2001-01 | Code Domain Analysis on W-CDMA User Equipment Transmitters | Marta Iglesias-Xamani |
2001-01 | Code Domain Analysis on W-CDMA User Equipment Transmitters | K.V. Puglia |
2001-01 | Bluetooth-enabled Microwave Ovens for EMI Compatibility | P.S. Neelakanta, Jesada Sivaraks, Charoonkierti Thammakoranonta |
2001-01 | Asymmetric Coplanar Strip Analysis Including Conductor Backing | Franco Di Paolo |
2001-01 | History of Ultra Wideband Communications and Radar: Part I, UWB Communications | Terence W. Barrett |
2001-01 | 2.4 GHz LNA/PA/Circularly Polarized Active Microstrip Antennas | S.Y. Lin, H.R. Chuang and T.S. Horng |
2001-02 | History of Ultra Wideband Communications and Radar: Part II, UWB Radars and Sens | Terence W. Barrett |
2001-02 | Gallium Nitride-based Microwave and RF Control Devices | Robert H. Caverly, Nikolai V. Drozdovski and Michael J. Quinn |
2001-02 | 0.24-µm CMOS Technology and BSIM RF Modeling for Bluetooth Power Applications | E. Chen, D. Heo, J. Laskar, D. Bien |
2001-02 | Carrier-to-Interference Ratio Prediction of Nonlinear RF Devices | Hyunchul Ku, Wangmyong Woo, J. Stevenson Kenney |
2001-02 | Multi-layer Thin-film MCM-D for the Integration of High Performance Wireless Fro | Geert Carchon, B. Nauwelaers, K.U. Leuven, P. Pieters, K. Vaesen, W. DeRaedt, E. |
2001-02 | Impact of Front-end Non-idealities on Bit Error Rate Performance of WLAN-OFDM Tr | B. Come, R. Ness, S. Donnay, L. Van der Perre, W. Eberle, P. Wambacq, M. Engels, |
2001-02 | The Development of DBS Imaging Based on Airborne Pulse Doppler Radar in China | Hongbo Sun, Guosui Liu, Hong Gu, Weimin Su |
2001-02 | A Practical Guide to the Designof Microstrip Antenna Arrays | Roger Hill |
2001-03 | Exploiting Filter Symmetry | Randall W. Rhea |
2001-03 | CAD of a Compact Monopulse Comparator Network Using Planar Magic Tee Junctions f | Dr. Anil Kumar Singh and Dr. S. Christopher |
2001-03 | Nyquist Quadrature Frequency Shift Keying for Spectral Efficiency | Frank Amoroso |
2001-03 | A Band For All Reasons | Michael Puttre |
2001-03 | University Engineers Team With Wireless Industry For Mutual Benefits | Phil Leslie |
2001-03 | MEMS for RF/Microwave Wireless Applications: The Next Wave | Randy J. Richards and Hector J. De Santos |
2001-03 | Thermal Modeling of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with Pulsed I-V Measureme | Hyun-Min Park, Kye-Ik Jeon, Songheol Hong |
2001-03 | A Low Cost Planar Filter for 60 GHz Applications | Yoshihisa Amano, Atsushi Yamada, Eiji Suematsu, Hiroya Sato |
2001-03 | A Four-port Microwave Measurement System to Speed On-wafer Calibration and Test | David K. Walker, Dylan F. Williams, Allen Padilla, Uwe Arz, Hartmut Grabinskil |
2001-04 | Design of Coplanar Power Amplifiers for Millimeter-wave System Applications Incl | A. Bessemoulin, W. Marsetz, Y. Baeyens, R. Osorio, H. Massler, A. Hulsmann and M |
2001-04 | Enhancement/Depletion Mode InGaP/AlGaAs PHEMT for High Efficiency Power Amplifie | Y. Tkachenko, Y. Zhao, C. Wei and D. Bartle |
2001-04 | A Fully Integrated Dual-frequency Push-push VCO for 5.2 and 5.8 GHz Wireless App | Y. Sun, Utrecht T. Tieman, H. Pflung and W. Velthuis |
2001-04 | Metamorphic Transistor Technology for RF Applications | C.S. Whelan, P.F. Marsh, W.E. Hoke, S.M. Lardizabal, R. Leoni III, K.C. Hwang an |
2001-04 | A 3 V Small Chip Size GSM HBT Power MMIC with 56 Percent PAE | J.E. Mueller, U. Gerlach, G.L. Madonna, M. Pfost, R. Schultheis and P. Zwicknagl |
2001-04 | A Low Cost, Cavity Stabilized 5.8 GHz Oscillator Realized in LTCC | Steve Maas, J. Delacueva, J. Li and S. White |
2001-04 | Spectrum Modeling of an RF Power Amplifier for TDMA Signals | Chunming Liu, Heng Xioa, Fu Li, Qiang Wu |
2001-05 | The Use of Uniplanar Technology to Reduce Microwave Circuit Size | Khelifa Hettak and Malcolm G. Stubbs |
2001-05 | New Dielectric Bead for Millimeter-wave Coaxial Components | Rudy Fuks |
2001-05 | A Combination Monopole/Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for S-band Terrestrial/Satellit | Charles D. McCarrick |
2001-05 | Interconnects for a Multi-layer Three-dimensional Silicon Architecture | Katherine J. Herrick, Linda P.B. Katehi, Robert T. Kihm |
2001-06 | A Long Range View of Short Range Wireless Systems | Richard Mumford |
2001-06 | On the Direct Conversion Receiver -- A Tutorial | Ashkan Mashhour, William Domino, Norman Beamish |
2001-06 | High Speed Analysis and Optimization of Waveguide Bandpass Filter Structures Usi | A Mediavilla, A. Tazon, J.A. Pereda, M. Lazaro, C. Pantaleon, I. Santamaria |
2001-06 | Power Efficient MMIC Frequency Triplers | John E. Penn |
2001-06 | SiGe Power Amplifier ICs with SWR Protection for Handset Applications | Joe Pusl, Srikanth Sridharan, Philip Antognetti, David Helms, Anurag Nigam, Jame |
2001-07 | Complex Coaxial-waveguide Transitions at Millimeter-waves | Oleksandr Gorbachov, Leonid Kasatkin |
2001-07 | Frequency Control in a Low Voltage, Wide Tuning VCO Design at 2.4 GHz | Yao-Huang Kao, Chun-Chieh Chien |
2001-07 | Two Novel Radar Vehicle Detectors for the Replacement of a Conventional Loop Det | Ihn S. Kim, Key Jeong, Jae Kwon Jeong |
2001-07 | A Ka-band Planar Printed Antipodal Linearly-tapered Slot Antenna | Meng-Chung Tsai, Huey-Ru Chuang |
2001-07 | A Novel Method to Mitigate Microwave Oven Dictated EMI on Bluetooth Communicatio | P.S. Neeklankanta, Jesada Sivaraks |
2001-07 | Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier Linearizer Using Analog Circuitry | Alfonso J. Zozaya, Eduard Bertran, Alberti and Jordi Berenguer-Sau |
2001-07 | MEMS for RF/Microwave Wireless Applications: The Next Wave Part II | Hector J. De Los Santos, Randy J. Richards |
2001-08 | A New Spread-spectrum Measurement Method for Satellite Transponder In-orbit Test | Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, Buy Harles |
2001-08 | A High Efficiency Bow-tie Antenna for Impulse Propagation | Roger Clarke |
2001-08 | Design of a Planar Microstrip Balun at S-band | Jwo-Shiun Sun, Tsung-Lin Lee |
2001-08 | A Method of Measuring Large-signal S-parameters of High Power Transistors | Seok Kyun Park, Ik Soo Chang, Yun Seo Choi, Jun Won Huh, Young Kim |
2001-08 | Improved Gain for a Dynamic Envelope Tracking Amplifier in Cellular Radio Handse | In-ho Kang, Joo-yeon Kim |
2001-08 | Finite Element Determination of the Intrinsic Small-signal Equivalent Circuit of | M. Kameche, M. Feham |
2001-09 | Advanced RF Technologies for the Wireless Market | Yvan Droinet |
2001-09 | Spectrum Monitored Adaptive Feedforward Linearization | Jun Won Huh, Ik Soo Chang, Chul D. Kim |
2001-09 | A Monopole with a Twist | Thomas J. Warnagiris |
2001-09 | Design Methodology for High Efficiency Active Radiator | V. Gonzalez, J.M. Rodriguez, J.E. Gonzalez, C. Rueda, C. Martin Pascual |
2001-09 | Test Enables High Volume Manufacturing | Ernest Rejman |
2001-09 | Design and Prototyping of a Transimpedance Front-end Amplifier for Dense Wavelen | J. Wareberg, D. Kennedy, S. Schmidt |
2001-09 | Fast Design of Cross-coupled Filter Substructures | Dieter Pelz |
2001-09 | A Simple VVA RFIC Design with a Focus on Repeatability and Stability | Yair Shemesh |
2001-09 | The Influence of LO Harmonics on Receiver Performance in the Modulation Schemes | Boris Aleiner, Oleksandr Zakhalyavko |
2001-09 | PLL Synthesizers: A Switching Speed Tutorial | Bar-Giora Goldberg |
2001-10 | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Overview | Ali Zamanian |
2001-10 | Design of a Low Phase Noise Ku-band Oscillator Using a SiGe HBT | Myrianne Regis, Hugues Lafontaine, Steve Kovacic, Gilles Cibiel, Olivier Llopis |
2001-10 | Lossy Linearizers for Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion | Somnath Mukherjee, Mridul K. Pal, Ralph Inducta |
2001-10 | Design of a Novel Vector Modulator | Yong-Chae Jeong |
2001-10 | An Automatic Macro Program for Radio Frequency MOSFET Characteristics Analysis | C.Y. Su, S.J. Chang, L.P. Chen, Y.P. Ho, G.W. Huang, D.C. Lin, B.M. Tseng, H.Y. |
2001-10 | Fractional-N Synthesizers | David Owen |
2001-10 | Regrowth of Data Spectral Sidelobes from AM/PM Effects and Hard Limiting | Frank Amoroso |
2001-10 | Linearity Requirements for MMICs for 16 Through 128 QAM ETSI Compliant Radios | Jim Harvey |
2001-11 | Dual Mode Broadband Hybrids: Theory and Experiment | Alex D. Lapidus |
2001-11 | Implementation of a Neural Network HEMT Model into ADS | Willie L. Thompson II, Eric V. Miller and Carl White |
2001-11 | A Broadband Planar Isolator Using Coupled Microstrip Lines on a Magnetized Gyrot | Y.C. Moon, J.R. Lee, S.W. Yun and I.S. Chang |
2001-11 | Aluminum Nitride vs. Beryllium Oxide for High Power Resistor Products | Michael Kettner, Patrick Biebersmith, Nelson Roldan and Balram K. Sharma |
2001-11 | Planar EM Simulation of Multi-chip Modules and BGA Packages | Jim DeLap |
2001-11 | An Embedded MOS Model 9 for CMOS RF Circuit Design | Christian Rye Iversen |
2001-11 | Rigorous Analytical Expressions for Electromagnetic Parameters of Transmission L | N. Benahmed and M. Feham |
2001-11 | Circuit Designers: An Endangered Species? | Ernest Rejman |
2001-11 | Coping with Hidden Spurious Harmonic Modes in the Design of Low Pass Corrugated | Ke-Li Wu and Gordon McDonald |
2001-11 | Application and Operation of a Double OCXO | Timo Reinhardt |
2001-12 | Optimum Design for Linearity and Efficiency of a Microwave Doherty Amplifier Usi | Youngoo Yang, Jaehyok Yi, Young Yun Woo and Bumman Kim |
2001-12 | A High Efficiency, Low Cost Silicon Bipolar GSM Dual-band PA Module | T. Johansson, P. Lundin, J. Engvall, D. Uggla and U. Hagström |
2001-12 | Thermal Analysis and Considerations for Gallium Nitride Microwave Power Amplifie | Bruce A. Kopp, Amy J. Billups and Mark H. Luesse |
2001-12 | A Broadband, Four-bit, Ka-band MMIC Phase Shifter | John E. Penn |
2002-01 | Topics in Communication System Design: Carrier Triple Beats | Howard Hausman |
2002-01 | Performing Transient Analysis on PLL Frequency Synthesizers | David Vye |
2002-01 | A Feedforward Power Amplifier with Loops to Reduce RX Band Noise and Intermodula | Yong-Chae Jeong |
2002-01 | A Large Bandwidth T-shaped Microstrip-fed Ground Plane Slot Antenna | Yong-Woong Jang, Jeong-Chull Yoon and Ho-Sub Shin |
2002-01 | SOI CMOS Technology For RF System-on-chip Applications | Jerry Yue and Jeff Kriz |
2002-01 | Antenna Selection to Minimize Pointing Requirements | Keith Willey |
2002-01 | Axial Ratio Measurements of Single Circularly Polarized Antennas | Robert Gunnels |
2002-02 | Externally Induced VCO Phase Noise | Dennis Colin |
2002-02 | Designing a Bluetooth Transceiver in RF CMOS | Bob Koupal, Marshall Wang and Cory Edelman |
2002-02 | Low Phase Noise SiGe Voltage-controlled Oscillators for Wireless Applications | Xudong Wang, Dawn Wang, Chris Masse and Peter Bacon |
2002-02 | A Varactor-tuned Oscillator with Linear Tuning Characteristics | Munkyo Seo, Joo-Yeol Lee, Kyung-Kuk Lee and Sangwook Nam |
2002-02 | A New Type of Amplitude Equalizer for In-band Flatness Improvement | Hee-Yong Hwang, Sang-Won Yun and Joong-Sung Chung |
2002-02 | Intermodulation Products for a Mixer Subjected to a Multi-carrier Signal | Assaad Borjak and Taoufik Bourdi |
2002-02 | Technology and Innovation in Single Layer Capacitors | Lambert Devoe and Alan Devoe |
2002-03 | Measurement of On-wafer Transistor Noise Parameters Without a Tuner Using Unrest | A. Lázaro, M.C. Maya and L. Pradell |
2002-03 | Fixing the Curtice FET Model | Steve Maas |
2002-03 | Two-tone vs. Single-tone Measurement of Second-order Nonlinearity | Darioush Agahi, William Domino and Nooshin Vakilian |
2002-03 | Simulating Multi-finger HBTS | Yu Zhu, Jason Gerber and Qian Cai |
2002-03 | The Importance of the Current-voltage Characteristics of FETs, HEMTs, and Bipola | Peter Ladbrooke and James Bridge |
2002-04 | Calculation and Measurement of Lock Time in a Phase-locked Loop Frequency Synthe | Florian Krug and Jean Wilwert |
2002-04 | The Use of Intermodulation Tables for Mixer Simulations | Daniel Faria, Lawrence Dunleavy and Terje Svensen |
2002-04 | A Distributed Amplifier for 40 Gbps Fiber-optic Communications Systems | H. Shigematsu, M. Sato, T. Hirose and Y. Watanabe |
2002-04 | Design of a Predistortive High Power Amplifier Using Carrier Complex Power Serie | Yong-Chae Jeong and Sang-Young Yun |
2002-04 | Output Power Improvement of a Push-push FET DRO by Using an Additional DR | Ihn S. Kim, Chisung Jo and Yongin Han |
2002-05 | System-level Filter Design Methodology for WLAN-OFDM Transceivers | B. Debaillie, B. Come, W. Eberle, S. Donnay and H. Minami |
2002-05 | Design of a Circularly Polarized 2 x 2 Patch Array Operating in the 2.45 GHz ISM | M. Mathian, E. Korolkewicz, P. Gale and E.G. Lim |
2002-05 | Characteristics of a Large Bandwidth Rectangular Microstrip-fed Inserted Triangu | Yong-Woong Jang |
2002-05 | Gain for Compressed Amplifiers | Earl McCune |
2002-05 | A New Planar Coupled-line Balun for Microwave Applications | Jwo-Shiun Sun and Guan-Yu Chen |
2002-06 | Processing Techniques For Broadband FIFM Receivers | K.R. Sundaram and S. Sudha Rani |
2002-06 | A 2.4 GHz Polarization-diversity Planar Printed Dipole Antenna for WLAN and Wire | Huey-Ru Chuang, Liang-Chen Kuo, Chi-Chang Lin and Wen-Tzu Chen |
2002-06 | LDMOS Linearity and Reliability | Jed Rice |
2002-06 | Q- and V-band MMIC Low Noise Amplifiers | Byung-Jun Jang, In-Bok Yom and Seong-Pal Lee |
2002-06 | Fibercom Clock Timing - A Review of PLL Solutions | Bar-Giora Goldberg |
2002-07 | Optimizing Link Performance, Cost and Interchangeability by Predicting Residual | Kent K. Johnson |
2002-07 | 60 GHz Radio System Design Tradeoffs | D.K. Snodgrass |
2002-07 | QFHA Antennas for Satellite Radio and Mobile Phone Applications | Jamal S. Izadian |
2002-07 | Design of Wideband Patch Antennas for PCS and IMT-2000 Service | Joo Seong Jeon |
2002-07 | The Development of Wide Angle Base Station Antennas from Arrays | Chris Walker |
2002-08 | The Receiver Noise Equation: A Method for System Level Design of an RF Receiver | Hyung Joun Yoo and Ji-Hoon Kim |
2002-08 | Design of a Generic 2.5 W, 60 Percent Bandwidth, C-band MMIC Amplifier | Inder J. Bahl |
2002-09 | Optimizing Link Performance, Cost and Interchangeability by Predicting Residual | Kent K. Johnson |
2002-09 | Design Considerations for Multimode Multiband WLANs | Sanjay Moghe, Babak Matinpour and Drayton Avera |
2002-09 | The Design of Bandpass Filters Considering Frequency Dependence of Inverters | Hee Yong Hwang and Sang-won Yun |
2002-09 | SAW Voltage-controlled Oscillators | Robert P. Bernardo |
2002-10 | Specifications and Definitions for Quadrature Demodulators and Receiver Design M | Ping Yin |
2002-10 | Design Advantages of CDMA Power Amplifiers Built with MOSFET Technology | Tetsuo Sato and Chris Grigorean |
2002-10 | Reviewing the Basics of Suspended Striplines | Leo G. Maloratsky |
2002-11 | Using Load Pull Analysis and Device Model Validation to Improve MMIC Power Ampli | Stephen A. Maas and Ted Miracco |
2002-11 | Balancing the Budgets: The Importance of Dedicated Software for System Design | Charles Blackwood |
2002-11 | Considerations in Capacitor-pairing to Obtain Nonstandard Part Values | Tom Weller, David Markell, John Capwell and Vivi Cojocaru |
2002-11 | Passive Miniaturization: Si Integrated Passive Devices for RF and Microwave Appl | Dong-Wook Kim, In-Ho Jeong and Jong-Soo Lee |
2002-11 | Effects of AM/AM and AM/PM Distortion on Spectral Regrowth in 3GPP W-CDMA BS Pow | J. Staudinger |
2002-11 | Practical Design Consideration of a Modified Structure for a Planar Multiport Po | Yongin Han and Ihn S. Kim |
2002-12 | High Efficiency Class B, E and F Power Amplifiers: The Magic of Parallel Circuit | Andrei Grebennikov |
2002-12 | Understanding W-CDMA Modulation Quality Measurements | Marta Iglesias |
2002-12 | A Fully-integrated 5 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS VCO for 802.11a WLAN Applications | Yuan-Kai Chu and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2002-12 | A Measurement-based Behavioral Model for I/Q RF Modulators | Joel Dunsmore, Greg Jue and John Kikuchi |
2003-01 | Trends in Antennas for Wireless Communications | C.B. Dietrich, Jr., R.M. Barts, W.L. Stutzman, W.A. Davis |
2003-01 | Development of an Advanced Airborne Precipitation Radar | G.A. Sadowy, A.C. Berkun, W. Chun, E. Im, S.L. Durden |
2003-01 | An RF Module Design for a Multi-mode Handset | Jianing Zhao, Xiaowei Zhu, Jianyi Zhou, Jin Liu |
2003-01 | A Low Cost Pencil-beam Microstrip Antenna at 76.5 GHz | Victor Volkov, Michael Parnes, Victor Korolkov |
2003-01 | A 2.4 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier with 20 dBm Output Power for Bluetooth and WLAN A | Cheng-Chi Yen, Huey-Ru Chuang |
2003-01 | A Wideband and High Gain Microstrip Four-slot Antenna Array | Yong-Woong Jang, Ho-Sub Shin |
2003-01 | Interactive Interdigital Filter Design Using MMICAD Software | Philip F. Dindo |
2003-02 | Hybrid Synthesizer Tutorial | David Crook |
2003-02 | A Method to Predict the Level of Intermodulation Products in Broadband Power Amp | J.L. Smith |
2003-02 | A Low Noise Wideband Microwave Oscillator Using a Tunable Microstrip Combline Fi | Gerhard A. Hofbauer |
2003-02 | Effects of Grounding and Bias Circuit on the Performance of High Frequency Linea | Y.Y. Wei, P. Gale and E. Korolkiewicz |
2003-02 | Overcoming Hard Limiter Suppression | Frank Amoroso |
2003-02 | Memory Effect Reduction for LDMOS Bias Circuits | Antoine Rabany |
2003-03 | RF Coplanar Probe Basics | Scott Wartenberg |
2003-03 | Pulsed I-V for Nonlinear Modeling | L. Dunleavy, W. Clausen and T. Weller |
2003-03 | Gold Stud Bumps in Flip-chip Applications | Jerry Jordan |
2003-03 | The Importance of Phase Accuracy in Differential VNA Measurements | David Vondran |
2003-03 | Developing Sophisticated Models for Capacitors, Inductors and Other Passive Comp | Gregory L. Amorese |
2003-04 | An Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier for WCDMA Base Stations Using Imperfect Signal | Young Yun Woo, Youngoo Yang, Jaehyok Yi, Joongjin Nam, Jeonghyeon Cha and Bumman |
2003-04 | A Novel Adaptive Feedforward Amplifier Using an Analog Controller | Yong-Chae Jeong, Young-Jean Song, In-Ju Oh and Chul-Dong Kim |
2003-04 | A Voltage-controlled PIN Diode Attenuator Using an Accurate PIN Diode Model | Byung-Jun Jang, In-Bok Yom and Moon-Que Lee |
2003-04 | Specification and Measurement of Local Oscillator Noise in Integrated Circuit Ba | Kathiravan Krishnamurthi and Stephen P. Jurgiel |
2003-04 | Design of a Predistorter Controlling Individual Orders of Intermodulation Using | Sang Won Kim, Han Yu Cho, Young Kim, Ik Soo Chang and Won Woo Lee |
2003-05 | An Aircraft Single-antenna FM Radio Altimeter | Leo G. Maloratsky |
2003-05 | Mixer Spur Analysis with Concurrently Swept LO, RF and IF: Tools and Techniques | Daniel Gandhi and Christopher Lyons |
2003-05 | Using Guided Wavelength as a Basis for the Design of Dielectric Rod Antennas | Carl L. Everett |
2003-05 | Fast and Accurate High Power Device Characterization with a Microstrip SOL Metho | Pierre Bertram |
2003-05 | A GSM Standard Band Selective Repeater | Tsang-Yen Hsieh and Nai-Chueh Wang |
2003-05 | High Speed Digital Packaging | Alan Lindner |
2003-05 | Design and Operation of Automatic Gain Control Loops for Receivers in Modern Com | Dana Whitlow |
2003-06 | RF Test Fixture Basics | Scott Wartenberg |
2003-06 | Design of a MESFET Frequency Multiplier - Theory and Simulation | Anurag Bhargava |
2003-06 | Multicriteria VCO Design | Yuriy Kitaev and Aleksey Shulga |
2003-06 | Design of a TRM Calibration Kit for the ZMA Coaxial Interface Using Ansoft HFSS | Clara E. Centeno-Calero |
2003-06 | Defense Priority Ratings: Know the Rules | Shawn Cheadle |
2003-07 | A Novel Class of High Selectivity Filters and Duplexers in Microstrip Technology | Giuseppe Macchiarella and Alberto Bovatti |
2003-07 | A Novel Simulation Tool for PN Junction Varactors Based on Finite Difference App | N. Sainz, I. Gutierrez, A. Muñoz, J. de Nó, E. Hernández and A. Garciá-Alonso |
2003-07 | A Reduced-size Power Divider Using the Coupled Line Equivalent to a Lumped Induc | In-Ho Kang and Jin-San Park |
2003-08 | Wide Tuning Range RF-MEMS Varactors Fabricated Using the PolyMUMPs Foundry | T.K. Tsang, M.N. El-Gamal, W.S. Best, H.J. De Los Santos |
2003-08 | Numerical FDTD Modeling of Silicon Integrated Spiral Inductors | F. Alimenti, G. Stopponi, V. Palazzari, P. Placidi, L. Roselli, A. Scorzoni and |
2003-09 | Microwave in Europe: Trends Shaping the Future | Richard Mumford |
2003-09 | A Universal Oscillator Analysis Technique that Accurately Estimates Frequency an | Gerhard A. Hofbauer |
2003-09 | A Low Power Consumption Architecture for Mobile Phones Above 1800 MHz | E. Géron and J. Lewiner |
2003-09 | Generating a Plane Wave in the Near Field with a Planar Array Antenna | Randy Haupti |
2003-09 | Application of GTEM Cells to Wireless Communication Transceiver Designs | Ping Hui |
2003-09 | A Fully Integrated CMOS VCO for DCS-1800 Direct Conversion Receivers | E. Hernández, R. Berenguer, J. Aguilera, J. Ibarguren and I. Gutierrez |
2003-09 | Quarter-wavelength N-way Power Dividers/Combiners: Historical Aspects and New Mo | Leo G. Maloratsky and Simon Y. London |
2003-10 | Adding a Low Data Rate Radio ASSP to an ISM Application | Carl Falcon |
2003-10 | Cross-modulation in a CDMA Mobile Phone Receiver | Yang Zhang |
2003-10 | The Concept of Predistortion | Boris Aleiner |
2003-11 | An Equivalent Circuit and Modeling Method for Defected Ground Structure and Its | Jun-Seok Park |
2003-11 | Dependency of IV Characteristics of a MESFET Device on Frequency and Electric Fi | J. Rodriguez-Tellez, N.T. Ali, K.A. Mezher, T. Fernandez, A. Mediavilla, A. Tazo |
2003-11 | Design and Evaluation of a High Selectivity Combline Bandpass Filter | Raj Kumar, N. Gupta, K.P.M. Bhat, R. Sreehari Rao |
2003-11 | A Diode Linearizer for Microwave Power Amplifiers | S.C. Bera, P.S. Bharadwaj, R.V. Singh and V.K. Garg |
2003-11 | A Deterministic Method for Optimizing VSWR | Tim L. Hillstrom |
2003-11 | Ferrite Circulator Switches and Their Applications | Rodger Billings and Tony Edridge |
2003-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: Recent Advances in EDA Software Solutions | Ted Miracco |
2003-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: A Nonlinear Model Compiler for RF/Microwav | |
2003-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: A Two-path Vector Signal Generator | |
2003-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: AWGN Generators with Precise Control of Re | |
2003-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement Supplement: 100 W Hot Switching Programmable Attenuato | |
2003-12 | The Grid Amplifier: Enabling High Power Millimeter-wave Systems | James J. Rosenberg, Michael P. DeLisio, Blythe C. Deckman, Chun-Tung Cheung, Dav |
2003-12 | An Actively-controlled Microwave Reflecting Surface with Binary-pattern Modulati | P.S. Neelakanta, A.K. Stampalia and D. De Groff |
2003-12 | Flash in the Plan: Directed-Energy Weapons Remain More Experimental Than Availab | Ted McKenna |
2003-12 | A Brief Exposure to Ultra-wideband Signaling | Bruno Pattan |
2003-12 | Cavity Techniques for Substrate Properties at Microwave/Millimeter-wave Bands | Nickander J. Damaskos and Benuel J. Kelsall |
2003-12 | A Nonlinear Circuit Simulation Model for GaAs and InP Heterojunction Bipolar Tra | |
2004-01 | From Design to Reality | |
2004-01 | Recent Trends in Oscillator Design | Randy Rhea and Bill Clausen |
2004-01 | A K- and Ka-band Vehicular Phased-array Antenna | Zoran Golubicic, Sasa Dragas and Zoran Cvetkovic |
2004-01 | Design of a 900/1800 MHz Dual-band LTCC Chip Antenna for Mobile Communications A | Chi-Chang Lin, Yu-Jui Chang and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2004-01 | Got You Covered | Michal Fiszer and Jerzy Gruszczynski |
2004-02 | Low Profile, High Performance Surface Mount Couplers | |
2004-02 | The Effects of IP2 Impairment on an 802.11a OFDM Direct Conversion Radio System | Kerry Z. Cai and Pengfei Zhang |
2004-02 | Design and Fabrication Procedure for High Q RF MEMS Resonators | Wan-Thai Hsu, W. Scott Best, Héctor J. De Los Santos |
2004-02 | A Fully-integrated 2.4/5.7 GHz Concurrent Dual-band 0.18 µm CMOS LNA for an 802. | Qiu-Huan Huang, Dar-Ron Huang and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2004-02 | Small-sized Quasi-elliptic Function Microstrip Low Pass Filter Based on Defected | Young Bin Cho, Kye Suk Jun, Ihn S. Kim and Byung Soo Kim |
2004-02 | A 5 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS Mixer for 802.11a WLAN Receiver Applications | Yuan-Kai Chu and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2004-02 | Printed Circuit Realization of a Capacitive-loaded Interdigital Bandpass Filter | R. Kumar, N. Gupta and K.P.M. Bhat |
2004-02 | Design of a 5.7 GHz 0.18 µm CMOS Current-reused LNA for an 802.11a WLAN Receiver | Liang-Hui Li and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2004-02 | Using Noise for RF Receiver Built-in Test Applications | Patrick Robbins |
2004-03 | Frequency Extension Source Modules to Extend Signal Generator Capability from 50 | |
2004-03 | Trigger-Capture-Analyze: Three Steps Toward Understanding Today's Complex RF Sig | Marcus da Silva |
2004-03 | Noise Can Be Good, Too | Jiri Polivka |
2004-03 | Automation and Real-time Verification of Passive Component S-parameter Measureme | J. Capwell, T. Weller, D. Markell and L. Dunleavy |
2004-03 | New Behavioral Models Facilitate Fast and Accurate Simulation of Sigma-delta Fra | Wael A. Al-Qaq, JianHua Gu, William J. Martin and Jeffrey L. Cutcher |
2004-03 | Pitfalls to Avoid When Using Load-pull Contours for PA Design | C. Tsironis and N. Misljenovic |
2004-03 | Increasing RF Device Test Throughput with Better Instrument Coordination | Mary Anne Tupta |
2004-03 | Cables & Connectors Supplement: 2004 Connector, Cable and Cable Assembly Survey | Harlan Howe, Jr. |
2004-04 | A Compact RFID Reader Platform for UHF and Microwave Applications | |
2004-04 | High Efficiency Power Amplifier Driving Methods and Circuits: Part I | Francisco Javier Ortega-González |
2004-04 | Simulation and Measurement of a C-band Low Noise Dielectric Resonator Oscillator | R.A. Abd-Alhameed, M. Zewani, P.S. Excell, J.G. Gardiner and N.J. McEwan |
2004-04 | Amplifier Design Using a Quarter-Wave High Impedance Bias Line with a Defected G | Yong-Chae Jeong, Chonbuk, Si-Gyun Jeong, Jong-Sik Lim, and Chul-Dong Kim |
2004-04 | High Efficiency, High Power WCDMA LDMOS Transistors for Base Stations | P.C.A. Hammes, H.F.F. Jos, F. van Rijs, S.J.C.H. Theeuwen and K. Vennema |
2004-04 | A New Large-signal Model for a Pulse-doped GaAs MESFET | Sophia Hsu and Yusuke Tajima |
2004-04 | A Temperature-compensated Closed Loop Overdrive Level Controller for Microwave S | S.C. Bera and R.V. Singh |
2004-05 | Comparison of Coaxial Dipole Antennas for Applications in the Near-field and Far | Brian Drozd and William T. Joines |
2004-05 | S-band High Power Solid-state Amplifier Design and Development | Yorgos Stratakos and Panayotis Betzios |
2004-05 | High Efficiency Power Amplifier Driving Methods and Circuits: Part II | Francisco Javier Ortega-González |
2004-05 | Thin Film Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) for a New Class of Tunable RF Componen | Bud Noren |
2004-05 | Predicting the EVM Performance of WLAN Power Amplifiers with OFDM Signals | Patrick Naraine |
2004-05 | Design of a Novel Balun for a Star Configuration Double-balanced Mixer at S-band | Sun-Sook Kim, Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom |
2004-05 | Leading-edge SAW Filters for Short Range Devices | Exa¨el Alexander |
2004-06 | Enterprise EDA Software Connects the Microwave Design Flow | |
2004-06 | A Review of Radiation Effects on Human Operators of Hand-held Radios | Minh-Chau Huynh and Warren Stutzman |
2004-06 | Characteristics of a Wide-band, High Gain, Eight-element Slot Antenna for PCS, I | Yong-Woong Jang |
2004-06 | A Low Cost RF Transceiver for 2.4 GHz DSSS Short-range Communication Systems | Jianyi Zhou, Jianing Zhao, Wei Hong and Xiaowei Zhu |
2004-06 | An E-/D-mode pHEMT Process for High Performance Switch and Amplifier Components | Walter A. Wohlmuth, Wayne Struble and Domingo FarÃas |
2004-06 | A Thorough RF and Microwave Circuit Design Method to Streamline the RFIC Develop | Josh Moore |
2004-07 | Potential Applications of PBG Engineered Structures in Microwave Engineering: Pa | Nemai Chandra Karmakar and Mohammad Nurunnabi Mollah |
2004-07 | Automated Pattern Measurement for Circularly-polarized Antennas Using the Phase- | Christopher T. Rodenbeck, Kai Chang and John Aubin |
2004-07 | Design of a 3.5 W S-band Power Amplifier Based on Small-signal S-parameter Analy | Y.W. Yeap, L.H. Chua and S.H. Tan |
2004-07 | A Novel Power Combining Network for Doherty Amplifiers | Hyeong Tae Jeong, Chul Dong Kim and Ik Soo Chang |
2004-07 | A New Low Loss, Laser Ablatable Substrate for Microwave Circuitry | |
2004-08 | Military Microwaves | |
2004-08 | Averaging Correlation for Fast GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition in Multipath Ray | D. Djebouri, A. Djebbari and M. Djebbouri |
2004-08 | Communications Satellite Antennas with On-orbit Pattern Flexibility | Wyman L. Williams and James M. Howell |
2004-08 | Making of a Robust Indoor Microwave Wireless Link: A Novel Scheme of Polarizatio | P.S. Neelakanta, W. Preedalumpabut and S. Morgera |
2004-08 | An Algorithm that Accelerates Harmonic Balance Analysis of RFICs | |
2004-08 | Military Microwave Supplement: Zero dBContournementBugUN153; Coaxial Cable Assem | |
2004-08 | Military Microwave Supplement: SMR-4820 Compact Microwave Search Receiver | |
2004-08 | Military Microwave Supplement: Military Markets - Thoughts and Projections | Harlan Howe, Jr., Richard Mumford and Michael Puttré |
2004-08 | Military Microwave Supplement: Joint EW Reprogramming Maintains a Combat Edge | Colonel John S. Clark, Jr. and Chris Gilbert |
2004-08 | Military Microwave Supplement: France’s Unique Horizon | Michael Puttré |
2004-09 | Microwaves in Europe: Current Trends and Future Prospects | Richard Mumford |
2004-09 | Potential Applications of PBG Engineered Structures in Microwave Engineering: Pa | Nemai Chandra Karmakar, Mohammad Nurunnabi Mollah |
2004-09 | Automating and Optimizing High Performance LTCC Design | Aki Nakatani and Lawrence Williams |
2004-09 | The Analysis and Design of a User Equipment Grade, All Digital Gain Control, Dir | Tanbir Haque, Leonid Kazakevich and Alpaslan Demir |
2004-09 | The Design of a Dual Polarized Vivaldi Array | Adrian Sutinjo and Edwin Tung |
2004-09 | Volterra Series Analysis of a Laser Diode Predistorter for Mobile Communication | R.A. Abd-Alhameed, P.S. Excell and J.G. Gardiner |
2004-09 | Design and Simulation of a PLL for Use in a W-CDMA RF Module | Wei Jiang and Xiaowei |
2004-09 | LUX Research Releases the Nanotech Report 2004 Key Findings | Michael Puttré |
2004-10 | 5.7 GHz 0.25 µm CMOS RF Front-end Circuits for an IEEE 802.11a WLAN Receiver | Yung-Ming Chiu and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2004-10 | Theory and Practical Considerations for Measuring Phase Noise Better Than -165 d | Pankaj Goyal |
2004-10 | Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Resonant Microwave Reflection Amplifier | A.P. Venguer, J.L. Medina, R.A. Chávez, A. Velázquez and A. Zamudio |
2004-10 | Nonlinearity Test for a Fully Integrated Direct-conversion Receiver | Pengfei Zhang |
2004-10 | Design of a Predistortion HPA Using a Frequency Up-conversion Mixing Operation | Yong-Chae Jeong, Young Kim, and Chul D. Kim |
2004-10 | High Voltage HBTs for 3G W-CDMA Base Station Power Amplifiers | Michael Puttré |
2004-11 | Cross-coupling in Microwave Bandpass Filters | Alex D. Lapidus and Chris Rossiter |
2004-11 | CAD, Test and Measurement | |
2004-11 | Theory and Practical Considerations for Measuring Phase Noise Better Than -165 d | Pankaj Goyal |
2004-11 | Passive Sensors Using RF Backscatter | Somnath Mukherjee |
2004-11 | A High Efficiency Class-F Power Amplifier Design Technique | S.F. Ooi, S. Gao, A. Sambell, D. Smith and P. Butterworth |
2004-11 | The Versatile Butler Matrix | Bruno Pattan |
2004-11 | Early Verification of Emerging UWB and WMAN Radio Systems | Joe Troychak |
2004-11 | Planar EM Analysis: A New Standard for High Frequency Applications | |
2004-12 | Remote Sensing Through Satellites | P.K. Jain |
2004-12 | High Performance Wideband MSAG Gain Block/Driver Amplifier MMICs Using MLP Techn | Michael Ashman and Inder Bahl |
2004-12 | Accurate Power Detection of a CDMA Multi-carrier Power Amplifier Using a Logarit | Sang Hyun Park |
2004-12 | A Wideband MMIC-based Feedback Oscillator | Tony Fattorini and David A. Richardson |
2004-12 | High Voltage, Low Cost FETs for HPA MMIC Applications | |
2005-01 | Note From The Publisher: A New Year, a New Look, the Same Mission | Carl Sheffres |
2005-01 | EuMW 2004 - History in the Making | Richard Mumford |
2005-01 | Lightweight, Low Cost Printed Antenna Arrays | Bharadvaj Podduturi and David M. Pozar |
2005-01 | A Design Procedure for a Circular Polarized, Nearly Square Patch Antenna | S.K. Lee, A. Sambell, E. Korolkiewicz, S.F. Loh, S.F. Ooi and Y. Qin |
2005-01 | Effects of the Radiated Power in a Linear Inverse Scattering Algorithm for GPR P | Raffaele Persico and Francesco Soldovieri |
2005-01 | Introduction to Miniature Antenna and Diversity Combining Techniques | Bar-Giora Goldberg |
2005-01 | A Compact Thin-film WLAN Antenna Switching Module | Richard Chen, Neal Mellen, Makoto Shibata and Masahiro Miyazaki |
2005-01 | Radar Today | David K. Barton |
2005-02 | A Study of Transition Effects in Supercomponents | Ronen Holtzman |
2005-02 | An Analog Predistortion Linearizer Design | Young Kim, Ik-Soo Chang, and Yong-Chae Jeong |
2005-02 | Design and Implementation of a Novel Frequency Modulation Circuit Using a Phase- | Seong-Sik Yang, Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom |
2005-02 | A Temperature Dependent PIN Diode Model for Simple Temperature Invariant Attenua | S.C. Bera, R.V. Singh and V.K. Garg |
2005-02 | The Effect of High Stability Reference Oscillators on System Phase Noise | Howard Hausman |
2005-02 | 2.4 GHz, 0.25 mm CMOS Transmitter and Receiver RFICs for Wireless Communications | Cheng-Chi Yen and Huey-Ru Chuang |
2005-02 | Detecting Fast RF Bursts Using Log Amps | Yuping Toh |
2005-02 | The RF Semiconductor Evolution: From Single Components to System Solutions | Jerry D. Neal |
2005-03 | A CAD Algorithm for RF/Microwave Interconnect Modeling | Ahmet Sertbas |
2005-03 | A CAD-oriented Approach to Design of Load Impedance and Input Matching in Active | R.A. Abd-Alhameed, D. Zhou, N.J. McEwan, P.S. Excell and A. Ghorbani |
2005-03 | De-embedding Using a Vector Network Analyzer Including Calibration and Measureme | Steve Reyes |
2005-03 | The Importance of Sweep Rate in DC IV Measurements | Charles Baylis, Lawrence Dunleavy and William Clausen |
2005-03 | Transient Simulations at RF Frequencies | Scott Wedge, Evgeny Wasserman and David Neilson |
2005-03 | 2005 Connector, Cable and Cable Assembly Survey | Harlan Howe, Jr. |
2005-03 | Planar Electromagnetic Software | James C. Rautio |
2005-04 | Amplifier and Transistor Gains Revisited | George D. Vendelin, José Carlos Pedro and Pedro Miguel Cabral |
2005-04 | A 2 to 20 GHz High Power Amplifier Using Spatial Power Combining Techniques | JPengcheng Jia |
2005-04 | Design of Linear S-band Power Amplifiers with High Power-added Efficiency | Y.W. Yeap, E.C. Teh and T.W. Chua |
2005-04 | A Four-channel Full-duplex T/R Module for Multi-Frequency Phased Array Applicati | Chunlei Wang, Christopher T. Rodenbeck and Kai Chang, Matthew R. Coutant |
2005-04 | A Unified Theory for Nonlinear Distortion Characteristics in Different Amplifier | Pedro Miguel Cabral, José Carlos Pedro and Nuno Borges Carvalho |
2005-04 | RF Power 2005 | Steve C. Cripps |
2005-05 | A Novel Frequency Doubler Using a Feedforward Structure and DGS Microstrip for F | Yong-Chae Jeong, Do-Kyeong Hwang and Jong-Sik Lim |
2005-05 | WiMAX - A Standard Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access | llen Henley |
2005-05 | Design of a Feedback Predistortion Linear Power Amplifier | Lin Qiang, Zhang Zu Ying and Guo Wei |
2005-05 | Techniques for the Integration of High-Q Millimeter-wave Filters in Multi-functi | Matthew Morgan and Sander Weinreb |
2005-05 | An Archery-target Antenna | Matjaz Vidmar |
2005-05 | A Quasi-balanced Frequency Doubler Using Alternate Power Dividing and Combining | Younkyu Chung, Dal Ahn and Tatsuo Itoh |
2005-05 | GaAs-, InP- and GaN HEMT-based Microwave Control Devices: What is Best and Why | M. Kameche, and N.V. Drozdovski |
2005-05 | Characteristic Analysis of a Low Profile Post-type Monopole Antenna with Dual Pl | Hyun-Chul Go and Yong-Woong Jang |
2005-05 | Design Curves for Estimating the Resonant Frequency and Q-factor for Rectangular | A. Petosa and A. Ittipiboon |
2005-06 | A Balanced Ka-band Vector Modulator MMIC | John E. Penn |
2005-06 | A Miniaturization Method of Parallel Coupled-line Filters Using Lumped Capacitor | Seong-Sik Myoung and Jong-Gwan Yook |
2005-06 | EM Modeling and Circuit Simulation Lead to a Solution to Amplifier Oscillations | Xiaoming Chen |
2005-06 | Semiconductor Trends in Wireless Handsets | Peter Bacon, Chandra Mohan, David Fryklund and Peter Zampardi |
2005-07 | A Size Reduction Technique for Mobile Phone PIFA Antennas Using Lumped Inductors | Jesper Thaysen and Kaj B. Jakobsen |
2005-07 | A Broadband Design for a Printed Isosceles Triangular Slot Antenna for Wireless | Wen-Shan Chen and Fu-Mao Hsieh |
2005-07 | Latest Advances in VNA Accuracy Enhancements | Dave Blackham and Ken Wong |
2005-07 | A Monopole with a Twist Revisited | T. Warnagiris |
2005-07 | Multi-gigabit Connectivity at 70, 80 and 90 GHz | Jonathan Wells |
2005-07 | Multiradio Yields Challenges for Mobile Phones | Petteri Alinikulai |
2005-08 | A Brief Tutorial on Antenna Measurements | John F. Aubin |
2005-08 | Military Microwaves: Military Microwaves 2005 - Current Viewpoints on Technologi | Harlan Howe, Jr., Richard Mumford, and Michael Puttré |
2005-08 | Military Microwaves: Secure Personal Communications on the Battlefield | Adam Baddeleyi |
2005-08 | Electroformed Front-end at 100 GHz for Radio-astronomical Applications | R. Banham, G. Valsecchi, L. Lucci, G. Pelosi,S. Selleri, V. Natale, R. Nesti, an |
2005-08 | Millimeter-wave Satellite Remote Sensing | Tom Newman |
2005-09 | Estimation of the Optimal Location of Metallic Objects Inside a Mobile Phone | Jesper Thaysen and Kaj B. Jakobsen |
2005-09 | A Doherty Amplifier with a Bias Adaptation Technique Based on SDR Transmitter Ar | Hyeong Tae Jeong, Tae Ho Kim and Ik Soo Chang, and Chul Dong Kim |
2005-09 | Transceiver Design for IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee-compliant Systems | Khanh Tuan Le |
2005-09 | Ultra Wideband Signal Generation | Y.W. Yeap |
2005-09 | Industry Study on Issues of MEMS Reliability and Accelerated Lifetime Testing | Clifford Fung |
2005-09 | Microwaves in Europe: Technologies, Trends and Prospects | Richard Mumford |
2005-10 | The Medium-gain Antenna of the MESSENGER Spacecraft | Perry M. Malouf, Ph.D. and Robert E. Wallis |
2005-10 | A Compact LTCC Bandpass Filter Using Resonators Loaded with Spiral-shaped Open-c | Kyu-Ho Park, Hee-Seok Song and Young-Shin Lee, Yong-Chae Jeong |
2005-10 | An Improved Microwave Weed Killer | Matjaz Vidmar |
2005-10 | Export Compliance: Understanding ITAR and EAR | Shawn Cheadle |
2005-10 | Next-generation Radios: New Paths for Communications | B. Buchin and R. Leschhorn |
2005-10 | Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, | Andrei Grebennikov |
2005-11 | CPW Transmission Insertion Loss on Si and SOI Substrates | Fei Zhang, Lina Shi and Chengfang Li |
2005-11 | A UWB Filter Using a Dual-mode Ring Resonator with Spurious Passband Suppression | Cheng-Ying Hsu, Chu-Yu Chen and Chuang Hao Huang |
2005-11 | A New Class of Asymmetrical Directional Couplers for Power/Antenna Control Appli | Andrzej Sawicki |
2005-11 | Experimental Investigation of a Power Divider Based on Microstrip and Metamateri | Dongke Zhang and Fuqiang Liu, Yewen Zhang, Li He, Hongqiang Li and Hong Chen |
2005-11 | Making Thermal Resistance Measurements without Test Diodes or Thermal Stages | J.P. Bridge |
2005-11 | Sampling IF Filters and the Return of the Superheterodyne Receiver | Seste Dell'Aera and Tom Riley |
2005-11 | Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, | Andrei Grebennikov |
2005-11 | Measuring VSWR and Gain in Wireless Systems | Eamon Nash |
2005-11 | UHF RFID Industry Growth Powered by RF Technology | Tom Cameron |
2005-11 | Passive Components: A Brief History | Harlan Howe, Jr. |
2005-12 | Transistor LC Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory and Design Aspects, | Andrei Grebennikov |
2005-12 | The Influence of the Package Environment on the Functioning and Reliability of C | Ingrid De Wolf, Piotr Czarnecki, Anne Jourdain, Robert Modlinski, Harrie A.C. Ti |
2005-12 | RF Linear Power Amplifier Gain Stabilization Over Ambient Temperature | Oleksandr Gorbachov |
2006-01 | A Printed UWB Triangular Monopole Antenna | H.R. Chuang, C.C. Lin and Y.C. Kan |
2006-01 | Performance Comparisons Between Dielectric Resonator Antennas and Printed Micros | R. Chair, A.A. Kishk, K.F. Lee and D. Kajfez |
2006-01 | Experimental Analysis of a Multi-band and High Gain Open Slot Antenna with Dual | Hyun-Chul Go and Yong-Woong Jang |
2006-01 | A Novel Broadband Design of a Printed Rectangular Slot Antenna for Wireless Appl | Wen-Shan Chen |
2006-01 | A Design of Double T-type Microstrip Antennas for Broadband and Control of Reson | Hyeonjin Lee and Yeongseog Lim |
2006-01 | Phased Arrays and Radars - Past, Present and Future | Eli Brookner |
2006-02 | A Specialized Low Loss 8 dB Coupler | Cecil W. Deisch |
2006-02 | Microstrip Line with a Novel Broadband PBG Structure | Fei Zhang, Lina Shi and Chengfang Li |
2006-02 | Ku-band MMIC Power Amplifiers Developed Using MSAG MESFET Technology | Inder J. Bahl |
2006-02 | Design of a UWB Low Insertion Loss Bandpass Filter with Spurious Response Suppre | Chu-Yu Chen and Cheng-Ying Hsu |
2006-02 | Building a 3.3 to 3.8 GHz 802.16a WiMAX LNA on FR4 Material | Xiao Lu |
2006-03 | Synthetic Instruments: A New Horizon | David P. Menzer |
2006-03 | A Multi-octave, Open-boundary, Quad-ridge Horn Antenna for Use in the S- to Ku-b | Vicente RodrÃguez |
2006-03 | Real-time Spectrum Analysis Streamlines Radar Pulse Testing and Diagnostics | Matthew J. Maxwell |
2006-03 | An Efficient, Interactive Optimization Solution for Analog and RF Design | James Spoto |
2006-04 | Microwave Oscillators:The State of the Technology | A.P.S. (Paul) Khanna |
2006-04 | A Low Profile, Top-loaded Monopole Antenna with Four Small Posts | Yong-Woong Jang, Hyun-Chul Go, Sang-Woo Lee |
2006-04 | Design of a Wideband Adaptive Linear Amplifier with a DSB Pilot and Complex Cohe | Jianyi Zhou, Lei Zhang, Wei Hong, Jianing Zhao and Xiaowei Zhu |
2006-04 | A 2 GHz, 0.25 µm MOS Complementary VCO with Differentially Tuned MOS Varactors | H.T. Lin, Y.K. Chu and H.R. Chuang |
2006-04 | Design of an Amplifier Using a Harmonic Termination Matching Tuner and Harmonic | Jin-Kuk Lee, Su-Taw Kim, Yong-Chae Jeong, Jong-Sik Lim, Chul-Dong Kim |
2006-05 | The Impact of MEMS on Cellular Phone Architectures | Mark Chapman |
2006-05 | Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Reader and Antenna Circuit Design | F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz |
2006-05 | Synthesis of a Planar, Coupled-line Marchand Balun with Emphasis on Balance | Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom |
2006-05 | Design of a Dual-band Ring Printed Antenna Array | M. Abri, N. Boukli-Hacene, F.T. Bendimerad, E. Cambiaggio, and Sophia Antipolis |
2006-05 | Understanding the Operation and Test of a Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rate Radio | Helen Mills |
2006-05 | High Harmonic-rejection Matching Filters for Quad-band Power Amplifiers | Rajanish, P. Onno, N. Jain, C. Weigand, P. McIntosh, B. Rizzi, and K. Izzac |
2006-05 | The Design of a Finite Ground Plane Cross Semi-elliptic Monopole Antenna for UWB | Wen-Shan Chen, Mao-Kai Hsu, Tainan Hsien |
2006-05 | UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part I: Experimental Results | Daniel M. Dobkin and Steven M. Weigand |
2006-06 | The Road from RFIC to SoC | J.P. Lanteri and D.J. Carlson |
2006-06 | Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Transponder Circuit Design | F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz |
2006-06 | UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part II: Theory | Daniel M. Dobkin |
2006-06 | A 2.4 GHz CMOS Transceiver Single-chip RF Front-end for ISM-band Wireless Commun | Wei-Ting Lee and Huey-Ru Chuang, and Chun-Lin Lu |
2006-06 | Power Amplifiers for Microwaves and RF Applications with LDMOS Transistors | Giuseppe Vacca |
2006-07 | Techniques of RFID Systems: Architectures and Applications | F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw, and M.B.I. Reaz |
2006-07 | Periodically Loaded SSS Coupled-line Filter for Second Harmonic Suppression | D. Packiaraj, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi |
2006-07 | A Dual-passband Waveguide Filter with a Canonical Structure for Ka-band Satellit | Man Seok Uhm, In Bok Yom, Juseop Lee, and Jeong Phill Kim |
2006-07 | Matrix Switches: Blocking versus Non-blocking | Brett Chermansky |
2006-07 | In Search of Maxwell | James Rautio |
2006-08 | Rigorous Analytical Expressions for the Electromagnetic Parameters of Rectangula | N. Benahmed and S. Seghier |
2006-08 | A Dual-band Branch-line Coupler Using Quasi-composite Right/Left-handed Transmis | He-Kai Jhuang,Ching-Her Lee, Po-Min Hu and Chung-I G. Hsu |
2006-08 | Characterization of Ultra-wideband Bow-tie Antennas for Ground Penetrating Radar | Francesco Soldovieri, Giancarlo Prisco, and Giovanni Leone |
2006-08 | Applications of CE Alloys in Defense, Aerospace, Telecom and Other Electronic Ma | David M. Jacobson, Andrew J.W. Ogilvy and Alan G. Leatham |
2006-09 | The Current State of Technology and Future Trends in Wireless Communications and | Alastair Upton and Victor Steel |
2006-09 | Accurate Simulation of an X-band Frequency Synthesizer | Mohamed Kameche |
2006-09 | Low Voltage Operation of GaAs Power Amplifiers | Joe Madden |
2006-09 | Novel Low Pass Filters Using a Defected Microstrip Structure | Sheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao, Zi-Hua Wang and Ying Li |
2006-09 | RF Power Detection: Measuring WiMAX Signals | Carlos Calvo and Matthew Pilotte |
2006-09 | Distortion Inherent to VNA Test Port Cable Assemblies | Paul Pino |
2006-09 | Coupled Line Noise in High Sensitivity RF Receiver Circuits | Oleksandr Gorbachov |
2006-10 | Network-centric Operations and Information Superiority: Current Trends of Key En | Heinrich Daembkes |
2006-10 | Frequency Converters: Understanding the Benefits of Simple and Complex Architect | Roland Hassun |
2006-10 | Design of Bias Tees for a Pulsed-bias, Pulsed-RF Test System Using Accurate Comp | Charles Baylis, Lawrence Dunleavy, and William Clausen |
2006-10 | A Practical Design of a Low Phase Noise Airborne X-band Frequency Synthesizer | Vsevolod Tanygin |
2006-10 | A Broadband Double Dipole Antenna with Triangle and Rhombus Shapes and Stable En | Abdelnasser A. Eldek |
2006-10 | Measuring the Capacitance Coefficients of Coaxial Open-circuits with Traceabilit | Martin J. Salter and Nick M. Ridler |
2006-10 | Eliminating FFT Artifacts in Vector Signal Analyzer Spectra | Michael D. McKinley, Kate A. Remley, Maciej Myslinski, and J. Stevenson Kenney |
2006-11 | A Helical Resonator-based Filter with Improved Skirt Selectivity | Alex D. Lapidus |
2006-11 | Power Amplifier Linearization Using an Indirect-learning-based Inverse TDNN Mode | Hoon Hwangbo, Sung-Chan Jung, Youngoo Yang, Cheon-Seok Park, Byung-Sung Kim and |
2006-11 | Intermodulation Distortion in Medium-power Drop-in Ferrite Isolators and Circula | Tony Edridge |
2006-11 | Novel Microstrip Band-stop Filters Based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators | Sheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao and Ying Li |
2006-11 | A Novel Wideband Transition Between a Conductor-backed Finite Ground CPW and a M | Kamaljeet Singh and Surendra Pal |
2006-11 | New Design Methodologies for High Performance RF CMOS | David Vye, Sean Kim, Soung Ho Myoung, Jason Yun and Charlie Jeung |
2006-12 | Interference Detection and Measurements for Microwave Radio Link Planning | Luca Stroppolo |
2006-12 | Microwave Noise Modeling for AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMTs | Xiuping Li, Jianjun Gao, and Georg Boeck |
2006-12 | Design of Microstrip Dual Behavior Resonator Filters: A Practical Guide | E. Rius, C. Quendo, A. Manchec, Y. Clavet, C. Person |
2007-01 | The Use of Broadband Military Antenna Technology in Modern Communications System | Microwave Journal |
2007-01 | A 60 GHz Millimeter-wave CMOS RFIC-on-chip Dipole Antenna | H.R. Chuang, S.W. Kuo, C.C. Lin and L.C. Kuo |
2007-01 | A Triple-band Polygonal Slot Antenna for WiMAX Applications | Wen-Shan Chen and Bao-Hung Kao |
2007-01 | The Requirements and Procedures for Testing WiMAX Equipment | Jan E. Prochnow |
2007-01 | Broadband Design of a Small Non-symmetric Ground λ/4 Open Slot Antenna | Wen-Shan Chen and Kuang-Yuan Ku |
2007-01 | Dual-band Assembly of Integrated Short Backfire Antennas | H.D. Hristov, R. Feick, R.J. Urumov and G.S. Kirov |
2007-01 | Memory Effect Minimization and Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth Operation of a Base | Jeonghyeon Cha, Ildu Kim, Sungchul Hong, Bumman Kim, Jong Sung Lee and Han Seok |
2007-01 | A Low Profile Multi-band U-shaped Aperture-coupled Microstrip Antenna with a Coi | Yong-Woong Jang and Hyun-Chul Go |
2007-02 | Concept and Method of High Efficiency in a Precision Ka-band Subminiature Coaxia | Jae-Ho Yoon, Won-Yong Cho, Ah-Rah Koh, |
2007-02 | EM Enables Classic Filter Technique | Randy Rhea |
2007-02 | A 40 to 900 MHz CMOS Broadband Differential LNA for a DTV RF Tuner | D.R. Huang, Y.K. Chu and C.L. Lu |
2007-02 | A Compact Microstrip Stepped-impedance Resonator and Filter | Jian-kang Xiao, Shi-wei Ma, and Ying Li |
2007-02 | Design of a Novel Quad-band Microstrip BPF Using Quarter-wavelength Stepped-impe | Chung-I G. Hsu, Ching-Her Lee and He-Kai Jhuang |
2007-02 | A CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with Self-biasing Current Source for a 5 GHz Wirele | C. Quemada, H. Solar and G. Bistué |
2007-03 | RF, Analog and Digital Systems Converge for Next Generation Electronics | Zoltan J. Cendes |
2007-03 | The LXI Standard: Past, Present and Future | Richard Mumford |
2007-03 | Redefining Dynamic Range for Today’s Digital RF World | Marcus Dasliva |
2007-03 | Analysis and Design of a One-twelfth Wavelength Three-section Directional Couple | K. Singh, V. Vinayakarohit, |
2007-04 | The Design of a Band-rejected Cross Semi-elliptic Monopole Antenna for UWB Appli | Wen-Shan Chen and Mao-Kai Hsu |
2007-04 | A Varactor-tunable Filter with Constant Bandwidth and Loss Compensation | B. Kapilevich |
2007-04 | A Feed-forward Amplifier Using an Equal Group-delay Signal Cancellation Techniqu | Chul-Dong Kim, Yong-Chae Jeong, Dal Ahn and Ik-Soo Chang |
2007-04 | Designing Modules for Concurrency in Multimedia Co-design | Michael Heimlich |
2007-04 | An Enhanced Doherty Amplifier Design Based on the Derivative Superposition Metho | K.J. Cho, W.J. Kim and S.P. Stapleton, |
2007-04 | CMOS Oscillator Design Considerations | Louis Fan Fei, Garmin International |
2007-04 | A Practical Method for Determination of HBT Thermal | Sami Bousnina |
2007-04 | Design of Three-line Multi-layer Microstrip Directional Couplers at HF for High | Abdullah Eroglu |
2007-05 | An Extremely Miniaturized Microstrip Bandpass Filter | In-ho Kang and Haiyan Xu |
2007-05 | High Q Ceramic-loaded Tunable RF Cavity Filters | Jim D’Ostilio |
2007-05 | A Printed Heart Monopole Antenna with Band-rejected Characteristics for IEEE 802 | Wen-Shan Chen and Sheng-Che Wu |
2007-05 | An Adaptive WiMAX Antenna for Indoor Use | T. Korosec, P. Ritosa, B. Batagelj and M. Vidmar |
2007-05 | 100 W GaN HEMT Modeling | Yusuke Tajima |
2007-05 | An Adaptive Baseband Digital Predistortion System for an RF Power Amplifier | J. Zhou, S. Ming, J. Zhao, C. Ming and L. Zhang |
2007-05 | Efficiency Comparison of a Digitally Predistorted and a Feed-forward Linearized | Wan-Jong Kim, Kyoung-Joon Cho, Shawn P. Stapleton, and Jong-Heon Kim |