A collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by RF DESIGN, - SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS, ARTICLES RELATED TO MICROWAVE CIRCUITS AND MICROWAVE COMPONENTS This is a collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by five major US journals HIGH FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS MICROWAVE JOURNAL MICROWAVE PRODUCT DIGEST MICROWAVES & RF RF DESIGN transceiver architectures for wireless ics failure analysis techniques for semiconductors and other devices simulation and design of rf filters managing the wireless internet mounting high power flanged rf devices to multi layer pcbs the world of test and measurement bringing wireless to the battlefield interfacing e and e prom memory with digital signal processors a unique low voltage source coupled j fet vco smart antennas for multiple sectorization in cdma cell sites the dawning of the age of convergence noise and acpr correlation in cdma power amplifiers designing the cellular network infrastructure structured estimating a new approach to a critical project parameter an dsss system simulation accelerating baseband hardware design for g terminals error control coding in digital communications systems designing an rf modular variable gain amplifier scm analog modulation for st century digital content broadband tuners for modern systems using polyphase filters as image attenuators two tone imd measurement techniques integrating bluetooth in the gsm cell phone infrastructure gallium nitride electronic devices for high power wireless applications data recording for real time signal analysis matched filtering and timing recovery in digital receivers securing wireless communications concepts and implementation of a gsm pa front end module crest factor analysis for complex signal processing integration design the heat is on for systems on a chip putting the squeeze on memory bluetooth and wi fi coexistence schemes strive to avoid chaos bluetooth and power consumption issues and answers magnetic induction a low power wireless alternative designing a high speed modem for microwave satellite communications understanding digital signal processing s frequency domain maximizing performance in wideband rfics the new face of aviation security working with transistor s parameters practical costas loop design oscillator phase noise revisited a heuristic review g around the world and back again adaptive dc power management for hbt pas in cdma handsets debugging embedded soc systems b a a physical medium comparison the changing landscape of rf and fiber optics analyzing abrupt microstrip transitions unique inductive feedback lna design indoor wireless networks issues and answers pas migrating from g to g the care and feeding of digital pulse shaping filters the growing demand for better military communications high speed data in egprs a physical layer challenge effects of physical layer impairments on ofdm systems performance prediction for fixed microwave data links wireless broadband coming of age how to build em accurate parameterized passive models high temperature superconductors online and operational output back off requirements for root raised cosine filtered digital signals satellite simulation your link to cost containment balanced error correction for power amplifiers characterization of protocol compatible bluetooth rfid tags fast and hot data converters for tomorrow s software defined radios rfid it s all about security designing lc wilkinson power splitters the effects of clock jitter on data conversion devices home networking leaps to digital indoor propagation issues for wireless lans design chebychev bandpass filters efficiently how bluetooth s unusual operating characteristics impact test decisions designing mimo systems for reliable coverage in non los wireless links designing high efficiency overdriven and saturated power amplifiers mixed signal spearheading the need for improved design methodologies edge modulation how linearization improves amplifier performance passive integration technology targeting small accurate rf parts range estimation for short range event transmission systems open collector mixer design for next generation rfics comprehending the technology behind the umts wideband cdma physical layer microwave pa thermal design for satcom systems an optimal mixer matching design technique under large signal pumping relating cascaded noise figures to real world performance wlan rfics test challenges total recall and you thought it was only a movie lna matching techniques for optimizing noise figures fundamentals of digital quadrature modulation securing unlicensed wlan data communications detector selection for spectrum analyzer measurements integrating ip into wireless systems a low noise high performance zero if quadrature detector preamplifier software defined radio comes of age bandpass filter design using multilayer dielectrics real time quality analysis of digital remote sensing satellite signals wlans meet fiber optics evaluating a wlans over fiber optic links low cost umts tower top power amplifier high data rate point to point digital microwave systems primer using single ended s matrices to characterize differential components in mobile radio design multi channel sdr architectures for c isr applications does next gen phone s success hang on the cool factor mmds wireless broadband access and the last mile a low noise multiple output pll synthesizer for radar applications techniques for determining small antenna gain an innovative shortwave coupler design the g soldier new developments in military mobile communications ultrawideband new promises new problems designing signals for arbitrary waveform generators introduction to gsm and gsm mobile rf transceiver derivation reflections on transistor stability correlating high speed adc performance to multicarrier g requirements rf module design requirements and issues geometric programming based design multichannel multiband vhf software radio based receiver eliminates rf down conversion managing noise and spurious within complex microwave assemblies analysis and implementation of carrier recovery process in a multimission remote sensing satellite ground station microwave chirp radar design combining virtual and physical hardware performance analysis high temperature superconductor filter technology breaks new ground why oscillators are the best frequency sources for wireless designs highly spectrum efficient modulation techniques and other technology advances take hold in aerospace electronics multitone imd offers clearer picture of mcpa performance bluetooth shifts up a gear intelligent tools solve in vehicle rf range and interference issues an integrated downconverter circuit in m sige technology for dcs applications low power design techniques for high speed programmable embedded infosec systems wcdma versus gsm handset performance testing temperature stable pin diode vca and high range vca infrared communications using the irda standard adaptive transmit diversity in handsets for performance enhancement of cdma networks dc to ghz high speed digital and mixed signal integrated circuits why all the buzz about soi affordable phase shifters for electronically scanned phased array antennas a monolithic x band class e power amplifier for space based radar systems software defined radios present complex design challenges uwb technology for location aware networking experimental results for pcm fm soqpsk and multi h cpm with cma equalization a low cost two stage low noise amplifier for ghz to ghz applications using the silicon germanium bfp transistor minimum length cascades of short transmission lines temperature compensation enhances piezoelectric substrate s performance understanding the discrete fourier transform combline filter design simplified cdma rf system design software and spreadsheets synthetic instrumentation an emerging technology part i integration by parts an approach to the rfic market silicon integration with millimeter wave phased array antenna how to debug a pll frequency synthesizer locator beacon design for victims in distress getting closer to a top down methodology for rf soc design little known characteristics of phase noise field trials of an all software gsm base station broadband monolithic s band class e power amplifier design effective im estimation for two tone and wcdma modulated blockers in zero if broadband channel simulator for robust satellite link designs simulation and realization of baseband pulse shaping filter for bpsk modulator dampening cavity resonance using absorber material fpga based applications for software radio fast multitone analysis of rf transceivers new broadband emc double ridge guide horn antenna steering safer wheels for america s motorists the importance of fast economical testing for rfic pas mobile phones ieee spectral measurements using vector signal analyzers extending benefits of d integration to next generation wireless devices using picocells to build high throughput networks fast rayleigh fading simulation with an iir filter and polyphase interpolation facing the challenges in building a next generation transmission network rf front end considerations for sdr ultra wideband communications systems active mixer differential to single ended if matching ultra wideband as a short range ultra high speed wireless communications technology specifying a quartz crystal for a vcxo accelerating the design and verification process effective cascaded intermodulation analysis a miniature reader active tag streamlines supply chain management understanding the sampling process dsp brings base station sdr reality bluetooth and wifi integration solving co existence challenges using advanced signal analysis to identify sources of wlan transmitter degradations quantifying system performance of gsm gprs pas with differing levels of integration using field programmable analog to build adaptable rfid power supply and ground design for wifi transceiver comparing windows for multitone suppression direct sequence uwb signal generation and measurement exploring advances in microwave and millimeter wave devices mathematical basics of bandlimited sampling and aliasing sdr platform enables reconfigurable direction finding system comparing active gilbert mixers integrated in standard sige process part i detecting interfering signals and mitigating them analyzing sigma delta adcs in deep submicron cmos technologies direct modulation radio hardware architectures for g communications systems cdma design and performance requirements wafer scale integration brings low cost and a small footprint to active antenna arrays frequency divider design strategies using behavioral models to drive rf design and verify system performance direct digitization using superconducting data converters why tiny sensors with single chip wireless platforms are flourishing new technology facilitates true software defined radio tightening the screws in rf power measurement dvb h architecture for mobile communications systems designing wireless interfaces for patient monitoring equipment advances in handset antenna design the need for advanced silicon modeling in rf nanometer designs clever software strategies for solving high level system solutions design considerations for an ultra compact gsm radio solution measuring single tone desensitization for cdma receivers comparing active gilbert mixers integrated in standard sige process part ii internal zero and calibration for rf power sensors novel high frequency crystal oscillator cuts jitter and noise downconversion mixer for vlif receivers taps bifet technology implementing zigbee wireless mesh networking bringing long range uhf rfid tags into mainstream supply chain applications delivering low power real time digital broadcast tv signals to mobile handsets direct conversion bluetooth receivers fractal geometry streamlines antenna design is uwb moving toward standardization security considerations for wimax based converged network passives for rf design digital step attenuators offer precision and linearity low power receiver architecture for interference robust uwb radio software defined radio integration for innovation goodbye esn hello meid meid as a solution to esn exhaustion rf mems in mobile phones ac parameters as they affect ldo performance in rf devices silicon tv tuners poised to replace cans dualpath architecture blends optical wireless and rf into high bandwidth high availability outdoor point to point solutions improving amplifier s efficiency using a linearizer in conjunction with adaptive bias modulation integrating microcontroller and rf functions on chip for wireless out of box experience multi ghz cmos technology delivers new level of rf integration use fpga resources to boost radar system performance a novel approach to obsolescence management a general measurement technique for determining rf immunity the challenges of testing mimo phase noise profiles aid system testing all terminators are not created equal changes in base station backhaul drive new sync solutions military communications and df raptor point of load power solutions for low voltage military applications understanding mode s technology next generation wireless propels gan power transistors cmos rfics and passives g gmsk edge power control with enhanced switching transient performance new sdr architecture enables ubiquitous data connectivity a direct conversion transmitter for wimax and wibro applications achieving quality audio testing for mobile phones architectures for mobile rf convergence and future rf transparency power management alternatives for rf portable devices ieee n delivers maximum video performance in wireless entertainment applications over the air performance testing of wireless devices with multiple antennas artificial neural networking improves pa design accurate high frequency noise modeling in sige hbts choosing rf cmos or sige bicmos in mixed signal design system considerations for building a high performance digital satellite tv receiver front end in the face of competition gaas continues to grow cmos rf transceiver chip tackles multiband g radio system evaluating and optimizing rfid and nfc systems using real time spectrum analysis using high directivity couplers in cell phone pa control high speed adc combines with fpga to enable single slot sdr solutions accurately measuring phase and delay error in direct i q modulators rf pa linearity in gsm transmitters evaluating distortion in adc driver amplifiers standard plastic packages handle frequencies up to ghz designing digital downconverters multigigabit wireless connectivity at and ghz simulating pll reference spurs high power gallium nitride transistors inch forward the challenges and importance of testing mesh networks prior to deployment flexible multi application probing solution in mm wafer environments iq modulators advance reconfigurable radio power amplifier design for open loop edge large signal polar modulation systems reducing current consumption and cost with mhz spread spectrum ask modulation impact of ultralow phase noise oscillators on system performance providing reliable sensing and control using zigbee wireless networks highly integrated transceiver enables high volume production of gsm edge handsets rf cmos switches address multiband requirements of next generation handsets low power giga speed programmable divider in m cmos harnessing the potential of powerline communications using the homeplug av standard calibration and temperature compensation techniques using an rms responding rf detector designing and simulating thz wire waveguides using fem modeling creating a synthetic instrument with virtual instrumentation technology measuring high speed signals with an active differential probe how to best marry time domain system level verification with frequency comain rf circuit simulations reducing the design complexity of next generation handsets mitigating interference to maximize spectral efficiency in g g networks design and performance of precision miniature tcxos optimizing mobile handset performance improved ingap gaas hbt technology facilitates high linearity pas addressing the new challenges of mimo wireless lan manufacturing test measuring rf parameters in gsm edge power amplifiers mobile application reference design accelerates development delivering cost and performance advantages for reliable uwb system designs esd protected rf filter with on chip passive and active elements upconverting wimax mixer provides high ip digital phosphor technology boosts rf signal discovery and analysis fuel cell technology enhances military robotics simulation enables accurate military receiver documentation all digital transceiver bridges the gap for software defined radio gan power transistors poised for growth ldmos promises to maintain lead log amps and directional couplers enable vswr detection advanced sdr platform eases multiprotocol radio development multimode rf transceiver advances wedge radio system meeting the testing challenges of wi fi enabled devices splitting the grid for optimal dynamic range and signal integrity

Advanced Microwave Components
RF Design
This is a collection of articles related to microwaves and RF, published by RF Design

(Move mouse over cell to reveal the entire text where truncated.)
2001-02Transceiver Architectures for Wireless ICsJesal L. Mehta
2001-02Failure Analysis Techniques for Semiconductors and Other DevicesV. Lakshminarayanan
2001-02Simulation and Design of RF FiltersM. I. Dieste
2001-03Managing the Wireless InternetGeoff Hendrey
2001-03Mounting High-Power Flanged RF Devices to Multi-Layer PCBsKedaar Kale and Adam Loveridge
2001-03The world of test and measurementKen Pine
2001-04Bringing wireless to the battlefieldJoseph Fjelstad and John Murray
2001-04Interfacing E and E2 PROM memory with digital signal processorsIantha Scheiwe and Felicia Benavidez
2001-04A unique, low-voltage, source-coupled J-FET VCOBettina Koster, Peter Waldow and Ingo Wolff
2001-04Smart Antennas for Multiple Sectorization in CDMA Cell SitesJi-Hae Yea
2001-05The Dawning of The Age of ConvergenceErnest Worthman
2001-05Noise and ACPR Correlation in CDMA Power AmplifiersOleksandr Gorbachov, Yu Cheng and Jason S. W. Chen
2001-05Designing the Cellular Network InfrastructureJohn Arpee
2001-05Structured Estimating A New Approach to a Critical Project ParameterGary Constantine and William J. Vitaliano
2001-07An 802.11 DSSS System SimulationStephen H. Kratzet
2001-07Accelerating Baseband Hardware Design for 3G TerminalsLieven Philips
2001-07Error Control Coding in Digital Communications SystemsLouis Litwin
2001-07Designing an RF Modular Variable-Gain AmplifierLouis Fan Fei and Ming-Ju Ho
2001-08SCM Analog Modulation for 21st Century Digital ContentEli Pasternak
2001-08Broadband Tuners for Modern SystemsJohn Norsworthy
2001-08Using Polyphase Filters as Image AttenuatorsTom Hornak
2001-08Two-Tone IMD Measurement TechniquesKeith Barkley
2001-09Integrating Bluetooth in the GSM Cell Phone InfrastructureSteve Brown, Mark Lane, Dino Fernandez
2001-09Gallium Nitride Electronic Devices for High-Power Wireless ApplicationsRic Borges
2001-09Data Recording for Real-Time Signal AnalysisJohn DeMott
2001-09Matched Filtering and Timing Recovery in Digital ReceiversLouis Litwin
2001-10Securing Wireless CommunicationsPaul Lesso
2001-10Concepts and Implementation of a GSM PA/Front-End ModuleAtanas Pentchev, Paul Swinkels and Guido Paola
2001-10Crest Factor Analysis for Complex Signal ProcessingBrad Andersen
2001-10Integration Design the Heat is on for Systems on a ChipJohannes Steensma
2001-11Putting the Squeeze on MemoryCliff Zitlaw
2001-11Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Coexistence Schemes Strive to Avoid ChaosOren Eliezer and Matthew Shoemake
2001-11Bluetooth and Power Consumption: Issues and AnswersJoel Linsky
2001-11Magnetic Induction: A Low-Power Wireless AlternativeChris Bunszel
2001-11Designing a High-Speed Modem for Microwave, Satellite CommunicationsA. Guidi, P. McIllree and John Stannard
2001-11Understanding Digital Signal Processing's Frequency DomainRichard Lyons
2001-11Maximizing Performance in Wideband RFICsTerry Wilson
2002-01The New Face of Aviation SecurityRoger Lesser, Megan Alderton
2002-01Working With Transistor S-ParametersDuangrat Eungdamrong and Devendra Misra
2002-01Practical Costas Loop DesignJeff Feigin
2002-01Oscillator Phase Noise Revisited a Heuristic ReviewBar-Giora Goldberg
2002-023G Around the World and Back AgainRaqibul Mostafa, Fakhrul Alam and Kyung Kyoon Bae
2002-02Adaptive DC Power Management for HBT PAs in CDMA HandsetsJames A. Roche, Richard M. Healy, Gary Hau, Ph.D., and Sara A. Caron
2002-02Debugging Embedded SoC Systems Michael Johnson, Neil Puthuff
2002-02802.11b/a - A Physical Medium ComparisonJohn Hansen
2002-03The Changing Landscape of RF and Fiber OpticsDwight Streit
2002-03Analyzing Abrupt Microstrip TransitionsBarney Arntz
2002-03Unique Inductive Feedback LNA DesignDavid VanStone
2002-04Indoor Wireless Networks: Issues and AnswersTom Snyder, John Catlin
2002-04PAs: Migrating from 2G to 3GAndré van Bezooijen
2002-04The Care and Feeding of Digital, Pulse-Shaping FiltersKen Gentile
2002-05The Growing Demand for Better Military CommunicationsRoger Lesser
2002-05High-Speed Data in EGPRS A Physical Layer ChallengeYuval Dorfan
2002-05Effects of Physical Layer Impairments on OFDM SystemsBob Cutler
2002-05Performance Prediction for Fixed Microwave Data LinksJohn S. Seybold
2002-06Wireless Broadband Coming of AgeErnest Worthman
2002-06How to Build EM-Accurate, Parameterized Passive ModelsMounir Adada
2002-06High-Temperature Superconductors: Online and OperationalDavid R. Chase
2002-06Output Back-off Requirements for Root-Raised, Cosine-Filtered Digital SignalsJohn S. Seybold
2002-07Satellite Simulation: Your Link to Cost ContainmentBruce Elbert, Maurice Schiff
2002-07Balanced Error Correction for Power AmplifiersWarren Guthrie
2002-07Characterization of Protocol-Compatible Bluetooth/802.11 RFID TagsRaj Bridgelall
2002-07Fast And Hot Data Converters For Tomorrow's Software-Defined RadiosBrad Brannon
2002-08RFID It's All About SecurityJon Karlen
2002-08Designing LC Wilkinson Power SplittersFernando Noriega, Pedro J. González
2002-08The Effects of Clock Jitter on Data Conversion DevicesBar-Giora Goldberg
2002-09Home Networking Leaps to DigitalGuillaume Bichot, Louis Litwin and Kumar Ramaswamy
2002-09Indoor Propagation Issues for Wireless LANsDan Dobkin
2002-09Design Chebychev Bandpass Filters EfficientlyB. Mayer, PhD, M. H. Vogel, PhD
2002-09How Bluetooth's Unusual Operating Characteristics Impact Test DecisionsBy Teit Poulsen
2002-10Designing MIMO systems for Reliable Coverage in Non-LOS Wireless Links Victor Shtrom, Jose Tellado, and Arogyaswami Paulraj
2002-10Designing High Efficiency Overdriven and Saturated Power AmplifiersFrancisco Javier Ortega-González, Alberto Asensio-López, Alberto
2002-10Mixed Signal Spearheading the Need for Improved Design MethodologiesHenry Y. Chang
2002-10EDGE Modulation — How Linearization Improves Amplifier PerformanceT. J. Fergus
2002-11Passive Integration Technology: Targeting Small, Accurate RF PartsNick Pulsford
2002-11Range Estimation for Short-range Event Transmission SystemsAlan Bensky
2002-11Open-collector Mixer Design for Next Generation RFICsBarry Hunt and Walter Prada
2002-11Comprehending the Technology Behind the UMTS Wideband CDMA Physical LayerLouis Litwin
2003-01Microwave PA Thermal Design for SATCOM SystemsStephen D. Turner and Ahmed M. Zaghlol
2003-01An Optimal Mixer Matching Design Technique Under Large Signal PumpingJ. P. Pascual, M. L. de la Fuente, M. Rodríguez-Gironés, E. Artal and H. L. Hart
2003-01Relating Cascaded Noise Figures to Real-world PerformanceRulon VanDyke
2003-01WLAN RFICs Test ChallengesWarren Strand
2003-02Total Recall and You Thought It was Only a MovieErnest Worthman
2003-02LNA Matching Techniques for Optimizing Noise FiguresAlphonse Harter
2003-02Fundamentals of Digital Quadrature ModulationKen Gentile
2003-02Securing Unlicensed WLAN Data CommunicationsBob Cromwell
2003-02Detector Selection for Spectrum Analyzer MeasurementsJoe Gorin
2003-03Integrating IP Into Wireless SystemsStephen Pritchard
2003-03A Low-noise, High-performance Zero IF Quadrature Detector/PreamplifierDan Tayloe
2003-03Software Defined Radio Comes of AgeJeffrey Steinheider
2003-03Bandpass Filter Design Using Multilayer DielectricsXiaowei Zhu, Yong Zou, Wei Jiang and Ling Tian
2003-03Real-time Quality Analysis of Digital Remote Sensing Satellite SignalsP. K. Jain, Surendra Pal and V. M. Pandharipande
2003-04WLANs Meet Fiber Optics Evaluating 802.11a WLANs Over Fiber Optic LinksIbrahim Haroun and François Gouin
2003-04Low-cost UMTS Tower Top Power AmplifierYorgos Mitropoulos, Yorgos Stratakos and Ilias Tsopelas
2003-04High Data Rate, Point-to-point Digital Microwave Systems PrimerJohn Stannard
2003-04Using Single-ended S-matrices to Characterize Differential Components in Mobile SangJin Lee
2003-05Multi-Channel SDR Architectures for C4ISR ApplicationsReese S. Bovard and Adam C. Bush
2003-05Does Next-Gen Phone's Success Hang on the Cool Factor?Ernest Worthman
2003-05MMDS, Wireless Broadband Access and the Last MileMike Rude
2003-05A Low Noise, Multiple Output PLL Synthesizer for Radar ApplicationsManish Vaish
2003-05Techniques for Determining Small Antenna GainRiad Ghabra and Argy Petros
2003-05An Innovative Shortwave Coupler DesignMichael P. Gaynor
2003-06The 4G soldier new developments in military mobile communicationsDr. Larry Williams and Allen Kupetz
2003-06Ultrawideband: New promises, new problemsWilliam Stumpf
2003-06Designing Signals for Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorsAndy Street
2003-06Introduction to GSM and GSM mobile RF transceiver derivationPaul Kimuli
2003-06Reflections on Transistor StabilityStan Alechno
2003-06Correlating High-Speed ADC Performance to Multicarrier 3G RequirementsBrad Brannon
2003-06RF Module Design: Requirements and IssuesWilliam Dunham, Rich Kirkham, Doug Stolarz and Juergen Hartung
2003-07Geometric Programming-Based DesignScott Guyton
2003-07Multichannel, Multiband VHF Software Radio Based Receiver Eliminates RF Down ConAngsuman Rudra
2003-07Managing Noise and Spurious Within Complex Microwave AssembliesWilliam Graves Jr.
2003-07Analysis and Implementation of Carrier Recovery Process in a Multimission RemoteP. K. Jain, Surendra Pal and V. M. Pandharipande
2003-08Microwave Chirp Radar Design: Combining Virtual and Physical Hardware PerformancDavid Leiss
2003-08High-Temperature Superconductor Filter Technology Breaks New GroundRandy Simon
2003-08Why Oscillators are the Best Frequency Sources for Wireless DesignsRoger Burns
2003-09Highly Spectrum-Efficient Modulation Techniques and Other Technology Advances TaEd Troy
2003-09Multitone IMD Offers Clearer Picture of MCPA PerformanceMarta Iglesias
2003-09Bluetooth Shifts up a Gear: Intelligent Tools Solve In-Vehicle RF Range and InteKen Noblitt
2003-09An Integrated Downconverter Circuit in 0.8 m SiGe Technology for DCS-1800 ApplicE. Hernández, R. Berenguer, J. Meléndez, N. Rodríguez, and
2003-09Low Power Design Techniques for High-Speed Programmable Embedded Infosec SystemsTodd Moore and Rick Schmalbach
2003-09WCDMA Versus GSM: Handset Performance TestingRob VanBrunt
2003-10Temperature Stable PIN Diode VCA and High Range VCAMoti Kabelly
2003-10Infrared Communications Using the IrDA StandardMarkus Schutti
2003-10Adaptive Transmit Diversity in Handsets for Performance Enhancement of CDMA NetwMark Kahn and Jan Klein
2003-10DC to 100 GHz High-Speed Digital and Mixed-Signal Integrated CircuitsLoi Nguyen
2003-10Why all the buzz about SOI?Don Corson and Pierre Delatte
2003-10Affordable phase shifters for electronically scanned phased array antennasTom Watson
2003-11A Monolithic X-band Class-E Power Amplifier for Space Based Radar SystemsReza Tayrani
2003-11Software Defined Radios Present Complex Design ChallengesRobert Clarke and Kevin Kreitzer
2003-11UWB Technology for Location-Aware NetworkingVincent Coli
2003-11Experimental Results for PCM/FM, SOQPSK, and Multi-H CPM with CMA EqualizationMark Geoghegan
2003-11A Low-Cost, Two-Stage, Low Noise Amplifier for 5 GHz to 6 GHz Applications UsingGerard Wevers
2003-11Minimum-length cascades of short transmission linesDouglas Miron
2004-01Temperature Compensation Enhances Piezoelectric Substrate's PerformanceRobert Markunas
2004-01Understanding the Discrete Fourier TransformR. N. Mutagi
2004-01Combline Filter Design SimplifiedAnurag Bhargava
2004-01CDMA2000 RF System Design Software and SpreadsheetsAnitha Swaminathan
2004-02Synthetic Instrumentation: An Emerging Technology (Part I)Mike Granieri
2004-02Integration-by-Parts: An Approach to the RFIC MarketDan Nobbe
2004-02Silicon Integration With Millimeter Wave Phased Array AntennaFred Mohamadi
2004-02How to Debug a PLL Frequency SynthesizerBob Kelly
2004-03Locator Beacon Design for Victims in DistressFred Mohamadi
2004-03Getting Closer to a Top-Down Methodology For RF SoC DesignJean Oudinot
2004-03Little Known Characteristics of Phase NoisePaul Smith
2004-03Field Trials of an All-Software GSM Base StationJeffrey Steinheider
2004-04Broadband Monolithic S-Band Class-E Power Amplifier DesignReza Tayrani
2004-04Effective IM2 Estimation for Two-Tone and WCDMA Modulated Blockers in Zero-IFWalid Y. Ali-Ahmad
2004-04Broadband Channel Simulator for Robust Satellite Link DesignsJack Anderson
2004-04Simulation and Realization of Baseband Pulse Shaping Filter for BPSK ModulatorD. Venkata Ramana, Surendra Pal and A. P. Shiva Prasad
2004-05Dampening Cavity Resonance Using Absorber MaterialPaul Dixon
2004-05FPGA-Based Applications for Software RadioAngsuman Rudra
2004-05Fast Multitone Analysis of RF TransceiversGeorge Estep, Pete Johnson & Vladimir Veremey
2004-05New Broadband EMC Double-Ridge Guide Horn AntennaVicente Rodriguez
2004-06Steering Safer Wheels for America's MotoristsTejas Desai, Ken Chance and Takashi (Ted) Ozawa
2004-06The Importance of Fast, Economical Testing for RFIC PAs, Mobile PhonesRobert Green and Jerry Janesch
2004-06IEEE 802.11 Spectral Measurements Using Vector Signal AnalyzersJerry Archambault and Shravan Surineni
2004-06Extending Benefits of 3-D Integration to Next-Generation Wireless DevicesBob Markunas
2004-07Using Picocells to Build High-Throughput 802.11 NetworksGregory Davi
2004-07Fast Rayleigh Fading Simulation With an IIR Filter and Polyphase InterpolationChristos Komninakis and Joel F. Kirshman
2004-07Facing the Challenges in Building a Next-Generation Transmission NetworkAlain Hourtane
2004-07RF Front-End Considerations for SDR Ultra-Wideband Communications SystemsStéphane Paquelet, Christophe Moy and Louis-Marie Aubert
2004-08Active Mixer Differential to Single-Ended IF MatchingBy Tom Schiltz
2004-08Ultra-Wideband as a Short-Range, Ultra-High-Speed Wireless Communications TechnoIbrahim Haroun, T. Kenny and R. Hafez
2004-08Specifying a Quartz Crystal for a VCXORamon M. Cerda
2004-08Accelerating the Design and Verification ProcessBy Greg Jue
2004-09Effective Cascaded Intermodulation AnalysisRulon VanDyke
2004-09A Miniature Reader/Active Tag Streamlines Supply Chain ManagementFred Mohamadi
2004-09Understanding the Sampling ProcessR. N. Mutagi
2004-09DSP Brings Base Station SDR RealityAndy McCann and Brad Brannon
2004-10Bluetooth and WiFi Integration: Solving Co-Existence ChallengesJeffrey Wojtiuk
2004-10Using Advanced Signal Analysis to Identify Sources of WLAN Transmitter DegradatiChristian Olgaard
2004-10Quantifying System Performance of GSM/GPRS PAs With Differing Levels of IntegratMendy Ouzillou
2004-10Using Field-Programmable Analog to Build Adaptable RFIDTegid Roberts
2004-11Power Supply and Ground Design for WiFi TransceiverRoger Bremer, Tracey Chavers and Zhongmin Yu
2004-11Comparing Windows for Multitone SuppressionRaghavendra G. Kulkarni
2004-11Direct-sequence UWB Signal Generation and MeasurementPeter Cain
2005-01Exploring Advances in Microwave and Millimeter Wave DevicesAshok Bindra and Keith Vick
2005-01Mathematical Basics of Bandlimited Sampling and AliasingVladimir Vitchev
2005-01SDR Platform Enables Reconfigurable Direction Finding SystemJyothsna Rajan
2005-01Comparing Active Gilbert Mixers Integrated in Standard SiGe Process (Part I)N. Rodríguez, E. Hernández, G. Bistué, I. Gutiérrez
2005-01Detecting Interfering Signals and Mitigating ThemSteve Thomas
2005-02Analyzing Sigma-Delta ADCs in Deep-Submicron CMOS TechnologiesYann Le Guillou
2005-02Direct Modulation Radio Hardware Architectures for 3G Communications SystemsPatrick Naraine
2005-02CDMA2000 Design and Performance RequirementsBill Schofield and Brad Brannon
2005-02Wafer-Scale Integration Brings Low Cost and a Small Footprint to Active Antenna Fred Mohamadi
2005-03Frequency Divider Design StrategiesLouis Fan Fei
2005-03Using Behavioral Models to Drive RF Design and Verify System PerformanceColin Warwick and Mike Mulligan
2005-03Direct Digitization Using Superconducting Data ConvertersJack Rosa
2005-03Why Tiny Sensors With Single-Chip Wireless Platforms are FlourishingBar-Giora Goldberg
2005-04New Technology Facilitates True Software-Defined RadioRonald M. Hickling
2005-04Tightening the Screws in RF Power MeasurementCarlos Calvo and Anthony Mazzei
2005-04DVB-H Architecture for Mobile Communications SystemsStuart Pekowsky and Khaled Maalej
2005-04Designing Wireless Interfaces for Patient Monitoring EquipmentNoel Baisa
2005-05Advances in Handset Antenna DesignSimon Kingsley
2005-05The Need for Advanced Silicon Modeling in RF Nanometer DesignsKaren Chow
2005-05Clever Software Strategies for Solving High-Level System SolutionsRodger H. Hosking
2005-05Design Considerations for an Ultra-Compact GSM Radio SolutionMike Durrant and Andreas Nitschke
2005-05Measuring Single-Tone Desensitization for CDMA ReceiversJinku Kim and Dave Devries
2005-06Comparing active Gilbert Mixers Integrated in Standard SiGe Process (Part II)N. Rodríguez, E. Hernández, G. Bistué, I. Gutiérrez
2005-06Internal Zero and Calibration for RF Power SensorsAlan B. Anderson
2005-06Novel High-Frequency Crystal Oscillator Cuts Jitter and NoiseDan Nehring
2005-06Downconversion Mixer for VLIF Receivers Taps BiFET TechnologyWei Jin, Yongsheng Xu and Zongsheng Lai
2005-07Implementing ZigBee Wireless Mesh NetworkingTim Cutler
2005-07Bringing Long-Range UHF RFID Tags Into Mainstream Supply Chain ApplicationsRob Glidden and John Schroeter
2005-07Delivering Low-Power, Real-Time Digital Broadcast TV Signals to Mobile HandsetsMike Womac
2005-07Direct-Conversion Bluetooth ReceiversMark Lane
2005-08Fractal Geometry Streamlines Antenna DesignAshok Bindra
2005-08Is UWB Moving Toward Standardization?Ashok Bindra
2005-08Security Considerations for WiMAX-based Converged NetworkRamana Mylavarapu
2005-08Passives for RF DesignChris Reynolds
2005-08Digital Step Attenuators Offer Precision and Linearity Radha Krishna Setty
2005-08Low-Power Receiver Architecture for Interference-Robust UWB RadioDomine M.W. Leenaerts and Jozef R.M. Bergervoet
2005-09Software-Defined Radio: Integration for InnovationDarren McCarthy
2005-09Goodbye ESN, Hello MEID: MEID as a Solution to ESN ExhaustionMike Keeley
2005-09RF MEMS in Mobile PhonesRefugio Jones and Mark Chapman
2005-09AC Parameters as They Affect LDO Performance in RF DevicesJohn McGinty
2005-10Silicon TV tuners Poised to Replace CansAlvin Wong and Jordan Du Val
2005-10DualPath Architecture Blends Optical Wireless and RF Into High Bandwidth, High ARandel Maestre
2005-10Improving Amplifier's Efficiency Using a Linearizer in Conjunction with AdaptiveTim Fergus
2005-10Integrating Microcontroller and RF Functions On-Chip for Wireless Out-of-Box ExpDeepak Sharma and Ryan Woodings
2005-10Multi-GHz CMOS Technology Delivers New Level of RF IntegrationFleming Lam, Mark Burgener and Ron Reedy
2005-10Use FPGA Resources to Boost Radar System PerformanceRodger H. Hosking
2005-10A Novel Approach to Obsolescence ManagementJohn O'Boyle
2005-10A General Measurement Technique for Determining RF ImmunityArpit Mehta
2005-11The Challenges of Testing MIMO Fan Liang
2005-11Phase-Noise Profiles Aid System TestingKen Yang
2005-11All Terminators Are Not Created EqualJerry Seams
2005-11Changes in Base Station Backhaul Drive New Sync SolutionsBarry Dropping
2005-12Military Communications and DF RaptorAlan Jacobsen
2005-12Point-of-Load Power Solutions for Low-Voltage Military ApplicationsSteve Butler
2005-12Understanding Mode S TechnologyWes Stamper
2006-01Next-Generation Wireless Propels GaN Power Transistors, CMOS RFICs and PassivesAshok Bindra Mark Valentine, and Keith Vick
2006-013G GMSK/EDGE Power Control With Enhanced Switching Transient PerformanceUlrik Riis Madsen
2006-01New SDR Architecture Enables Ubiquitous Data ConnectivityJohn A. Kilpatrick,Russell J. Cyr, Erik L. Org and Geoffrey Dawe
2006-01A Direct-Conversion Transmitter for WiMAX and WiBro ApplicationsCecile Masse
2006-01Achieving Quality Audio Testing for Mobile PhonesJoey Tun
2006-02Architectures for Mobile RF Convergence and Future RF TransparencyPieter Hooijmans
2006-02Power Management Alternatives for RF Portable DevicesPedro Pachuca and Laurent Gauthier
2006-02IEEE 802.11n Delivers Maximum Video Performance in Wireless Entertainment ApplicGil Epshtein
2006-02Over-The-Air Performance Testing of Wireless Devices with Multiple AntennasMichael D. Foegelle
2006-03Artificial Neural Networking Improves PA DesignJarno Kyhälä
2006-03Accurate high-frequency noise modeling in SiGe HBTsMohamed A. Selim
2006-03Choosing RF CMOS or SiGe BiCMOS in Mixed-Signal DesignAdam H. Pawlikiewicz and David Hess
2006-03System considerations for building a high-performance digital satellite TV receiBart DeCanne
2006-04In the Face of Competition, GaAs Continues to GrowAshok Bindra
2006-04CMOS RF Transceiver Chip Tackles Multiband 3.5G Radio SystemKiran Konanur
2006-04Evaluating and Optimizing RFID and NFC Systems Using Real-Time Spectrum AnalysisDarren McCarthy
2006-04Using High-Directivity Couplers in Cell Phone PA ControlLeonid Talalaevsky
2006-04High-Speed ADC Combines with FPGA to Enable Single-Slot SDR SolutionsAngsuman Rudra and Alexis Bose
2006-04Accurately Measuring Phase and Delay Error in Direct I/Q ModulatorsPeter Stroet
2006-05RF PA Linearity in GSM TransmittersOleksandr Gorbachov
2006-05Evaluating Distortion in ADC Driver AmplifiersEamon Nash
2006-05Standard Plastic Packages Handle Frequencies up to 45 GHzAmer Droubi and Paul Beasly
2006-05Designing Digital Downconverters Brian Ogilvie and Paul Pacheco
2006-05Multigigabit wireless connectivity at 70, 80 and 90 GHzJonathan Wells
2006-05Simulating PLL Reference SpursSteve Williams and Tony Caviglia
2006-06High-Power Gallium Nitride Transistors Inch ForwardAshok Bindra
2006-06The Challenges and Importance of Testing Mesh Networks Prior to DeploymentFanny Mlinarsky
2006-06Flexible, Multi-Application Probing Solution in150-mm Wafer EnvironmentsTerry Burcham and Diana Laboy-Rush
2006-06IQ Modulators Advance Reconfigurable RadioEamon Nash
2006-06Power Amplifier Design for Open Loop EDGE Large Signal Polar Modulation SystemsJackie Johnson
2006-06Reducing Current Consumption and Cost with 902-928 MHz Spread Spectrum ASK ModulStaale Pettersen
2006-07Impact of Ultralow Phase Noise Oscillators on System PerformanceRamon M. Cerda
2006-07Providing Reliable Sensing and Control Using ZigBee Wireless NetworksPeter Wotton
2006-07Highly Integrated Transceiver Enables High-Volume Production of GSM/EDGE HandsetPatrick Morgan
2006-07RF CMOS Switches Address Multiband Requirements of Next-Generation HandsetsRodd Novak
2006-07Low Power, Giga Speed Programmable Divider in 0.18 m CMOSGirish N. Jadhav
2006-08Harnessing the Potential of Powerline Communications Using the HomePlug AV StandSrinivas Katar, Manjunath Krishnam, Richard Newman and Haniph Latchman
2006-08Calibration and Temperature-Compensation Techniques Using an RMS-Responding RF DCarlos Calvo
2006-08Designing and Simulating THz Wire Waveguides Using FEM ModelingJason A. Deibel and Daniel M. Mittleman
2006-08Creating a Synthetic Instrument with Virtual Instrumentation TechnologyEric Starkloff
2006-08Measuring High-Speed Signals with an Active Differential ProbeAshok Bindra
2006-09How to Best Marry Time-Domain System-Level Verification with Frequency-Comain RFAshok Bindra
2006-09Reducing the Design Complexity of Next-Generation HandsetsJennifer Chou
2006-09Mitigating Interference to Maximize Spectral Efficiency in 3G/4G NetworksJohn Thomas
2006-09Design and Performance of Precision Miniature TCXOsSteve Fry
2006-09Optimizing Mobile Handset PerformanceGreg Mendolia
2006-10Improved InGaP/GaAs HBT Technology Facilitates High Linearity PAsNan-Lei Larry Wang
2006-10Addressing the New Challenges of MIMO Wireless LAN Manufacturing TestEwan Shepherd
2006-10Measuring RF Parameters in GSM/EDGE Power AmplifiersAntonio Eguizabal
2006-10Mobile Application Reference Design Accelerates DevelopmentRon Stieger and David Brooke
2006-11Delivering Cost and Performance Advantages for Reliable UWB System DesignsRoberto Aiello
2006-11ESD-Protected RF Filter with On-chip Passive and Active ElementsH. Böhm, H. Kebinger, R. Losehand, and H. Heiss
2006-11Upconverting WiMAX Mixer Provides High IP3Radhakrishna Setty
2006-11Digital Phosphor Technology Boosts RF Signal Discovery and AnalysisKathy Engholm
2006-12Fuel Cell Technology Enhances Military RoboticsMurali Arikara
2006-12Simulation Enables Accurate Military Receiver DocumentationPaul P. Wollam
2006-12All-digital Transceiver Bridges the Gap for Software-Defined RadioWes Littlefield
2007-01GaN power transistors poised for growth, LDMOS promises to maintain leadAshok Bindra and Mark Valentine
2007-01Log Amps and Directional Couplers Enable VSWR DetectionAnil Rachakonda and Larry Hawkins
2007-01Advanced SDR Platform Eases Multiprotocol Radio DevelopmentLouis Belanger
2007-01Multimode RF Transceiver Advances WEDGE Radio SystemJames A. Crawford
2007-01Meeting the Testing Challenges of Wi-Fi-Enabled DevicesCharles Wright and Jeff Abramowitz
2007-01Splitting the Grid for Optimal Dynamic Range and Signal IntegrityMike Hertz
2007-02Meeting Mobile WiMAX Performance RequirementsDavid Patterson and Lars Johnsson
2007-02Designing Broadband WiMAX PA Using GaN Power Transistors
2007-02Removing the Interstage Transmit SAW in WCDMATajinder Manku
2007-02Arrival-Time Detection Reduces PLL JitterWen Lin
2007-02RF Wireless Burst Analysis Using OscilloscopesMike Hertz
2007-03Adopting Multi-antenna Signal Processing in Wireless NetworksSteven Glapa
2007-03Benefits of CSS Technology in European DBS SystemsBill Windsor and Peter Wong
2007-03CAD Implementation of DR-based Oscillator Using Non-linear AnalysisKamaljeet Singh and Surendra Pal
2007-03Characterization of Non-uniform Devices Using Back-to-back MeasurementsHatem Akel

Last updated: July 01, 2009
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