HSKBEOC05xxxyyy 5 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC10xxxyyy 10 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC15xxxyyy 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC20xxxyyy 20 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC25xxxyyy 25 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC30xxxyyy 30 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC35xxxyyy 35 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC40xxxyyy 40 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC45xxxyyy 45 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC50xxxyyy 50 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC55xxxyyy 55 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC60xxxyyy 60 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks BERYLLIUM OXIDE ISOLATED HEAT SINKS HSKBEO-xxxx-05 5 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide isolated heat sinks and heat sinks HSKBEO-xxxx-10 10 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide isolated heat sinks and heat sinks HSKBEO-xxxx-15 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide isolated heat sinks and heat sinks HSKBEO-xxxx-20 20 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide isolated heat sinks and heat sinks HSKBEO-xxxx-25 25 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide isolated heat sinks and heat sinks The HSKBEOxxxx-TT series of microwave thin film beryllium oxide heat sinks is designed to be used in microwave hybrid circuits. These devices can be used over the full military temperature range -55°C to +125°C. Quality and workmanship is per MIL-S-883. Level B. Devices are 100% visual inspected and packaged in waffle packs. US MICROWAVES, manufacturer of high reliability microwave integrated circuits  MIC technology. US Microwave offers a multitude of applied thin film products and microwave semiconductor devices: manufactures and supplies high quality standard microwave thin film circuits and microwave devices using advanced technical ceramics and semiconductor materials; Products include RF micro devices  for hybrid chip and wire applications; microwave thin film circuits, custom manufacturing from customer's data, spiral chip inductors - ceramic, sapphire and quartz substrate, thin film resistors - ceramic, silicon and quartz substrates, multi-tap thin film resistors - ceramic and silicon substrates, capacitors MIS for chip and wire applications, MNOS capacitors, MOS capacitors, ceramic capacitors, Schottky diodes, PIN diodes, tunnel diodes, SRD diodes, varactor diodes and zero bias diodes, RF NPN and PNP transistors, high speed LDMOS and T MOSFET s, MMIC - RF IC s silicon and SiGe.


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Advanced Microwave Components
HSKBEOC05xxxyyy5 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC10xxxyyy10 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC15xxxyyy15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC20xxxyyy20 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC25xxxyyy25 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC30xxxyyy30 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC35xxxyyy35 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC40xxxyyy40 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC45xxxyyy45 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC50xxxyyy50 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC55xxxyyy55 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
HSKBEOC60xxxyyy60 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks
The HSKBEOxxxx-TT series of microwave thin film beryllium oxide heat sinks is designed to be used in microwave hybrid circuits. These devices can be used over the full military temperature range -55°C to +125°C. Quality and workmanship is per MIL-S-883. Level B. Devices are 100% visual inspected and packaged in waffle packs.

HOME PRODUCT TREE Last updated: November 26, 2009

US MICROWAVES www.usmicrowaves.com Tel:(408)758-8690 Fax:(408)986-8027

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