HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide thermal management, therma plane, Laser diode submounts BeO - 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks - High heat transfer rate, High thermal conductivity Beryllium Oxide heat sinks and stand offs manufactured by US Microwaves HSKBEOC15xxxyyy,thermal management,therma plane,Laser diode submounts,Heat sinks, stand offs, bonding islands, isolated, electrically conductive,aluminum nitride, beryllium oxide,silicon, copper,heat transfer rate,thermal conductivity,thermal contact,thermal resistance,thermal shock,microwave hybrid circuits,GaAs microwave active devices,solid state power amplifiers HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide thermal management, therma plane, Laser diode submounts BeO - 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks - High heat transfer rate, High thermal conductivity Beryllium Oxide heat sinks and stand offs manufactured by US Microwaves HSKBEOC15xxxyyy,thermal management,therma plane,Laser diode submounts,Heat sinks, stand offs, bonding islands, isolated, electrically conductive,aluminum nitride, beryllium oxide,silicon, copper,heat transfer rate,thermal conductivity,thermal contact,thermal resistance,thermal shock,microwave hybrid circuits,GaAs microwave active devices,solid state power amplifiers US MICROWAVES 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks Advanced Microwave Components HSKBEOC15xxxyyy FEATURES APPLICATIONS BeO Electrically Conductive Heat Sink High heat transfer rate High thermal conductivity Very good thermal contact Very good thermal shock resistance Microwave hybrid circuits Mount for GaAs microwave active devices Solid state RF power amplifiers 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC15xxxyyy HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND SHORT APPLICATION NOTE The HSKBEOC15xxxyyy series of microwave 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: SEMICONDUCTOR - THIN FILM MANUFACTURING HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS LENGTH [mils] WIDTH [mils] PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNITS - - Thickness T 15 mils 10 10 Thermal Resistance Rth 21.09 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 4.74E-02 W/K DC Resistance DCR 9.38 mΩ 20 10 Thermal Resistance Rth 10.55 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 9.48E-02 W/K DC Resistance DCR 6.25 mΩ 30 10 Thermal Resistance Rth 7.03 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.42E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 4.69 mΩ 20 20 Thermal Resistance Rth 5.27 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.90E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 4.69 mΩ 40 20 Thermal Resistance Rth 2.64 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 3.79E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 3.13 mΩ 60 20 Thermal Resistance Rth 1.76 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 5.68E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 2.34 mΩ 30 30 Thermal Resistance Rth 2.34 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 4.27E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 3.13 mΩ 60 30 Thermal Resistance Rth 1.17 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 8.55E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 2.08 mΩ 120 30 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.59 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.69E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.25 mΩ 40 40 Thermal Resistance Rth 1.32 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 7.58E-01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 2.34 mΩ 80 40 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.66 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.52E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.56 mΩ 120 40 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.44 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 2.27E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.17 mΩ 160 40 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.33 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 3.03E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.94 mΩ 50 50 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.84 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.19E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.88 mΩ 80 50 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.53 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.89E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.44 mΩ 100 50 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.42 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 2.38E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.25 mΩ 120 60 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.29 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 3.45E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 1.04 mΩ 200 100 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.11 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 9.09E+00 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.63 mΩ 180 120 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.1 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.00E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.63 mΩ 240 120 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.07 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.43E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.52 mΩ 250 120 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.07 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 1.43E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.51 mΩ 290 170 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.04 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 2.50E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.41 mΩ 230 180 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.05 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 2.00E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.46 mΩ 220 250 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.04 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 2.50E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.4 mΩ 250 250 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.03 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 3.33E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.38 mΩ 370 250 Thermal Resistance Rth 0.02 K/W Thermal Conductivity k 5.00E+01 W/K DC Resistance DCR 0.3 mΩ ONLY Proper die handling equipment and procedures should be employed. Stresses beyond listed absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink GENERAL DIE INFORMATION Substrate Thickness [mils] Size [mils] Case style BeO [Beryllium Oxide] 15±0.5 xxxxyyy±2 Frontside metal Backside metal The standard front side metallization (BD0 - compatible with AuSn,AuGe die attach) is min 3µm thick, 99.99% electroplated gold with a TiW barrier that withstands >30 min at 400°C in air without loss of adhesion. Other available metallization schemes are -BD1: Ti/Pd/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD2: Ti/Pt/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD3: Ti/Ni/Au compatible with Soft Solder SAC -BD4: Ti/Pt/AuSn compatible with AuSn eutectic -BD5: Ti/Ni/Sn compatible with Soft Solder SAC. Custom metallization is available for special orders. The standard back side metallization (BD0 - compatible with AuSn,AuGe die attach) is min 3µm thick, 99.99% electroplated gold with a TiW barrier that withstands >30 min at 400°C in air without loss of adhesion. Other available metallization schemes are -BD1: Ti/Pd/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD2: Ti/Pt/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD3: Ti/Ni/Au compatible with Soft Solder SAC -BD4: Ti/Pt/AuSn compatible with AuSn eutectic -BD5: Ti/Ni/Sn compatible with Soft Solder SAC. Custom metallization is available for special orders. L x W mils, 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks HSKBEOC15xxxyyy All US Microwaves Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink products are available in die form. Typical delivery for die products is 2-3 weeks ARO. For Custom designs, delivery is 3-4 weeks ARO. Certain items may be available from stock. Inventory is periodically updated. All devices for chip and wire applications are 100% tested, visual inspected and shipped in waffle packs (WP). Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink STANDARD PRODUCTS ORDERING INFORMATION 15 mils Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink STANDARD PRODUCTS [BD0 TiW/Au] LENGTH [mils] WIDTH [mils] US MICROWAVES PART NUMBER WAFFLE PACKS MINIM ORDER QTY U/P [$] ORDER RFQ 10 10 HSKBEOC15010010-BD0 -WP 1446 $1.328 ORDER 20 10 HSKBEOC15020010-BD0 -WP 1320 $1.455 ORDER 30 10 HSKBEOC15030010-BD0 -WP 1218 $1.576 ORDER 20 20 HSKBEOC15020020-BD0 -WP 1176 $1.633 ORDER 40 20 HSKBEOC15040020-BD0 -WP 966 $1.988 ORDER 60 20 HSKBEOC15060020-BD0 -WP 822 $2.336 ORDER 30 30 HSKBEOC15030030-BD0 -WP 942 $2.038 ORDER 60 30 HSKBEOC15060030-BD0 -WP 708 $2.712 ORDER 120 30 HSKBEOC15120030-BD0 -WP 474 $4.051 ORDER 40 40 HSKBEOC15040040-BD0 -WP 756 $2.540 ORDER 80 40 HSKBEOC15080040-BD0 -WP 528 $3.636 ORDER 120 40 HSKBEOC15120040-BD0 -WP 402 $4.776 ORDER 160 40 HSKBEOC15160040-BD0 -WP 330 $5.818 ORDER 50 50 HSKBEOC15050050-BD0 -WP RFQ 80 50 HSKBEOC15080050-BD0 -WP RFQ 100 50 HSKBEOC15100050-BD0 -WP RFQ 120 60 HSKBEOC15120060-BD0 -WP RFQ 200 100 HSKBEOC15200100-BD0 -WP RFQ 180 120 HSKBEOC15180120-BD0 -WP RFQ 240 120 HSKBEOC15240120-BD0 -WP RFQ 250 120 HSKBEOC15250120-BD0 -WP RFQ 290 170 HSKBEOC15290170-BD0 -WP RFQ 230 180 HSKBEOC15230180-BD0 -WP RFQ 220 250 HSKBEOC15220250-BD0 -WP RFQ 250 250 HSKBEOC15250250-BD0 -WP RFQ 370 250 HSKBEOC15370250-BD0 -WP RFQ HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink: Products sold for space, military or medical applications, element evaluation and/or level K or S qualification are subject to minimum order levels to be established on a case by case basis. For any special applications, die level KGD qualification requirements, different packaging or custom configurations, contact sales department. HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink INSTANT QUOTE US Microwaves P/N Quantity E-mail ORDERING: Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink may be ordered on line HERE. A copy of the order along with an order confirmation receipt is issued instantly for all orders placed on line. On line Orders have to be verified, accepted and acknowledged by US Microwaves sales department in writing before, becoming non cancelable binding contracts. DELIVERY: Typical delivery for 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks BeO SHIPPING/PACKAGING: All 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks SAMPLES: Samples of 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks GUARANTEED SUPPLY! US Microwaves guarantees continuous supply and availability of all 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks standard products provided minimum order quantities are met. U.S. Microwaves has made every effort to have this information as accurate as possible. However, no responsibility is assumed by U.S. Microwaves for its use, nor for any infringements of rights of third parties which may result from its use. U.S. Microwaves reserves the right to revise the content or modify its product line without prior notice. U.S. Microwaves products are not authorized for and should not be used within support systems which are intended for surgical implants into the body, to support or sustain life, in aircraft, space equipment, submarine, or nuclear facility applications without the specific written consent of U.S. Microwaves. Home Product Tree Tech. Support PDF Request Quote Inventory Place Order Contact sales |
US MICROWAVES | 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks | |
Advanced Microwave Components | HSKBEOC15xxxyyy | |
BeO Electrically Conductive Heat Sink
HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink |
The HSKBEOC15xxxyyy series of microwave 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks is designed to be used in microwave hybrid circuits. These devices can be used over the full military temperature range -55°C to +125°C. Quality and workmanship is per MIL-S-883. Level B. Devices are 100% visual inspected and packaged in waffle packs. |
All thin film microwave products are manufactured using advanced semiconductors and thin film technologies including ultra-stable and self passivating Tantalum Nitride resistors, gold interconnect metallization and reliable MNOS capacitors to achieve excellent uniformity, performance and reliability. Thin film technology is the preferred solution for all applications that require low noise, long term stability and excellent performance at very high frequencies. US Microwaves employs proprietary thin film technologies for deposition of a wide range of resistive films with sheet resistance films from 1Ω/sq to 10,000Ω/sq. All US Microwaves products are available in die form and are ideal for high reliability hybrid and multi chip module applications. |
HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink | |||||
- | - | Thickness | T | 15 | mils |
10 | 10 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 21.09 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 4.74E-02 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 9.38 | mΩ | ||
20 | 10 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 10.55 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 9.48E-02 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 6.25 | mΩ | ||
30 | 10 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 7.03 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.42E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 4.69 | mΩ | ||
20 | 20 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 5.27 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.90E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 4.69 | mΩ | ||
40 | 20 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 2.64 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 3.79E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 3.13 | mΩ | ||
60 | 20 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 1.76 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 5.68E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 2.34 | mΩ | ||
30 | 30 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 2.34 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 4.27E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 3.13 | mΩ | ||
60 | 30 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 1.17 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 8.55E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 2.08 | mΩ | ||
120 | 30 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.59 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.69E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.25 | mΩ | ||
40 | 40 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 1.32 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 7.58E-01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 2.34 | mΩ | ||
80 | 40 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.66 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.52E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.56 | mΩ | ||
120 | 40 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.44 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 2.27E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.17 | mΩ | ||
160 | 40 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.33 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 3.03E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.94 | mΩ | ||
50 | 50 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.84 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.19E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.88 | mΩ | ||
80 | 50 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.53 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.89E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.44 | mΩ | ||
100 | 50 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.42 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 2.38E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.25 | mΩ | ||
120 | 60 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.29 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 3.45E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 1.04 | mΩ | ||
200 | 100 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.11 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 9.09E+00 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.63 | mΩ | ||
180 | 120 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.1 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.00E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.63 | mΩ | ||
240 | 120 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.07 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.43E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.52 | mΩ | ||
250 | 120 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.07 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 1.43E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.51 | mΩ | ||
290 | 170 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.04 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 2.50E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.41 | mΩ | ||
230 | 180 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.05 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 2.00E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.46 | mΩ | ||
220 | 250 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.04 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 2.50E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.4 | mΩ | ||
250 | 250 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.03 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 3.33E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.38 | mΩ | ||
370 | 250 | Thermal Resistance | Rth | 0.02 | K/W |
Thermal Conductivity | k | 5.00E+01 | W/K | ||
DC Resistance | DCR | 0.3 | mΩ | ||
ONLY Proper die handling equipment and procedures should be employed. Stresses beyond listed absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. |
HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink | |||
Substrate | Thickness [mils] | Size [mils] | Case style |
BeO [Beryllium Oxide] | 15±0.5 | xxxxyyy±2 | |
Frontside metal | Backside metal | ||
The standard front side metallization (BD0 - compatible with AuSn,AuGe die attach) is min 3µm thick, 99.99% electroplated gold with a TiW barrier that withstands >30 min at 400°C in air without loss of adhesion. Other available metallization schemes are -BD1: Ti/Pd/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD2: Ti/Pt/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD3: Ti/Ni/Au compatible with Soft Solder SAC -BD4: Ti/Pt/AuSn compatible with AuSn eutectic -BD5: Ti/Ni/Sn compatible with Soft Solder SAC. Custom metallization is available for special orders. | The standard back side metallization (BD0 - compatible with AuSn,AuGe die attach) is min 3µm thick, 99.99% electroplated gold with a TiW barrier that withstands >30 min at 400°C in air without loss of adhesion. Other available metallization schemes are -BD1: Ti/Pd/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD2: Ti/Pt/Au compatible with AuSn,AuGe -BD3: Ti/Ni/Au compatible with Soft Solder SAC -BD4: Ti/Pt/AuSn compatible with AuSn eutectic -BD5: Ti/Ni/Sn compatible with Soft Solder SAC. Custom metallization is available for special orders. | ||
All US Microwaves Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink products are available in die form. Typical delivery for die products is 2-3 weeks ARO. For Custom designs, delivery is 3-4 weeks ARO. Certain items may be available from stock. Inventory is periodically updated. All devices for chip and wire applications are 100% tested, visual inspected and shipped in waffle packs (WP). |
Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink STANDARD PRODUCTS ORDERING INFORMATION |
15 mils Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink STANDARD PRODUCTS [BD0 TiW/Au] | ||||||
LENGTH [mils] |
WIDTH [mils] |
U/P [$] |
10 | 10 | HSKBEOC15010010-BD0 | -WP | 1446 | $1.328 | ORDER |
20 | 10 | HSKBEOC15020010-BD0 | -WP | 1320 | $1.455 | ORDER |
30 | 10 | HSKBEOC15030010-BD0 | -WP | 1218 | $1.576 | ORDER |
20 | 20 | HSKBEOC15020020-BD0 | -WP | 1176 | $1.633 | ORDER |
40 | 20 | HSKBEOC15040020-BD0 | -WP | 966 | $1.988 | ORDER |
60 | 20 | HSKBEOC15060020-BD0 | -WP | 822 | $2.336 | ORDER |
30 | 30 | HSKBEOC15030030-BD0 | -WP | 942 | $2.038 | ORDER |
60 | 30 | HSKBEOC15060030-BD0 | -WP | 708 | $2.712 | ORDER |
120 | 30 | HSKBEOC15120030-BD0 | -WP | 474 | $4.051 | ORDER |
40 | 40 | HSKBEOC15040040-BD0 | -WP | 756 | $2.540 | ORDER |
80 | 40 | HSKBEOC15080040-BD0 | -WP | 528 | $3.636 | ORDER |
120 | 40 | HSKBEOC15120040-BD0 | -WP | 402 | $4.776 | ORDER |
160 | 40 | HSKBEOC15160040-BD0 | -WP | 330 | $5.818 | ORDER |
50 | 50 | HSKBEOC15050050-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
80 | 50 | HSKBEOC15080050-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
100 | 50 | HSKBEOC15100050-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
120 | 60 | HSKBEOC15120060-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
200 | 100 | HSKBEOC15200100-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
180 | 120 | HSKBEOC15180120-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
240 | 120 | HSKBEOC15240120-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
250 | 120 | HSKBEOC15250120-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
290 | 170 | HSKBEOC15290170-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
230 | 180 | HSKBEOC15230180-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
220 | 250 | HSKBEOC15220250-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
250 | 250 | HSKBEOC15250250-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
370 | 250 | HSKBEOC15370250-BD0 | -WP | RFQ | ||
HSKBEOC15xxxyyy Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink: List prices are for standard products, available from stock. List prices for other quantities and tolerances are available on line through Instant Quote. For standard products available from stock, there is a minimum line item order. For custom products please inquire by contacting US Microwaves technical sales. No rights can be derived from pricing information provided on this website. Such information is indicative only, is showed for budgetary use only and subject to change by US MICROWAVES at any time and without notice. | ||||||
Products sold for space, military or medical applications, element evaluation and/or level K or S qualification are subject to minimum order levels to be established on a case by case basis. For any special applications, die level KGD qualification requirements, different packaging or custom configurations, contact sales department. |
No part available from stock |
ORDERING: Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive Heat Sink may be ordered on line
A copy of the order along with an order confirmation receipt is issued instantly for all orders placed on line. On line Orders have to be verified, accepted and acknowledged by US Microwaves sales department in writing before, becoming non cancelable binding contracts.
DELIVERY: Typical delivery for 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks BeO products packaged in waffle packs is 2-4 weeks ARO. For custom designs, delivery is 3-5 weeks ARO. Certain items may be available from stock with delivery up to 1 week. SHIPPING/PACKAGING: All 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks devices for chip and wire applications are 100% tested, visual inspected and shipped in waffle packs (WP). For larger orders,>10k pc, devices can be shipped on film frame. For smaller quantities, it may vary. For high volume automated assembly, heat sink devices may be supplied as 4" wafers 100% tested, inked and diced on expanded film frame (FF). SAMPLES: Samples of 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks are available only for customers that have issued firm orders pending qualification of product in a particular application. |
GUARANTEED SUPPLY! US Microwaves guarantees continuous supply and availability of all 15 mils thick gold coated thin film Beryllium Oxide Electrically Conductive heat sinks standard products provided minimum order quantities are met. |
U.S. Microwaves has made every effort to have this information as accurate as possible. However, no responsibility is assumed by U.S. Microwaves for its use, nor for any infringements of rights of third parties which may result from its use. U.S. Microwaves reserves the right to revise the content or modify its product line without prior notice. U.S. Microwaves products are not authorized for and should not be used within support systems which are intended for surgical implants into the body, to support or sustain life, in aircraft, space equipment, submarine, or nuclear facility applications without the specific written consent of U.S. Microwaves. |
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Last updated: September 24, 2010 | |
US MICROWAVES | Tel:408-758-8690 Fax: 408-986-8027 | USMICROWAVES |
©1990-2025 US MICROWAVES All rights reserved. No material from this site may be used or reproduced without permission. |