediction of nonlinear rf devices multi layer thin film mcm d for the integration of high performance wireless front end systems impact of front end non idealities on bit error rate performance of wlan ofdm transceivers the development of dbs imaging based on airborne pulse doppler radar in china a practical guide to the designof microstrip antenna arrays exploiting filter symmetry cad of a compact monopulse comparator network using planar magic tee junctions for airborne slotted array antennas nyquist quadrature frequency shift keying for spectral efficiency a band for all reasons university engineers team with wireless industry for mutual benefits mems for rf microwave wireless applications the next wave thermal modeling of heterojunction bipolar transistors with pulsed i v measurements a low cost planar filter for ghz applications a four port microwave measurement system to speed on wafer calibration and test design of coplanar power amplifiers for millimeter wave system applications including thermal aspects enhancement depletion mode ingap algaas phemt for high efficiency power amplifiers a fully integrated dual frequency push push vco for and ghz wireless applications metamorphic transistor technology for rf applications a v small chip size gsm hbt power mmic with percent pae a low cost cavity stabilized ghz oscillator realized in ltcc spectrum modeling of an rf power amplifier for tdma signals the use of uniplanar technology to reduce microwave circuit size new dielectric bead for millimeter wave coaxial components a combination monopole quadrifilar helix antenna for s band terrestrial satellite applications interconnects for a multi layer three dimensional silicon architecture a long range view of short range wireless systems on the direct conversion receiver a tutorial high speed analysis and optimization of waveguide bandpass filter structures using simple neural architectures power efficient mmic frequency triplers sige power amplifier ics with swr protection for handset applications complex coaxial waveguide transitions at millimeter waves frequency control in a low voltage wide tuning vco design at ghz two novel radar vehicle detectors for the replacement of a conventional loop detector a ka band planar printed antipodal linearly tapered slot antenna a novel method to mitigate microwave oven dictated emi on bluetooth communications adaptive feedforward amplifier linearizer using analog circuitry mems for rf microwave wireless applications the next wave part ii a new spread spectrum measurement method for satellite transponder in orbit testing a high efficiency bow tie antenna for impulse propagation design of a planar microstrip balun at s band a method of measuring large signal s parameters of high power transistors improved gain for a dynamic envelope tracking amplifier in cellular radio handsets finite element determination of the intrinsic small signal equivalent circuit of mesfets advanced rf technologies for the wireless market spectrum monitored adaptive feedforward linearization a monopole with a twist design methodology for high efficiency active radiator test enables high volume manufacturing design and prototyping of a transimpedance front end amplifier for dense wavelength division multiplexing circuits fast design of cross coupled filter substructures a simple vva rfic design with a focus on repeatability and stability the influence of lo harmonics on receiver performance in the modulation schemes used for wireless communications pll synthesizers a switching speed tutorial orthogonal frequency division multiplex overview design of a low phase noise ku band oscillator using a sige hbt lossy linearizers for reduction of nonlinear distortion design of a novel vector modulator an automatic macro program for radio frequency mosfet characteristics analysis fractional n synthesizers regrowth of data spectral sidelobes from am pm effects and hard limiting linearity requirements for mmics for through qam etsi compliant radios dual mode broadband hybrids theory and experiment implementation of a neural network hemt model into ads a broadband planar isolator using coupled microstrip lines on a magnetized gyrotropic substrate aluminum nitride vs beryllium oxide for high power resistor products planar em simulation of multi chip modules and bga packages an embedded mos model for cmos rf circuit design rigorous analytical expressions for electromagnetic parameters of transmission lines coupled sliced coaxial cable circuit designers an endangered species coping with hidden spurious harmonic modes in the design of low pass corrugated waveguide filters application and operation of a double ocxo optimum design for linearity and efficiency of a microwave doherty amplifier using a new load matching technique a high efficiency low cost silicon bipolar gsm dual band pa module thermal analysis and considerations for gallium nitride microwave power amplifier packaging a broadband four bit ka band mmic phase shifter topics in communication system design carrier triple beats performing transient analysis on pll frequency synthesizers a feedforward power amplifier with loops to reduce rx band noise and intermodulation distortion a large bandwidth t shaped microstrip fed ground plane slot antenna soi cmos technology for rf system on chip applications antenna selection to minimize pointing requirements axial ratio measurements of single circularly polarized antennas externally induced vco phase noise designing a bluetooth transceiver in rf cmos low phase noise sige voltage controlled oscillators for wireless applications a varactor tuned oscillator with linear tuning characteristics a new type of amplitude equalizer for in band flatness improvement intermodulation products for a mixer subjected to a multi carrier signal technology and innovation in single layer capacitors measurement of on wafer transistor noise parameters without a tuner using unrestricted noise sources fixing the curtice fet model two tone vs single tone measurement of second order nonlinearity simulating multi finger hbts the importance of the current voltage characteristics of fets hemts and bipolar transistors in contemporary circuit design calculation and measurement of lock time in a phase locked loop frequency synthesizer the use of intermodulation tables for mixer simulations a distributed amplifier for gbps fiber optic communications systems design of a predistortive high power amplifier using carrier complex power series analysis output power improvement of a push push fet dro by using an additional dr system level filter design methodology for wlan ofdm transceivers design of a circularly polarized x patch array operating in the ghz ism band characteristics of a large bandwidth rectangular microstrip fed inserted triangular patch in a circular slot antenna gain for compressed amplifiers a new planar coupled line balun for microwave applications processing techniques for broadband fifm receivers a ghz polarization diversity planar printed dipole antenna for wlan and wireless communication applications ldmos linearity and reliability q and v band mmic low noise amplifiers fibercom clock timing a review of pll solutions optimizing link performance cost and interchangeability by predicting residual ber part i residual ber overview and phase noise ghz radio system design tradeoffs qfha antennas for satellite radio and mobile phone applications design of wideband patch antennas for pcs and imt service the development of wide angle base station antennas from arrays the receiver noise equation a method for system level design of an rf receiver design of a generic w percent bandwidth c band mmic amplifier optimizing link performance cost and interchangeability by predicting residual ber part ii nonlinearity and systems budgeting design considerations for multimode multiband wlans the design of bandpass filters considering frequency dependence of inverters saw voltage controlled oscillators specifications and definitions for quadrature demodulators and receiver design measurements design advantages of cdma power amplifiers built with mosfet technology reviewing the basics of suspended striplines using load pull analysis and device model validation to improve mmic power amplifier design methodologies balancing the budgets the importance of dedicated software for system design considerations in capacitor pairing to obtain nonstandard part values passive miniaturization si integrated passive devices for rf and microwave applications effects of am am and am pm distortion on spectral regrowth in gpp w cdma bs power amplification practical design consideration of a modified structure for a planar multiport power divider at ghz high efficiency class b e and f power amplifiers the magic of parallel circuits understanding w cdma modulation quality measurements a fully integrated ghz m cmos vco for a wlan applications a measurement based behavioral model for i q rf modulators trends in antennas for wireless communications development of an advanced airborne precipitation radar an rf module design for a multi mode handset a low cost pencil beam microstrip antenna at ghz a ghz cmos power amplifier with dbm output power for bluetooth and wlan applications a wideband and high gain microstrip four slot antenna array interactive interdigital filter design using mmicad software hybrid synthesizer tutorial a method to predict the level of intermodulation products in broadband power amplifiers a low noise wideband microwave oscillator using a tunable microstrip combline filter effects of grounding and bias circuit on the performance of high frequency linear amplifiers overcoming hard limiter suppression memory effect reduction for ldmos bias circuits rf coplanar probe basics pulsed i v for nonlinear modeling gold stud bumps in flip chip applications the importance of phase accuracy in differential vna measurements developing sophisticated models for capacitors inductors and other passive components an adaptive feedforward amplifier for wcdma base stations using imperfect signal cancellation a novel adaptive feedforward amplifier using an analog controller a voltage controlled pin diode attenuator using an accurate pin diode model specification and measurement of local oscillator noise in integrated circuit base station mixers design of a predistorter controlling individual orders of intermodulation using a new harmonic generator an aircraft single antenna fm radio altimeter mixer spur analysis with concurrently swept lo rf and if tools and techniques using guided wavelength as a basis for the design of dielectric rod antennas fast and accurate high power device characterization with a microstrip sol method a gsm standard band selective repeater high speed digital packaging design and operation of automatic gain control loops for receivers in modern communications systems rf test fixture basics design of a mesfet frequency multiplier theory and simulation multicriteria vco design design of a trm calibration kit for the zma coaxial interface using ansoft hfss defense priority ratings know the rules a novel class of high selectivity filters and duplexers in microstrip technology a novel simulation tool for pn junction varactors based on finite difference approximations a reduced size power divider using the coupled line equivalent to a lumped inductor wide tuning range rf mems varactors fabricated using the polymumps foundry numerical fdtd modeling of silicon integrated spiral inductors microwave in europe trends shaping the future a universal oscillator analysis technique that accurately estimates frequency and output power a low power consumption architecture for mobile phones above mhz generating a plane wave in the near field with a planar array antenna application of gtem cells to wireless communication transceiver designs a fully integrated cmos vco for dcs direct conversion receivers quarter wavelength n way power dividers combiners historical aspects and new modifications adding a low data rate radio assp to an ism application cross modulation in a cdma mobile phone receiver the concept of predistortion an equivalent circuit and modeling method for defected ground structure and its application to the design of microwave circuits dependency of iv characteristics of a mesfet device on frequency and electric field design and evaluation of a high selectivity combline bandpass filter a diode linearizer for microwave power amplifiers a deterministic method for optimizing vswr ferrite circulator switches and their applications cad test and measurement supplement recent advances in eda software solutions for improved rfic design flows cad test and measurement supplement a nonlinear model compiler for rf microwave engineers cad test and measurement supplement a two path vector signal generator cad test and measurement supplement awgn generators with precise control of resolution and noise density cad test and measurement supplement w hot switching programmable attenuators the grid amplifier enabling high power millimeter wave systems an actively controlled microwave reflecting surface with binary pattern modulation flash in the plan directed energy weapons remain more experimental than available a brief exposure to ultra wideband signaling cavity techniques for substrate properties at microwave millimeter wave bands a nonlinear circuit simulation model for gaas and inp heterojunction bipolar transistors from design to reality recent trends in oscillator design a k and ka band vehicular phased array antenna design of a mhz dual band ltcc chip antenna for mobile communications applications got you covered low profile high performance surface mount couplers the effects of ip impairment on an a ofdm direct conversion radio system design and fabrication procedure for high q rf mems resonators a fully integrated ghz concurrent dual band m cmos lna for an wlan direct conversion receiver small sized quasi elliptic function microstrip low pass filter based on defected ground structures and open stubs a ghz m cmos mixer for a wlan receiver applications printed circuit realization of a capacitive loaded interdigital bandpass filter design of a ghz m cmos current reused lna for an a wlan receiver using noise for rf receiver built in test applications frequency extension source modules to extend signal generator capability from to ghz trigger capture analyze three steps toward understanding today s complex rf signals noise can be good too automation and real time verification of passive component s parameter measurements using loss factor calculations new behavioral models facilitate fast and accurate simulation of sigma delta fractional n synthesizers using ansoft designer pitfalls to avoid when using load pull contours for pa design increasing rf device test throughput with better instrument coordination cables connectors supplement connector cable and cable assembly survey a compact rfid reader platform for uhf and microwave applications high efficiency power amplifier driving methods and circuits part i simulation and measurement of a c band low noise dielectric resonator oscillator amplifier design using a quarter wave high impedance bias line with a defected ground structure dgs high efficiency high power wcdma ldmos transistors for base stations a new large signal model for a pulse doped gaas mesfet a temperature compensated closed loop overdrive level controller for microwave solid state power amplifiers comparison of coaxial dipole antennas for applications in the near field and far field regions s band high power solid state amplifier design and development high efficiency power amplifier driving methods and circuits part ii thin film barium strontium titanate bst for a new class of tunable rf components predicting the evm performance of wlan power amplifiers with ofdm signals design of a novel balun for a star configuration double balanced mixer at s band leading edge saw filters for short range devices enterprise eda software connects the microwave design flow a review of radiation effects on human operators of hand held radios characteristics of a wide band high gain eight element slot antenna for pcs imt and wll band a low cost rf transceiver for ghz dsss short range communication systems an e d mode phemt process for high performance switch and amplifier components utilizing multi level high density interconnects a thorough rf and microwave circuit design method to streamline the rfic development process potential applications of pbg engineered structures in microwave engineering part i automated pattern measurement for circularly polarized antennas using the phase amplitude method design of a w s band power amplifier based on small signal s parameter analysis a novel power combining network for doherty amplifiers a new low loss laser ablatable substrate for microwave circuitry military microwaves averaging correlation for fast gps satellite signal acquisition in multipath rayleigh fading channels communications satellite antennas with on orbit pattern flexibility making of a robust indoor microwave wireless link a novel scheme of polarization sense diversity an algorithm that accelerates harmonic balance analysis of rfics military microwave supplement zero dbcontournementbugun coaxial cable assemblies for high performance aircraft military microwave supplement smr compact microwave search receiver military microwave supplement military markets thoughts and projections military microwave supplement joint ew reprogramming maintains a combat edge military microwave supplement france s unique horizon microwaves in europe current trends and future prospects potential applications of pbg engineered structures in microwave engineering part ii automating and optimizing high performance ltcc design the analysis and design of a user equipment grade all digital gain control direct conversion radio receiver the design of a dual polarized vivaldi array volterra series analysis of a laser diode predistorter for mobile communication systems design and simulation of a pll for use in a w cdma rf module lux research releases the nanotech report key findings ghz m cmos rf front end circuits for an ieee a wlan receiver theory and practical considerations for measuring phase noise better than dbc hz part i theoretical and experimental analysis of resonant microwave reflection amplifiers nonlinearity test for a fully integrated direct conversion receiver design of a predistortion hpa using a frequency up conversion mixing operation high voltage hbts for g w cdma base station power amplifiers cross coupling in microwave bandpass filters cad test and measurement theory and practical considerations for measuring phase noise better than dbc hz part ii passive sensors using rf backscatter a high efficiency class f power amplifier design technique the versatile butler matrix early verification of emerging uwb and wman radio systems planar em analysis a new standard for high frequency applications remote sensing through satellites high performance wideband msag gain block driver amplifier mmics using mlp technology accurate power detection of a cdma multi carrier power amplifier using a logarithmic amplifier a wideband mmic based feedback oscillator high voltage low cost fets for hpa mmic applications note from the publisher a new year a new look the same mission eumw history in the making lightweight low cost printed antenna arrays a design procedure for a circular polarized nearly square patch antenna effects of the radiated power in a linear inverse scattering algorithm for gpr prospecting numerical results introduction to miniature antenna and diversity combining techniques a compact thin film wlan antenna switching module radar today a study of transition effects in supercomponents an analog predistortion linearizer design design and implementation of a novel frequency modulation circuit using a phase locked loop synthesizer a temperature dependent pin diode model for simple temperature invariant attenuator circuits the effect of high stability reference oscillators on system phase noise ghz mm cmos transmitter and receiver rfics for wireless communications detecting fast rf bursts using log amps the rf semiconductor evolution from single components to system solutions a cad algorithm for rf microwave interconnect modeling a cad oriented approach to design of load impedance and input matching in active transmitting antennas de embedding using a vector network analyzer including calibration and measurement techniques the importance of sweep rate in dc iv measurements transient simulations at rf frequencies connector cable and cable assembly survey planar electromagnetic software amplifier and transistor gains revisited a to ghz high power amplifier using spatial power combining techniques design of linear s band power amplifiers with high power added efficiency a four channel full duplex t r module for multi frequency phased array applications a unified theory for nonlinear distortion characteristics in different amplifier technologies rf power a novel frequency doubler using a feedforward structure and dgs microstrip for fundamental and high order components suppression wimax a standard air interface for broadband wireless access design of a feedback predistortion linear power amplifier techniques for the integration of high q millimeter wave filters in multi function mmic modules an archery target antenna a quasi balanced frequency doubler using alternate power dividing and combining techniques gaas inp and gan hemt based microwave control devices what is best and why characteristic analysis of a low profile post type monopole antenna with dual plate design curves for estimating the resonant frequency and q factor for rectangular dielectric resonator antennas a balanced ka band vector modulator mmic a miniaturization method of parallel coupled line filters using lumped capacitors and grounding em modeling and circuit simulation lead to a solution to amplifier oscillations semiconductor trends in wireless handsets a size reduction technique for mobile phone pifa antennas using lumped inductors a broadband design for a printed isosceles triangular slot antenna for wireless communications latest advances in vna accuracy enhancements a monopole with a twist revisited multi gigabit connectivity at and ghz multiradio yields challenges for mobile phones a brief tutorial on antenna measurements military microwaves military microwaves current viewpoints on technologies for deployable forces military microwaves secure personal communications on the battlefield electroformed front end at ghz for radio astronomical applications millimeter wave satellite remote sensing estimation of the optimal location of metallic objects inside a mobile phone a doherty amplifier with a bias adaptation technique based on sdr transmitter architecture transceiver design for ieee and zigbee compliant systems ultra wideband signal generation industry study on issues of mems reliability and accelerated lifetime testing microwaves in europe technologies trends and prospects the medium gain antenna of the messenger spacecraft a compact ltcc bandpass filter using resonators loaded with spiral shaped open circuited stubs an improved microwave weed killer export compliance understanding itar and ear next generation radios new paths for communications transistor lc oscillators for wireless applications theory and design aspects part i cpw transmission insertion loss on si and soi substrates a uwb filter using a dual mode ring resonator with spurious passband suppression a new class of asymmetrical directional couplers for power antenna control applications experimental investigation of a power divider based on microstrip and metamaterials with l c lumped elements making thermal resistance measurements without test diodes or thermal stages sampling if filters and the return of the superheterodyne receiver transistor lc oscillators for wireless applications theory and design aspects part ii measuring vswr and gain in wireless systems uhf rfid industry growth powered by rf technology passive components a brief history transistor lc oscillators for wireless applications theory and design aspects part iii the influence of the package environment on the functioning and reliability of capacitive rf mems switches rf linear power amplifier gain stabilization over ambient temperature a printed uwb triangular monopole antenna performance comparisons between dielectric resonator antennas and printed microstrip patch antennas at x band experimental analysis of a multi band and high gain open slot antenna with dual reflector a novel broadband design of a printed rectangular slot antenna for wireless applications a design of double t type microstrip antennas for broadband and control of resonance phased arrays and radars past present and future a specialized low loss db coupler microstrip line with a novel broadband pbg structure ku band mmic power amplifiers developed using msag mesfet technology design of a uwb low insertion loss bandpass filter with spurious response suppression building a to ghz a wimax lna on fr material synthetic instruments a new horizon a multi octave open boundary quad ridge horn antenna for use in the s to ku bands real time spectrum analysis streamlines radar pulse testing and diagnostics an efficient interactive optimization solution for analog and rf design microwave oscillators the state of the technology a low profile top loaded monopole antenna with four small posts design of a wideband adaptive linear amplifier with a dsb pilot and complex coherent detection method a ghz m mos complementary vco with differentially tuned mos varactors for wireless applications design of an amplifier using a harmonic termination matching tuner and harmonic blocking bias line the impact of mems on cellular phone architectures radio frequency identification evolution of reader and antenna circuit design synthesis of a planar coupled line marchand balun with emphasis on balance design of a dual band ring printed antenna array understanding the operation and test of a bluetooth enhanced data rate radio high harmonic rejection matching filters for quad band power amplifiers the design of a finite ground plane cross semi elliptic monopole antenna for uwb applications uhf rfid and tag antenna scattering part i experimental results the road from rfic to soc radio frequency identification evolution of transponder circuit design uhf rfid and tag antenna scattering part ii theory a ghz cmos transceiver single chip rf front end for ism band wireless communications power amplifiers for microwaves and rf applications with ldmos transistors techniques of rfid systems architectures and applications periodically loaded sss coupled line filter for second harmonic suppression a dual passband waveguide filter with a canonical structure for ka band satellite applications matrix switches blocking versus non blocking in search of maxwell rigorous analytical expressions for the electromagnetic parameters of rectangular coaxial couplers with circular and square inner conductors a dual band branch line coupler using quasi composite right left handed transmission lines characterization of ultra wideband bow tie antennas for ground penetrating radar systems applications of ce alloys in defense aerospace telecom and other electronic markets the current state of technology and future trends in wireless communications and applications accurate simulation of an x band frequency synthesizer low voltage operation of gaas power amplifiers novel low pass filters using a defected microstrip structure rf power detection measuring wimax signals distortion inherent to vna test port cable assemblies coupled line noise in high sensitivity rf receiver circuits network centric operations and information superiority current trends of key enabling technologies frequency converters understanding the benefits of simple and complex architectures design of bias tees for a pulsed bias pulsed rf test system using accurate component models a practical design of a low phase noise airborne x band frequency synthesizer a broadband double dipole antenna with triangle and rhombus shapes and stable end fire radiation patterns for phased array antenna systems measuring the capacitance coefficients of coaxial open circuits with traceability to national standards eliminating fft artifacts in vector signal analyzer spectra a helical resonator based filter with improved skirt selectivity power amplifier linearization using an indirect learning based inverse tdnn model intermodulation distortion in medium power drop in ferrite isolators and circulators novel microstrip band stop filters based on complementary split ring resonators a novel wideband transition between a conductor backed finite ground cpw and a microstrip line new design methodologies for high performance rf cmos interference detection and measurements for microwave radio link planning microwave noise modeling for algaas ingaas gaas phemts design of microstrip dual behavior resonator filters a practical guide the use of broadband military antenna technology in modern communications systems a ghz millimeter wave cmos rfic on chip dipole antenna a triple band polygonal slot antenna for wimax applications the requirements and procedures for testing wimax equipment broadband design of a small non symmetric ground open slot antenna dual band assembly of integrated short backfire antennas memory effect minimization and wide instantaneous bandwidth operation of a base station power amplifier a low profile multi band u shaped aperture coupled microstrip antenna with a coil

Advanced Microwave Components
Microwave Journal
This is a collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by Microwave Journal

(Move mouse over cell to reveal the entire text where truncated.)
2001-01Code Domain Analysis on W-CDMA User Equipment TransmittersMarta Iglesias-Xamani
2001-01Code Domain Analysis on W-CDMA User Equipment TransmittersK.V. Puglia
2001-01Bluetooth-enabled Microwave Ovens for EMI CompatibilityP.S. Neelakanta, Jesada Sivaraks, Charoonkierti Thammakoranonta
2001-01Asymmetric Coplanar Strip Analysis Including Conductor BackingFranco Di Paolo
2001-01History of Ultra Wideband Communications and Radar: Part I, UWB CommunicationsTerence W. Barrett
2001-012.4 GHz LNA/PA/Circularly Polarized Active Microstrip AntennasS.Y. Lin, H.R. Chuang and T.S. Horng
2001-02History of Ultra Wideband Communications and Radar: Part II, UWB Radars and SensTerence W. Barrett
2001-02Gallium Nitride-based Microwave and RF Control DevicesRobert H. Caverly, Nikolai V. Drozdovski and Michael J. Quinn
2001-020.24-µm CMOS Technology and BSIM RF Modeling for Bluetooth Power ApplicationsE. Chen, D. Heo, J. Laskar, D. Bien
2001-02Carrier-to-Interference Ratio Prediction of Nonlinear RF DevicesHyunchul Ku, Wangmyong Woo, J. Stevenson Kenney
2001-02Multi-layer Thin-film MCM-D for the Integration of High Performance Wireless FroGeert Carchon, B. Nauwelaers, K.U. Leuven, P. Pieters, K. Vaesen, W. DeRaedt, E.
2001-02Impact of Front-end Non-idealities on Bit Error Rate Performance of WLAN-OFDM TrB. Come, R. Ness, S. Donnay, L. Van der Perre, W. Eberle, P. Wambacq, M. Engels,
2001-02The Development of DBS Imaging Based on Airborne Pulse Doppler Radar in ChinaHongbo Sun, Guosui Liu, Hong Gu, Weimin Su
2001-02A Practical Guide to the Designof Microstrip Antenna ArraysRoger Hill
2001-03Exploiting Filter SymmetryRandall W. Rhea
2001-03CAD of a Compact Monopulse Comparator Network Using Planar Magic Tee Junctions fDr. Anil Kumar Singh and Dr. S. Christopher
2001-03Nyquist Quadrature Frequency Shift Keying for Spectral EfficiencyFrank Amoroso
2001-03A Band For All ReasonsMichael Puttre
2001-03University Engineers Team With Wireless Industry For Mutual BenefitsPhil Leslie
2001-03MEMS for RF/Microwave Wireless Applications: The Next WaveRandy J. Richards and Hector J. De Santos
2001-03Thermal Modeling of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with Pulsed I-V MeasuremeHyun-Min Park, Kye-Ik Jeon, Songheol Hong
2001-03A Low Cost Planar Filter for 60 GHz ApplicationsYoshihisa Amano, Atsushi Yamada, Eiji Suematsu, Hiroya Sato
2001-03A Four-port Microwave Measurement System to Speed On-wafer Calibration and TestDavid K. Walker, Dylan F. Williams, Allen Padilla, Uwe Arz, Hartmut Grabinskil
2001-04Design of Coplanar Power Amplifiers for Millimeter-wave System Applications InclA. Bessemoulin, W. Marsetz, Y. Baeyens, R. Osorio, H. Massler, A. Hulsmann and M
2001-04Enhancement/Depletion Mode InGaP/AlGaAs PHEMT for High Efficiency Power AmplifieY. Tkachenko, Y. Zhao, C. Wei and D. Bartle
2001-04A Fully Integrated Dual-frequency Push-push VCO for 5.2 and 5.8 GHz Wireless AppY. Sun, Utrecht T. Tieman, H. Pflung and W. Velthuis
2001-04Metamorphic Transistor Technology for RF ApplicationsC.S. Whelan, P.F. Marsh, W.E. Hoke, S.M. Lardizabal, R. Leoni III, K.C. Hwang an
2001-04A 3 V Small Chip Size GSM HBT Power MMIC with 56 Percent PAEJ.E. Mueller, U. Gerlach, G.L. Madonna, M. Pfost, R. Schultheis and P. Zwicknagl
2001-04A Low Cost, Cavity Stabilized 5.8 GHz Oscillator Realized in LTCCSteve Maas, J. Delacueva, J. Li and S. White
2001-04Spectrum Modeling of an RF Power Amplifier for TDMA SignalsChunming Liu, Heng Xioa, Fu Li, Qiang Wu
2001-05The Use of Uniplanar Technology to Reduce Microwave Circuit SizeKhelifa Hettak and Malcolm G. Stubbs
2001-05New Dielectric Bead for Millimeter-wave Coaxial ComponentsRudy Fuks
2001-05A Combination Monopole/Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for S-band Terrestrial/SatellitCharles D. McCarrick
2001-05Interconnects for a Multi-layer Three-dimensional Silicon ArchitectureKatherine J. Herrick, Linda P.B. Katehi, Robert T. Kihm
2001-06A Long Range View of Short Range Wireless SystemsRichard Mumford
2001-06On the Direct Conversion Receiver -- A TutorialAshkan Mashhour, William Domino, Norman Beamish
2001-06High Speed Analysis and Optimization of Waveguide Bandpass Filter Structures UsiA Mediavilla, A. Tazon, J.A. Pereda, M. Lazaro, C. Pantaleon, I. Santamaria
2001-06Power Efficient MMIC Frequency TriplersJohn E. Penn
2001-06SiGe Power Amplifier ICs with SWR Protection for Handset ApplicationsJoe Pusl, Srikanth Sridharan, Philip Antognetti, David Helms, Anurag Nigam, Jame
2001-07Complex Coaxial-waveguide Transitions at Millimeter-wavesOleksandr Gorbachov, Leonid Kasatkin
2001-07Frequency Control in a Low Voltage, Wide Tuning VCO Design at 2.4 GHzYao-Huang Kao, Chun-Chieh Chien
2001-07Two Novel Radar Vehicle Detectors for the Replacement of a Conventional Loop DetIhn S. Kim, Key Jeong, Jae Kwon Jeong
2001-07A Ka-band Planar Printed Antipodal Linearly-tapered Slot AntennaMeng-Chung Tsai, Huey-Ru Chuang
2001-07A Novel Method to Mitigate Microwave Oven Dictated EMI on Bluetooth CommunicatioP.S. Neeklankanta, Jesada Sivaraks
2001-07Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier Linearizer Using Analog CircuitryAlfonso J. Zozaya, Eduard Bertran, Alberti and Jordi Berenguer-Sau
2001-07MEMS for RF/Microwave Wireless Applications: The Next Wave Part IIHector J. De Los Santos, Randy J. Richards
2001-08A New Spread-spectrum Measurement Method for Satellite Transponder In-orbit TestThomas Kleine-Ostmann, Buy Harles
2001-08A High Efficiency Bow-tie Antenna for Impulse PropagationRoger Clarke
2001-08Design of a Planar Microstrip Balun at S-bandJwo-Shiun Sun, Tsung-Lin Lee
2001-08A Method of Measuring Large-signal S-parameters of High Power TransistorsSeok Kyun Park, Ik Soo Chang, Yun Seo Choi, Jun Won Huh, Young Kim
2001-08Improved Gain for a Dynamic Envelope Tracking Amplifier in Cellular Radio HandseIn-ho Kang, Joo-yeon Kim
2001-08Finite Element Determination of the Intrinsic Small-signal Equivalent Circuit ofM. Kameche, M. Feham
2001-09Advanced RF Technologies for the Wireless MarketYvan Droinet
2001-09Spectrum Monitored Adaptive Feedforward LinearizationJun Won Huh, Ik Soo Chang, Chul D. Kim
2001-09A Monopole with a TwistThomas J. Warnagiris
2001-09Design Methodology for High Efficiency Active RadiatorV. Gonzalez, J.M. Rodriguez, J.E. Gonzalez, C. Rueda, C. Martin Pascual
2001-09Test Enables High Volume ManufacturingErnest Rejman
2001-09Design and Prototyping of a Transimpedance Front-end Amplifier for Dense WavelenJ. Wareberg, D. Kennedy, S. Schmidt
2001-09Fast Design of Cross-coupled Filter SubstructuresDieter Pelz
2001-09A Simple VVA RFIC Design with a Focus on Repeatability and StabilityYair Shemesh
2001-09The Influence of LO Harmonics on Receiver Performance in the Modulation Schemes Boris Aleiner, Oleksandr Zakhalyavko
2001-09PLL Synthesizers: A Switching Speed TutorialBar-Giora Goldberg
2001-10Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex OverviewAli Zamanian
2001-10Design of a Low Phase Noise Ku-band Oscillator Using a SiGe HBTMyrianne Regis, Hugues Lafontaine, Steve Kovacic, Gilles Cibiel, Olivier Llopis
2001-10Lossy Linearizers for Reduction of Nonlinear DistortionSomnath Mukherjee, Mridul K. Pal, Ralph Inducta
2001-10Design of a Novel Vector ModulatorYong-Chae Jeong
2001-10An Automatic Macro Program for Radio Frequency MOSFET Characteristics AnalysisC.Y. Su, S.J. Chang, L.P. Chen, Y.P. Ho, G.W. Huang, D.C. Lin, B.M. Tseng, H.Y.
2001-10Fractional-N SynthesizersDavid Owen
2001-10Regrowth of Data Spectral Sidelobes from AM/PM Effects and Hard LimitingFrank Amoroso
2001-10Linearity Requirements for MMICs for 16 Through 128 QAM ETSI Compliant RadiosJim Harvey
2001-11Dual Mode Broadband Hybrids: Theory and Experiment Alex D. Lapidus
2001-11Implementation of a Neural Network HEMT Model into ADSWillie L. Thompson II, Eric V. Miller and Carl White
2001-11A Broadband Planar Isolator Using Coupled Microstrip Lines on a Magnetized GyrotY.C. Moon, J.R. Lee, S.W. Yun and I.S. Chang
2001-11Aluminum Nitride vs. Beryllium Oxide for High Power Resistor ProductsMichael Kettner, Patrick Biebersmith, Nelson Roldan and Balram K. Sharma
2001-11Planar EM Simulation of Multi-chip Modules and BGA PackagesJim DeLap
2001-11An Embedded MOS Model 9 for CMOS RF Circuit DesignChristian Rye Iversen
2001-11Rigorous Analytical Expressions for Electromagnetic Parameters of Transmission LN. Benahmed and M. Feham
2001-11Circuit Designers: An Endangered Species?Ernest Rejman
2001-11Coping with Hidden Spurious Harmonic Modes in the Design of Low Pass Corrugated Ke-Li Wu and Gordon McDonald
2001-11Application and Operation of a Double OCXOTimo Reinhardt
2001-12Optimum Design for Linearity and Efficiency of a Microwave Doherty Amplifier UsiYoungoo Yang, Jaehyok Yi, Young Yun Woo and Bumman Kim
2001-12A High Efficiency, Low Cost Silicon Bipolar GSM Dual-band PA ModuleT. Johansson, P. Lundin, J. Engvall, D. Uggla and U. Hagström
2001-12Thermal Analysis and Considerations for Gallium Nitride Microwave Power AmplifieBruce A. Kopp, Amy J. Billups and Mark H. Luesse
2001-12A Broadband, Four-bit, Ka-band MMIC Phase ShifterJohn E. Penn
2002-01Topics in Communication System Design: Carrier Triple BeatsHoward Hausman
2002-01Performing Transient Analysis on PLL Frequency SynthesizersDavid Vye
2002-01A Feedforward Power Amplifier with Loops to Reduce RX Band Noise and IntermodulaYong-Chae Jeong
2002-01A Large Bandwidth T-shaped Microstrip-fed Ground Plane Slot AntennaYong-Woong Jang, Jeong-Chull Yoon and Ho-Sub Shin
2002-01SOI CMOS Technology For RF System-on-chip ApplicationsJerry Yue and Jeff Kriz
2002-01Antenna Selection to Minimize Pointing RequirementsKeith Willey
2002-01Axial Ratio Measurements of Single Circularly Polarized AntennasRobert Gunnels
2002-02Externally Induced VCO Phase NoiseDennis Colin
2002-02Designing a Bluetooth Transceiver in RF CMOSBob Koupal, Marshall Wang and Cory Edelman
2002-02Low Phase Noise SiGe Voltage-controlled Oscillators for Wireless ApplicationsXudong Wang, Dawn Wang, Chris Masse and Peter Bacon
2002-02A Varactor-tuned Oscillator with Linear Tuning CharacteristicsMunkyo Seo, Joo-Yeol Lee, Kyung-Kuk Lee and Sangwook Nam
2002-02A New Type of Amplitude Equalizer for In-band Flatness ImprovementHee-Yong Hwang, Sang-Won Yun and Joong-Sung Chung
2002-02Intermodulation Products for a Mixer Subjected to a Multi-carrier SignalAssaad Borjak and Taoufik Bourdi
2002-02Technology and Innovation in Single Layer CapacitorsLambert Devoe and Alan Devoe
2002-03Measurement of On-wafer Transistor Noise Parameters Without a Tuner Using UnrestA. Lázaro, M.C. Maya and L. Pradell
2002-03Fixing the Curtice FET ModelSteve Maas
2002-03Two-tone vs. Single-tone Measurement of Second-order NonlinearityDarioush Agahi, William Domino and Nooshin Vakilian
2002-03Simulating Multi-finger HBTSYu Zhu, Jason Gerber and Qian Cai
2002-03The Importance of the Current-voltage Characteristics of FETs, HEMTs, and BipolaPeter Ladbrooke and James Bridge
2002-04Calculation and Measurement of Lock Time in a Phase-locked Loop Frequency SyntheFlorian Krug and Jean Wilwert
2002-04The Use of Intermodulation Tables for Mixer SimulationsDaniel Faria, Lawrence Dunleavy and Terje Svensen
2002-04A Distributed Amplifier for 40 Gbps Fiber-optic Communications SystemsH. Shigematsu, M. Sato, T. Hirose and Y. Watanabe
2002-04Design of a Predistortive High Power Amplifier Using Carrier Complex Power SerieYong-Chae Jeong and Sang-Young Yun
2002-04Output Power Improvement of a Push-push FET DRO by Using an Additional DRIhn S. Kim, Chisung Jo and Yongin Han
2002-05System-level Filter Design Methodology for WLAN-OFDM TransceiversB. Debaillie, B. Come, W. Eberle, S. Donnay and H. Minami
2002-05Design of a Circularly Polarized 2 x 2 Patch Array Operating in the 2.45 GHz ISMM. Mathian, E. Korolkewicz, P. Gale and E.G. Lim
2002-05Characteristics of a Large Bandwidth Rectangular Microstrip-fed Inserted TrianguYong-Woong Jang
2002-05Gain for Compressed AmplifiersEarl McCune
2002-05A New Planar Coupled-line Balun for Microwave ApplicationsJwo-Shiun Sun and Guan-Yu Chen
2002-06Processing Techniques For Broadband FIFM ReceiversK.R. Sundaram and S. Sudha Rani
2002-06A 2.4 GHz Polarization-diversity Planar Printed Dipole Antenna for WLAN and WireHuey-Ru Chuang, Liang-Chen Kuo, Chi-Chang Lin and Wen-Tzu Chen
2002-06LDMOS Linearity and ReliabilityJed Rice
2002-06Q- and V-band MMIC Low Noise AmplifiersByung-Jun Jang, In-Bok Yom and Seong-Pal Lee
2002-06Fibercom Clock Timing - A Review of PLL SolutionsBar-Giora Goldberg
2002-07Optimizing Link Performance, Cost and Interchangeability by Predicting Residual Kent K. Johnson
2002-0760 GHz Radio System Design TradeoffsD.K. Snodgrass
2002-07QFHA Antennas for Satellite Radio and Mobile Phone ApplicationsJamal S. Izadian
2002-07Design of Wideband Patch Antennas for PCS and IMT-2000 ServiceJoo Seong Jeon
2002-07The Development of Wide Angle Base Station Antennas from ArraysChris Walker
2002-08The Receiver Noise Equation: A Method for System Level Design of an RF ReceiverHyung Joun Yoo and Ji-Hoon Kim
2002-08Design of a Generic 2.5 W, 60 Percent Bandwidth, C-band MMIC AmplifierInder J. Bahl
2002-09Optimizing Link Performance, Cost and Interchangeability by Predicting Residual Kent K. Johnson
2002-09Design Considerations for Multimode Multiband WLANsSanjay Moghe, Babak Matinpour and Drayton Avera
2002-09The Design of Bandpass Filters Considering Frequency Dependence of InvertersHee Yong Hwang and Sang-won Yun
2002-09SAW Voltage-controlled OscillatorsRobert P. Bernardo
2002-10Specifications and Definitions for Quadrature Demodulators and Receiver Design MPing Yin
2002-10Design Advantages of CDMA Power Amplifiers Built with MOSFET TechnologyTetsuo Sato and Chris Grigorean
2002-10Reviewing the Basics of Suspended StriplinesLeo G. Maloratsky
2002-11Using Load Pull Analysis and Device Model Validation to Improve MMIC Power AmpliStephen A. Maas and Ted Miracco
2002-11Balancing the Budgets: The Importance of Dedicated Software for System DesignCharles Blackwood
2002-11Considerations in Capacitor-pairing to Obtain Nonstandard Part ValuesTom Weller, David Markell, John Capwell and Vivi Cojocaru
2002-11Passive Miniaturization: Si Integrated Passive Devices for RF and Microwave ApplDong-Wook Kim, In-Ho Jeong and Jong-Soo Lee
2002-11Effects of AM/AM and AM/PM Distortion on Spectral Regrowth in 3GPP W-CDMA BS PowJ. Staudinger
2002-11Practical Design Consideration of a Modified Structure for a Planar Multiport PoYongin Han and Ihn S. Kim
2002-12High Efficiency Class B, E and F Power Amplifiers: The Magic of Parallel CircuitAndrei Grebennikov
2002-12Understanding W-CDMA Modulation Quality MeasurementsMarta Iglesias
2002-12A Fully-integrated 5 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS VCO for 802.11a WLAN ApplicationsYuan-Kai Chu and Huey-Ru Chuang
2002-12A Measurement-based Behavioral Model for I/Q RF ModulatorsJoel Dunsmore, Greg Jue and John Kikuchi
2003-01Trends in Antennas for Wireless CommunicationsC.B. Dietrich, Jr., R.M. Barts, W.L. Stutzman, W.A. Davis
2003-01Development of an Advanced Airborne Precipitation RadarG.A. Sadowy, A.C. Berkun, W. Chun, E. Im, S.L. Durden
2003-01An RF Module Design for a Multi-mode HandsetJianing Zhao, Xiaowei Zhu, Jianyi Zhou, Jin Liu
2003-01A Low Cost Pencil-beam Microstrip Antenna at 76.5 GHzVictor Volkov, Michael Parnes, Victor Korolkov
2003-01A 2.4 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier with 20 dBm Output Power for Bluetooth and WLAN ACheng-Chi Yen, Huey-Ru Chuang
2003-01A Wideband and High Gain Microstrip Four-slot Antenna ArrayYong-Woong Jang, Ho-Sub Shin
2003-01Interactive Interdigital Filter Design Using MMICAD SoftwarePhilip F. Dindo
2003-02Hybrid Synthesizer TutorialDavid Crook
2003-02A Method to Predict the Level of Intermodulation Products in Broadband Power AmpJ.L. Smith
2003-02A Low Noise Wideband Microwave Oscillator Using a Tunable Microstrip Combline FiGerhard A. Hofbauer
2003-02Effects of Grounding and Bias Circuit on the Performance of High Frequency LineaY.Y. Wei, P. Gale and E. Korolkiewicz
2003-02Overcoming Hard Limiter SuppressionFrank Amoroso
2003-02Memory Effect Reduction for LDMOS Bias CircuitsAntoine Rabany
2003-03RF Coplanar Probe BasicsScott Wartenberg
2003-03Pulsed I-V for Nonlinear ModelingL. Dunleavy, W. Clausen and T. Weller
2003-03Gold Stud Bumps in Flip-chip ApplicationsJerry Jordan
2003-03The Importance of Phase Accuracy in Differential VNA MeasurementsDavid Vondran
2003-03Developing Sophisticated Models for Capacitors, Inductors and Other Passive CompGregory L. Amorese
2003-04An Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier for WCDMA Base Stations Using Imperfect SignalYoung Yun Woo, Youngoo Yang, Jaehyok Yi, Joongjin Nam, Jeonghyeon Cha and Bumman
2003-04A Novel Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier Using an Analog ControllerYong-Chae Jeong, Young-Jean Song, In-Ju Oh and Chul-Dong Kim
2003-04A Voltage-controlled PIN Diode Attenuator Using an Accurate PIN Diode ModelByung-Jun Jang, In-Bok Yom and Moon-Que Lee
2003-04Specification and Measurement of Local Oscillator Noise in Integrated Circuit BaKathiravan Krishnamurthi and Stephen P. Jurgiel
2003-04Design of a Predistorter Controlling Individual Orders of Intermodulation Using Sang Won Kim, Han Yu Cho, Young Kim, Ik Soo Chang and Won Woo Lee
2003-05An Aircraft Single-antenna FM Radio AltimeterLeo G. Maloratsky
2003-05Mixer Spur Analysis with Concurrently Swept LO, RF and IF: Tools and TechniquesDaniel Gandhi and Christopher Lyons
2003-05Using Guided Wavelength as a Basis for the Design of Dielectric Rod AntennasCarl L. Everett
2003-05Fast and Accurate High Power Device Characterization with a Microstrip SOL MethoPierre Bertram
2003-05A GSM Standard Band Selective RepeaterTsang-Yen Hsieh and Nai-Chueh Wang
2003-05High Speed Digital PackagingAlan Lindner
2003-05Design and Operation of Automatic Gain Control Loops for Receivers in Modern ComDana Whitlow
2003-06RF Test Fixture BasicsScott Wartenberg
2003-06Design of a MESFET Frequency Multiplier - Theory and SimulationAnurag Bhargava
2003-06Multicriteria VCO DesignYuriy Kitaev and Aleksey Shulga
2003-06Design of a TRM Calibration Kit for the ZMA Coaxial Interface Using Ansoft HFSSClara E. Centeno-Calero
2003-06Defense Priority Ratings: Know the RulesShawn Cheadle
2003-07A Novel Class of High Selectivity Filters and Duplexers in Microstrip TechnologyGiuseppe Macchiarella and Alberto Bovatti
2003-07A Novel Simulation Tool for PN Junction Varactors Based on Finite Difference AppN. Sainz, I. Gutierrez, A. Muñoz, J. de Nó, E. Hernández and A. Garciá-Alonso
2003-07A Reduced-size Power Divider Using the Coupled Line Equivalent to a Lumped InducIn-Ho Kang and Jin-San Park
2003-08Wide Tuning Range RF-MEMS Varactors Fabricated Using the PolyMUMPs FoundryT.K. Tsang, M.N. El-Gamal, W.S. Best, H.J. De Los Santos
2003-08Numerical FDTD Modeling of Silicon Integrated Spiral InductorsF. Alimenti, G. Stopponi, V. Palazzari, P. Placidi, L. Roselli, A. Scorzoni and
2003-09Microwave in Europe: Trends Shaping the FutureRichard Mumford
2003-09A Universal Oscillator Analysis Technique that Accurately Estimates Frequency anGerhard A. Hofbauer
2003-09A Low Power Consumption Architecture for Mobile Phones Above 1800 MHzE. Géron and J. Lewiner
2003-09Generating a Plane Wave in the Near Field with a Planar Array AntennaRandy Haupti
2003-09Application of GTEM Cells to Wireless Communication Transceiver DesignsPing Hui
2003-09A Fully Integrated CMOS VCO for DCS-1800 Direct Conversion ReceiversE. Hernández, R. Berenguer, J. Aguilera, J. Ibarguren and I. Gutierrez
2003-09Quarter-wavelength N-way Power Dividers/Combiners: Historical Aspects and New MoLeo G. Maloratsky and Simon Y. London
2003-10Adding a Low Data Rate Radio ASSP to an ISM ApplicationCarl Falcon
2003-10Cross-modulation in a CDMA Mobile Phone ReceiverYang Zhang
2003-10The Concept of PredistortionBoris Aleiner
2003-11An Equivalent Circuit and Modeling Method for Defected Ground Structure and Its Jun-Seok Park
2003-11Dependency of IV Characteristics of a MESFET Device on Frequency and Electric FiJ. Rodriguez-Tellez, N.T. Ali, K.A. Mezher, T. Fernandez, A. Mediavilla, A. Tazo
2003-11Design and Evaluation of a High Selectivity Combline Bandpass FilterRaj Kumar, N. Gupta, K.P.M. Bhat, R. Sreehari Rao
2003-11A Diode Linearizer for Microwave Power AmplifiersS.C. Bera, P.S. Bharadwaj, R.V. Singh and V.K. Garg
2003-11A Deterministic Method for Optimizing VSWRTim L. Hillstrom
2003-11Ferrite Circulator Switches and Their ApplicationsRodger Billings and Tony Edridge
2003-11CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: Recent Advances in EDA Software Solutions Ted Miracco
2003-11CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: A Nonlinear Model Compiler for RF/Microwav 
2003-11CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: A Two-path Vector Signal Generator 
2003-11CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: AWGN Generators with Precise Control of Re 
2003-11CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: 100 W Hot Switching Programmable Attenuato 
2003-12The Grid Amplifier: Enabling High Power Millimeter-wave SystemsJames J. Rosenberg, Michael P. DeLisio, Blythe C. Deckman, Chun-Tung Cheung, Dav
2003-12An Actively-controlled Microwave Reflecting Surface with Binary-pattern ModulatiP.S. Neelakanta, A.K. Stampalia and D. De Groff
2003-12Flash in the Plan: Directed-Energy Weapons Remain More Experimental Than AvailabTed McKenna
2003-12A Brief Exposure to Ultra-wideband SignalingBruno Pattan
2003-12Cavity Techniques for Substrate Properties at Microwave/Millimeter-wave BandsNickander J. Damaskos and Benuel J. Kelsall
2003-12A Nonlinear Circuit Simulation Model for GaAs and InP Heterojunction Bipolar Tra 
2004-01From Design to Reality 
2004-01Recent Trends in Oscillator DesignRandy Rhea and Bill Clausen
2004-01A K- and Ka-band Vehicular Phased-array AntennaZoran Golubicic, Sasa Dragas and Zoran Cvetkovic
2004-01Design of a 900/1800 MHz Dual-band LTCC Chip Antenna for Mobile Communications AChi-Chang Lin, Yu-Jui Chang and Huey-Ru Chuang
2004-01Got You CoveredMichal Fiszer and Jerzy Gruszczynski
2004-02Low Profile, High Performance Surface Mount Couplers
2004-02The Effects of IP2 Impairment on an 802.11a OFDM Direct Conversion Radio SystemKerry Z. Cai and Pengfei Zhang
2004-02Design and Fabrication Procedure for High Q RF MEMS ResonatorsWan-Thai Hsu, W. Scott Best, Héctor J. De Los Santos
2004-02A Fully-integrated 2.4/5.7 GHz Concurrent Dual-band 0.18 µm CMOS LNA for an 802.Qiu-Huan Huang, Dar-Ron Huang and Huey-Ru Chuang
2004-02Small-sized Quasi-elliptic Function Microstrip Low Pass Filter Based on DefectedYoung Bin Cho, Kye Suk Jun, Ihn S. Kim and Byung Soo Kim
2004-02A 5 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS Mixer for 802.11a WLAN Receiver ApplicationsYuan-Kai Chu and Huey-Ru Chuang
2004-02Printed Circuit Realization of a Capacitive-loaded Interdigital Bandpass FilterR. Kumar, N. Gupta and K.P.M. Bhat
2004-02Design of a 5.7 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS Current-reused LNA for an 802.11a WLAN ReceiverLiang-Hui Li and Huey-Ru Chuang
2004-02Using Noise for RF Receiver Built-in Test ApplicationsPatrick Robbins
2004-03Frequency Extension Source Modules to Extend Signal Generator Capability from 50
2004-03Trigger-Capture-Analyze: Three Steps Toward Understanding Today's Complex RF SigMarcus da Silva
2004-03Noise Can Be Good, TooJiri Polivka
2004-03Automation and Real-time Verification of Passive Component S-parameter MeasuremeJ. Capwell, T. Weller, D. Markell and L. Dunleavy
2004-03New Behavioral Models Facilitate Fast and Accurate Simulation of Sigma-delta FraWael A. Al-Qaq, JianHua Gu, William J. Martin and Jeffrey L. Cutcher
2004-03Pitfalls to Avoid When Using Load-pull Contours for PA DesignC. Tsironis and N. Misljenovic
2004-03Increasing RF Device Test Throughput with Better Instrument CoordinationMary Anne Tupta
2004-03Cables & Connectors Supplement: 2004 Connector, Cable and Cable Assembly SurveyHarlan Howe, Jr.
2004-04A Compact RFID Reader Platform for UHF and Microwave Applications 
2004-04High Efficiency Power Amplifier Driving Methods and Circuits: Part IFrancisco Javier Ortega-González
2004-04Simulation and Measurement of a C-band Low Noise Dielectric Resonator OscillatorR.A. Abd-Alhameed, M. Zewani, P.S. Excell, J.G. Gardiner and N.J. McEwan
2004-04Amplifier Design Using a Quarter-Wave High Impedance Bias Line with a Defected GYong-Chae Jeong, Chonbuk, Si-Gyun Jeong, Jong-Sik Lim, and Chul-Dong Kim
2004-04High Efficiency, High Power WCDMA LDMOS Transistors for Base StationsP.C.A. Hammes, H.F.F. Jos, F. van Rijs, S.J.C.H. Theeuwen and K. Vennema
2004-04A New Large-signal Model for a Pulse-doped GaAs MESFETSophia Hsu and Yusuke Tajima
2004-04A Temperature-compensated Closed Loop Overdrive Level Controller for Microwave SS.C. Bera and R.V. Singh
2004-05Comparison of Coaxial Dipole Antennas for Applications in the Near-field and FarBrian Drozd and William T. Joines
2004-05S-band High Power Solid-state Amplifier Design and DevelopmentYorgos Stratakos and Panayotis Betzios
2004-05High Efficiency Power Amplifier Driving Methods and Circuits: Part IIFrancisco Javier Ortega-González
2004-05Thin Film Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) for a New Class of Tunable RF ComponenBud Noren
2004-05Predicting the EVM Performance of WLAN Power Amplifiers with OFDM SignalsPatrick Naraine
2004-05Design of a Novel Balun for a Star Configuration Double-balanced Mixer at S-bandSun-Sook Kim, Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom
2004-05Leading-edge SAW Filters for Short Range DevicesExa¨el Alexander
2004-06Enterprise EDA Software Connects the Microwave Design Flow 
2004-06A Review of Radiation Effects on Human Operators of Hand-held RadiosMinh-Chau Huynh and Warren Stutzman
2004-06Characteristics of a Wide-band, High Gain, Eight-element Slot Antenna for PCS, IYong-Woong Jang
2004-06A Low Cost RF Transceiver for 2.4 GHz DSSS Short-range Communication SystemsJianyi Zhou, Jianing Zhao, Wei Hong and Xiaowei Zhu
2004-06An E-/D-mode pHEMT Process for High Performance Switch and Amplifier Components Walter A. Wohlmuth, Wayne Struble and Domingo Farías
2004-06A Thorough RF and Microwave Circuit Design Method to Streamline the RFIC DevelopJosh Moore
2004-07Potential Applications of PBG Engineered Structures in Microwave Engineering: PaNemai Chandra Karmakar and Mohammad Nurunnabi Mollah
2004-07Automated Pattern Measurement for Circularly-polarized Antennas Using the Phase-Christopher T. Rodenbeck, Kai Chang and John Aubin
2004-07Design of a 3.5 W S-band Power Amplifier Based on Small-signal S-parameter AnalyY.W. Yeap, L.H. Chua and S.H. Tan
2004-07A Novel Power Combining Network for Doherty AmplifiersHyeong Tae Jeong, Chul Dong Kim and Ik Soo Chang
2004-07A New Low Loss, Laser Ablatable Substrate for Microwave Circuitry 
2004-08Military Microwaves 
2004-08Averaging Correlation for Fast GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition in Multipath RayD. Djebouri, A. Djebbari and M. Djebbouri
2004-08Communications Satellite Antennas with On-orbit Pattern FlexibilityWyman L. Williams and James M. Howell
2004-08Making of a Robust Indoor Microwave Wireless Link: A Novel Scheme of PolarizatioP.S. Neelakanta, W. Preedalumpabut and S. Morgera
2004-08An Algorithm that Accelerates Harmonic Balance Analysis of RFICs 
2004-08Military Microwave Supplement: Zero dBContournementBugUN153; Coaxial Cable Assem 
2004-08Military Microwave Supplement: SMR-4820 Compact Microwave Search Receiver 
2004-08Military Microwave Supplement: Military Markets - Thoughts and ProjectionsHarlan Howe, Jr., Richard Mumford and Michael Puttré
2004-08Military Microwave Supplement: Joint EW Reprogramming Maintains a Combat EdgeColonel John S. Clark, Jr. and Chris Gilbert
2004-08Military Microwave Supplement: France’s Unique HorizonMichael Puttré
2004-09Microwaves in Europe: Current Trends and Future Prospects Richard Mumford
2004-09Potential Applications of PBG Engineered Structures in Microwave Engineering: PaNemai Chandra Karmakar, Mohammad Nurunnabi Mollah
2004-09Automating and Optimizing High Performance LTCC DesignAki Nakatani and Lawrence Williams
2004-09The Analysis and Design of a User Equipment Grade, All Digital Gain Control, DirTanbir Haque, Leonid Kazakevich and Alpaslan Demir
2004-09The Design of a Dual Polarized Vivaldi ArrayAdrian Sutinjo and Edwin Tung
2004-09Volterra Series Analysis of a Laser Diode Predistorter for Mobile Communication R.A. Abd-Alhameed, P.S. Excell and J.G. Gardiner
2004-09Design and Simulation of a PLL for Use in a W-CDMA RF ModuleWei Jiang and Xiaowei
2004-09LUX Research Releases the Nanotech Report 2004 Key FindingsMichael Puttré
2004-105.7 GHz 0.25 µm CMOS RF Front-end Circuits for an IEEE 802.11a WLAN ReceiverYung-Ming Chiu and Huey-Ru Chuang
2004-10Theory and Practical Considerations for Measuring Phase Noise Better Than -165 dPankaj Goyal
2004-10Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Resonant Microwave Reflection AmplifierA.P. Venguer, J.L. Medina, R.A. Chávez, A. Velázquez and A. Zamudio
2004-10Nonlinearity Test for a Fully Integrated Direct-conversion ReceiverPengfei Zhang
2004-10Design of a Predistortion HPA Using a Frequency Up-conversion Mixing OperationYong-Chae Jeong, Young Kim, and Chul D. Kim
2004-10High Voltage HBTs for 3G W-CDMA Base Station Power AmplifiersMichael Puttré
2004-11Cross-coupling in Microwave Bandpass FiltersAlex D. Lapidus and Chris Rossiter
2004-11CAD, Test and Measurement 
2004-11Theory and Practical Considerations for Measuring Phase Noise Better Than -165 dPankaj Goyal
2004-11Passive Sensors Using RF BackscatterSomnath Mukherjee
2004-11A High Efficiency Class-F Power Amplifier Design TechniqueS.F. Ooi, S. Gao, A. Sambell, D. Smith and P. Butterworth
2004-11The Versatile Butler MatrixBruno Pattan
2004-11Early Verification of Emerging UWB and WMAN Radio SystemsJoe Troychak
2004-11Planar EM Analysis: A New Standard for High Frequency Applications
2004-12Remote Sensing Through SatellitesP.K. Jain
2004-12High Performance Wideband MSAG Gain Block/Driver Amplifier MMICs Using MLP TechnMichael Ashman and Inder Bahl
2004-12Accurate Power Detection of a CDMA Multi-carrier Power Amplifier Using a LogaritSang Hyun Park
2004-12A Wideband MMIC-based Feedback OscillatorTony Fattorini and David A. Richardson
2004-12High Voltage, Low Cost FETs for HPA MMIC Applications
2005-01Note From The Publisher: A New Year, a New Look, the Same MissionCarl Sheffres
2005-01EuMW 2004 - History in the MakingRichard Mumford
2005-01Lightweight, Low Cost Printed Antenna ArraysBharadvaj Podduturi and David M. Pozar
2005-01A Design Procedure for a Circular Polarized, Nearly Square Patch AntennaS.K. Lee, A. Sambell, E. Korolkiewicz, S.F. Loh, S.F. Ooi and Y. Qin
2005-01Effects of the Radiated Power in a Linear Inverse Scattering Algorithm for GPR PRaffaele Persico and Francesco Soldovieri
2005-01Introduction to Miniature Antenna and Diversity Combining TechniquesBar-Giora Goldberg
2005-01A Compact Thin-film WLAN Antenna Switching ModuleRichard Chen, Neal Mellen, Makoto Shibata and Masahiro Miyazaki
2005-01Radar TodayDavid K. Barton
2005-02A Study of Transition Effects in SupercomponentsRonen Holtzman
2005-02An Analog Predistortion Linearizer DesignYoung Kim, Ik-Soo Chang, and Yong-Chae Jeong
2005-02Design and Implementation of a Novel Frequency Modulation Circuit Using a Phase-Seong-Sik Yang, Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom
2005-02A Temperature Dependent PIN Diode Model for Simple Temperature Invariant AttenuaS.C. Bera, R.V. Singh and V.K. Garg
2005-02The Effect of High Stability Reference Oscillators on System Phase NoiseHoward Hausman
2005-022.4 GHz, 0.25 mm CMOS Transmitter and Receiver RFICs for Wireless CommunicationsCheng-Chi Yen and Huey-Ru Chuang
2005-02Detecting Fast RF Bursts Using Log AmpsYuping Toh
2005-02The RF Semiconductor Evolution: From Single Components to System SolutionsJerry D. Neal
2005-03A CAD Algorithm for RF/Microwave Interconnect ModelingAhmet Sertbas
2005-03A CAD-oriented Approach to Design of Load Impedance and Input Matching in ActiveR.A. Abd-Alhameed, D. Zhou, N.J. McEwan, P.S. Excell and A. Ghorbani
2005-03De-embedding Using a Vector Network Analyzer Including Calibration and MeasuremeSteve Reyes
2005-03The Importance of Sweep Rate in DC IV MeasurementsCharles Baylis, Lawrence Dunleavy and William Clausen
2005-03Transient Simulations at RF FrequenciesScott Wedge, Evgeny Wasserman and David Neilson
2005-032005 Connector, Cable and Cable Assembly SurveyHarlan Howe, Jr.
2005-03Planar Electromagnetic SoftwareJames C. Rautio
2005-04Amplifier and Transistor Gains RevisitedGeorge D. Vendelin, José Carlos Pedro and Pedro Miguel Cabral
2005-04A 2 to 20 GHz High Power Amplifier Using Spatial Power Combining TechniquesJPengcheng Jia
2005-04Design of Linear S-band Power Amplifiers with High Power-added EfficiencyY.W. Yeap, E.C. Teh and T.W. Chua
2005-04A Four-channel Full-duplex T/R Module for Multi-Frequency Phased Array ApplicatiChunlei Wang, Christopher T. Rodenbeck and Kai Chang, Matthew R. Coutant
2005-04A Unified Theory for Nonlinear Distortion Characteristics in Different AmplifierPedro Miguel Cabral, José Carlos Pedro and Nuno Borges Carvalho
2005-04RF Power 2005Steve C. Cripps
2005-05A Novel Frequency Doubler Using a Feedforward Structure and DGS Microstrip for FYong-Chae Jeong, Do-Kyeong Hwang and Jong-Sik Lim
2005-05WiMAX - A Standard Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Accessllen Henley
2005-05Design of a Feedback Predistortion Linear Power AmplifierLin Qiang, Zhang Zu Ying and Guo Wei
2005-05Techniques for the Integration of High-Q Millimeter-wave Filters in Multi-functiMatthew Morgan and Sander Weinreb
2005-05An Archery-target AntennaMatjaz Vidmar
2005-05A Quasi-balanced Frequency Doubler Using Alternate Power Dividing and Combining Younkyu Chung, Dal Ahn and Tatsuo Itoh
2005-05GaAs-, InP- and GaN HEMT-based Microwave Control Devices: What is Best and WhyM. Kameche, and N.V. Drozdovski
2005-05Characteristic Analysis of a Low Profile Post-type Monopole Antenna with Dual PlHyun-Chul Go and Yong-Woong Jang
2005-05Design Curves for Estimating the Resonant Frequency and Q-factor for RectangularA. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon
2005-06A Balanced Ka-band Vector Modulator MMICJohn E. Penn
2005-06A Miniaturization Method of Parallel Coupled-line Filters Using Lumped CapacitorSeong-Sik Myoung and Jong-Gwan Yook
2005-06EM Modeling and Circuit Simulation Lead to a Solution to Amplifier OscillationsXiaoming Chen
2005-06Semiconductor Trends in Wireless HandsetsPeter Bacon, Chandra Mohan, David Fryklund and Peter Zampardi
2005-07A Size Reduction Technique for Mobile Phone PIFA Antennas Using Lumped InductorsJesper Thaysen and Kaj B. Jakobsen
2005-07A Broadband Design for a Printed Isosceles Triangular Slot Antenna for Wireless Wen-Shan Chen and Fu-Mao Hsieh
2005-07Latest Advances in VNA Accuracy EnhancementsDave Blackham and Ken Wong
2005-07A Monopole with a Twist RevisitedT. Warnagiris
2005-07Multi-gigabit Connectivity at 70, 80 and 90 GHzJonathan Wells
2005-07Multiradio Yields Challenges for Mobile PhonesPetteri Alinikulai
2005-08A Brief Tutorial on Antenna MeasurementsJohn F. Aubin
2005-08Military Microwaves: Military Microwaves 2005 - Current Viewpoints on TechnologiHarlan Howe, Jr., Richard Mumford, and Michael Puttré
2005-08Military Microwaves: Secure Personal Communications on the BattlefieldAdam Baddeleyi
2005-08Electroformed Front-end at 100 GHz for Radio-astronomical ApplicationsR. Banham, G. Valsecchi, L. Lucci, G. Pelosi,S. Selleri, V. Natale, R. Nesti, an
2005-08Millimeter-wave Satellite Remote SensingTom Newman
2005-09Estimation of the Optimal Location of Metallic Objects Inside a Mobile PhoneJesper Thaysen and Kaj B. Jakobsen
2005-09A Doherty Amplifier with a Bias Adaptation Technique Based on SDR Transmitter ArHyeong Tae Jeong, Tae Ho Kim and Ik Soo Chang, and Chul Dong Kim
2005-09Transceiver Design for IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee-compliant SystemsKhanh Tuan Le
2005-09Ultra Wideband Signal GenerationY.W. Yeap
2005-09Industry Study on Issues of MEMS Reliability and Accelerated Lifetime TestingClifford Fung
2005-09Microwaves in Europe: Technologies, Trends and ProspectsRichard Mumford
2005-10The Medium-gain Antenna of the MESSENGER SpacecraftPerry M. Malouf, Ph.D. and Robert E. Wallis
2005-10A Compact LTCC Bandpass Filter Using Resonators Loaded with Spiral-shaped Open-cKyu-Ho Park, Hee-Seok Song and Young-Shin Lee, Yong-Chae Jeong
2005-10An Improved Microwave Weed KillerMatjaz Vidmar
2005-10Export Compliance: Understanding ITAR and EARShawn Cheadle
2005-10Next-generation Radios: New Paths for CommunicationsB. Buchin and R. Leschhorn
2005-10Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, Andrei Grebennikov
2005-11CPW Transmission Insertion Loss on Si and SOI SubstratesFei Zhang, Lina Shi and Chengfang Li
2005-11A UWB Filter Using a Dual-mode Ring Resonator with Spurious Passband SuppressionCheng-Ying Hsu, Chu-Yu Chen and Chuang Hao Huang
2005-11A New Class of Asymmetrical Directional Couplers for Power/Antenna Control AppliAndrzej Sawicki
2005-11Experimental Investigation of a Power Divider Based on Microstrip and MetamateriDongke Zhang and Fuqiang Liu, Yewen Zhang, Li He, Hongqiang Li and Hong Chen
2005-11Making Thermal Resistance Measurements without Test Diodes or Thermal StagesJ.P. Bridge
2005-11Sampling IF Filters and the Return of the Superheterodyne ReceiverSeste Dell'Aera and Tom Riley
2005-11Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, Andrei Grebennikov
2005-11Measuring VSWR and Gain in Wireless SystemsEamon Nash
2005-11UHF RFID Industry Growth Powered by RF TechnologyTom Cameron
2005-11Passive Components: A Brief HistoryHarlan Howe, Jr.
2005-12Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, Andrei Grebennikov
2005-12The Influence of the Package Environment on the Functioning and Reliability of CIngrid De Wolf, Piotr Czarnecki, Anne Jourdain, Robert Modlinski, Harrie A.C. Ti
2005-12RF Linear Power Amplifier Gain Stabilization Over Ambient TemperatureOleksandr Gorbachov
2006-01A Printed UWB Triangular Monopole AntennaH.R. Chuang, C.C. Lin and Y.C. Kan
2006-01Performance Comparisons Between Dielectric Resonator Antennas and Printed MicrosR. Chair, A.A. Kishk, K.F. Lee and D. Kajfez
2006-01Experimental Analysis of a Multi-band and High Gain Open Slot Antenna with Dual Hyun-Chul Go and Yong-Woong Jang
2006-01A Novel Broadband Design of a Printed Rectangular Slot Antenna for Wireless ApplWen-Shan Chen
2006-01A Design of Double T-type Microstrip Antennas for Broadband and Control of ResonHyeonjin Lee and Yeongseog Lim
2006-01Phased Arrays and Radars - Past, Present and FutureEli Brookner
2006-02A Specialized Low Loss 8 dB CouplerCecil W. Deisch
2006-02Microstrip Line with a Novel Broadband PBG StructureFei Zhang, Lina Shi and Chengfang Li
2006-02Ku-band MMIC Power Amplifiers Developed Using MSAG MESFET TechnologyInder J. Bahl
2006-02Design of a UWB Low Insertion Loss Bandpass Filter with Spurious Response SuppreChu-Yu Chen and Cheng-Ying Hsu
2006-02Building a 3.3 to 3.8 GHz 802.16a WiMAX LNA on FR4 MaterialXiao Lu
2006-03Synthetic Instruments: A New HorizonDavid P. Menzer
2006-03A Multi-octave, Open-boundary, Quad-ridge Horn Antenna for Use in the S- to Ku-bVicente Rodríguez
2006-03Real-time Spectrum Analysis Streamlines Radar Pulse Testing and DiagnosticsMatthew J. Maxwell
2006-03An Efficient, Interactive Optimization Solution for Analog and RF Design James Spoto
2006-04Microwave Oscillators:The State of the Technology A.P.S. (Paul) Khanna
2006-04A Low Profile, Top-loaded Monopole Antenna with Four Small PostsYong-Woong Jang, Hyun-Chul Go, Sang-Woo Lee
2006-04Design of a Wideband Adaptive Linear Amplifier with a DSB Pilot and Complex CoheJianyi Zhou, Lei Zhang, Wei Hong, Jianing Zhao and Xiaowei Zhu
2006-04A 2 GHz, 0.25 µm MOS Complementary VCO with Differentially Tuned MOS Varactors H.T. Lin, Y.K. Chu and H.R. Chuang
2006-04Design of an Amplifier Using a Harmonic Termination Matching Tuner and Harmonic Jin-Kuk Lee, Su-Taw Kim, Yong-Chae Jeong, Jong-Sik Lim, Chul-Dong Kim
2006-05The Impact of MEMS on Cellular Phone ArchitecturesMark Chapman
2006-05Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Reader and Antenna Circuit DesignF. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz
2006-05Synthesis of a Planar, Coupled-line Marchand Balun with Emphasis on BalanceJong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom
2006-05Design of a Dual-band Ring Printed Antenna ArrayM. Abri, N. Boukli-Hacene, F.T. Bendimerad, E. Cambiaggio, and Sophia Antipolis
2006-05Understanding the Operation and Test of a Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rate RadioHelen Mills
2006-05High Harmonic-rejection Matching Filters for Quad-band Power AmplifiersRajanish, P. Onno, N. Jain, C. Weigand, P. McIntosh, B. Rizzi, and K. Izzac
2006-05The Design of a Finite Ground Plane Cross Semi-elliptic Monopole Antenna for UWBWen-Shan Chen, Mao-Kai Hsu, Tainan Hsien
2006-05UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part I: Experimental ResultsDaniel M. Dobkin and Steven M. Weigand
2006-06The Road from RFIC to SoCJ.P. Lanteri and D.J. Carlson
2006-06Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Transponder Circuit DesignF. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz
2006-06UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part II: TheoryDaniel M. Dobkin
2006-06A 2.4 GHz CMOS Transceiver Single-chip RF Front-end for ISM-band Wireless CommunWei-Ting Lee and Huey-Ru Chuang, and Chun-Lin Lu
2006-06Power Amplifiers for Microwaves and RF Applications with LDMOS TransistorsGiuseppe Vacca
2006-07Techniques of RFID Systems: Architectures and ApplicationsF. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw, and M.B.I. Reaz
2006-07Periodically Loaded SSS Coupled-line Filter for Second Harmonic SuppressionD. Packiaraj, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi
2006-07A Dual-passband Waveguide Filter with a Canonical Structure for Ka-band SatellitMan Seok Uhm, In Bok Yom, Juseop Lee, and Jeong Phill Kim
2006-07Matrix Switches: Blocking versus Non-blockingBrett Chermansky
2006-07In Search of MaxwellJames Rautio
2006-08Rigorous Analytical Expressions for the Electromagnetic Parameters of RectangulaN. Benahmed and S. Seghier
2006-08A Dual-band Branch-line Coupler Using Quasi-composite Right/Left-handed TransmisHe-Kai Jhuang,Ching-Her Lee, Po-Min Hu and Chung-I G. Hsu
2006-08Characterization of Ultra-wideband Bow-tie Antennas for Ground Penetrating RadarFrancesco Soldovieri, Giancarlo Prisco, and Giovanni Leone
2006-08Applications of CE Alloys in Defense, Aerospace, Telecom and Other Electronic MaDavid M. Jacobson, Andrew J.W. Ogilvy and Alan G. Leatham
2006-09The Current State of Technology and Future Trends in Wireless Communications andAlastair Upton and Victor Steel
2006-09Accurate Simulation of an X-band Frequency SynthesizerMohamed Kameche
2006-09Low Voltage Operation of GaAs Power AmplifiersJoe Madden
2006-09Novel Low Pass Filters Using a Defected Microstrip StructureSheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao, Zi-Hua Wang and Ying Li
2006-09RF Power Detection: Measuring WiMAX SignalsCarlos Calvo and Matthew Pilotte
2006-09Distortion Inherent to VNA Test Port Cable AssembliesPaul Pino
2006-09Coupled Line Noise in High Sensitivity RF Receiver CircuitsOleksandr Gorbachov
2006-10Network-centric Operations and Information Superiority: Current Trends of Key En Heinrich Daembkes
2006-10Frequency Converters: Understanding the Benefits of Simple and Complex ArchitectRoland Hassun
2006-10Design of Bias Tees for a Pulsed-bias, Pulsed-RF Test System Using Accurate CompCharles Baylis, Lawrence Dunleavy, and William Clausen
2006-10A Practical Design of a Low Phase Noise Airborne X-band Frequency SynthesizerVsevolod Tanygin
2006-10A Broadband Double Dipole Antenna with Triangle and Rhombus Shapes and Stable EnAbdelnasser A. Eldek
2006-10Measuring the Capacitance Coefficients of Coaxial Open-circuits with TraceabilitMartin J. Salter and Nick M. Ridler
2006-10Eliminating FFT Artifacts in Vector Signal Analyzer SpectraMichael D. McKinley, Kate A. Remley, Maciej Myslinski, and J. Stevenson Kenney
2006-11A Helical Resonator-based Filter with Improved Skirt SelectivityAlex D. Lapidus
2006-11Power Amplifier Linearization Using an Indirect-learning-based Inverse TDNN ModeHoon Hwangbo, Sung-Chan Jung, Youngoo Yang, Cheon-Seok Park, Byung-Sung Kim and
2006-11Intermodulation Distortion in Medium-power Drop-in Ferrite Isolators and CirculaTony Edridge
2006-11Novel Microstrip Band-stop Filters Based on Complementary Split Ring ResonatorsSheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao and Ying Li
2006-11A Novel Wideband Transition Between a Conductor-backed Finite Ground CPW and a MKamaljeet Singh and Surendra Pal
2006-11New Design Methodologies for High Performance RF CMOSDavid Vye, Sean Kim, Soung Ho Myoung, Jason Yun and Charlie Jeung
2006-12Interference Detection and Measurements for Microwave Radio Link PlanningLuca Stroppolo
2006-12Microwave Noise Modeling for AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMTsXiuping Li, Jianjun Gao, and Georg Boeck
2006-12Design of Microstrip Dual Behavior Resonator Filters: A Practical GuideE. Rius, C. Quendo, A. Manchec, Y. Clavet, C. Person
2007-01The Use of Broadband Military Antenna Technology in Modern Communications SystemMicrowave Journal
2007-01A 60 GHz Millimeter-wave CMOS RFIC-on-chip Dipole AntennaH.R. Chuang, S.W. Kuo, C.C. Lin and L.C. Kuo
2007-01A Triple-band Polygonal Slot Antenna for WiMAX ApplicationsWen-Shan Chen and Bao-Hung Kao
2007-01The Requirements and Procedures for Testing WiMAX EquipmentJan E. Prochnow
2007-01Broadband Design of a Small Non-symmetric Ground λ/4 Open Slot AntennaWen-Shan Chen and Kuang-Yuan Ku
2007-01Dual-band Assembly of Integrated Short Backfire AntennasH.D. Hristov, R. Feick, R.J. Urumov and G.S. Kirov
2007-01Memory Effect Minimization and Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth Operation of a Base Jeonghyeon Cha, Ildu Kim, Sungchul Hong, Bumman Kim, Jong Sung Lee and Han Seok
2007-01A Low Profile Multi-band U-shaped Aperture-coupled Microstrip Antenna with a CoiYong-Woong Jang and Hyun-Chul Go
2007-02Concept and Method of High Efficiency in a Precision Ka-band Subminiature CoaxiaJae-Ho Yoon, Won-Yong Cho, Ah-Rah Koh,
2007-02EM Enables Classic Filter TechniqueRandy Rhea
2007-02A 40 to 900 MHz CMOS Broadband Differential LNA for a DTV RF TunerD.R. Huang, Y.K. Chu and C.L. Lu
2007-02A Compact Microstrip Stepped-impedance Resonator and FilterJian-kang Xiao, Shi-wei Ma, and Ying Li
2007-02Design of a Novel Quad-band Microstrip BPF Using Quarter-wavelength Stepped-impeChung-I G. Hsu, Ching-Her Lee and He-Kai Jhuang
2007-02A CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with Self-biasing Current Source for a 5 GHz WireleC. Quemada, H. Solar and G. Bistué
2007-03RF, Analog and Digital Systems Converge for Next Generation ElectronicsZoltan J. Cendes
2007-03The LXI Standard: Past, Present and FutureRichard Mumford
2007-03Redefining Dynamic Range for Today’s Digital RF WorldMarcus Dasliva
2007-03Analysis and Design of a One-twelfth Wavelength Three-section Directional CoupleK. Singh, V. Vinayakarohit,
2007-04The Design of a Band-rejected Cross Semi-elliptic Monopole Antenna for UWB AppliWen-Shan Chen and Mao-Kai Hsu
2007-04A Varactor-tunable Filter with Constant Bandwidth and Loss CompensationB. Kapilevich
2007-04A Feed-forward Amplifier Using an Equal Group-delay Signal Cancellation TechniquChul-Dong Kim, Yong-Chae Jeong, Dal Ahn and Ik-Soo Chang
2007-04Designing Modules for Concurrency in Multimedia Co-designMichael Heimlich
2007-04An Enhanced Doherty Amplifier Design Based on the Derivative Superposition MethoK.J. Cho, W.J. Kim and S.P. Stapleton,
2007-04CMOS Oscillator Design ConsiderationsLouis Fan Fei, Garmin International
2007-04A Practical Method for Determination of HBT ThermalSami Bousnina
2007-04Design of Three-line Multi-layer Microstrip Directional Couplers at HF for High Abdullah Eroglu
2007-05An Extremely Miniaturized Microstrip Bandpass FilterIn-ho Kang and Haiyan Xu
2007-05High Q Ceramic-loaded Tunable RF Cavity FiltersJim D’Ostilio
2007-05A Printed Heart Monopole Antenna with Band-rejected Characteristics for IEEE 802Wen-Shan Chen and Sheng-Che Wu
2007-05An Adaptive WiMAX Antenna for Indoor UseT. Korosec, P. Ritosa, B. Batagelj and M. Vidmar
2007-05100 W GaN HEMT ModelingYusuke Tajima
2007-05An Adaptive Baseband Digital Predistortion System for an RF Power AmplifierJ. Zhou, S. Ming, J. Zhao, C. Ming and L. Zhang
2007-05Efficiency Comparison of a Digitally Predistorted and a Feed-forward Linearized Wan-Jong Kim, Kyoung-Joon Cho, Shawn P. Stapleton, and Jong-Heon Kim

Last updated: July 01, 2009
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